In 3 months time the house will be full of new born babies. Chapter 18

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Yuki Arisugawa " Jesus Pheonix I never new you wrote lyrics in your spare time."
Pheonix " I'm sorry baby talk about lyrics I wrote one for you when i found out I was pregnant again."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'd love to hear it ."
Yuki watches in owe as I slide my fingers over buttons and switch's to give me the right tune for the song . I go into the booth and slide over the headphones.
Pheonix " Yuki you'll hear it better from were you are especially when the tune is playing."
Ghost and Eisuke must have finished and they come into the room .
Pheonix "
Boy, you lookin' like my type
But tell me, can you hit it right?
'Cause if I let you in tonight
You better put it do-do-down, do-do-down
Now we do without the talk
I ain't playing anymore
You heard me when I said before
You better put it do-do-down, do-do-down
Made me say
You know what I like, like, like, like
Come put your body on mine, mine, mine, mine
Keep it up all night, night, night, night
Don't let me down, do-do-down
All  night give me mad love
All  night give me mad love
All night give me mad love
Yeah, don't let me down, do-do-down
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
Yeah, don't let me down, do-do-down
You come over, we could chill
Tell each other how we feel
But , baby, you know I love the thrill
When you put it do-do-down, do-do-down
I'ma ride on my own
But with you I'm in the zone
One shot, don't let it go
You better put it do-do-down, do-do-down
Made me say
You know what I like, like, like, like
Come  put your body on mine, mine, mine, mine
Keep it up all night, night, night, night
Don't let me down, do-do-down
All  night give me mad love
All night give me mad love
All  night give me mad love
You, don't let me down, do-do-down
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
Yeah, don't let me down, do-do-down
If I back up, can you handle?
Get it all night, give me mad love
Don't be too nice, better man up
No , don't let me down, do-do-down
If  I back up, can you handle?
Get it all night, give me mad love
Don't be too nice, better man up
No , don't let me down, do-do-down
All  night give me mad love
All  night give me mad love
All  night give me mad love
Yeah , don't let me down, do-do-down
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
All night give me mad love (give me mad love)
Yeah, don't let me down, do-do-down
Made me say
You know what I like, like, like, like
Come put your body on mine, mine, mine, mine
Keep it up all night, night, night, night
Don't let me down, do-do-down
If I back up, can you handle? (you know what I like, like, like, like)
Get it all night, give me mad love (come with your body on mine, mine, mine, mine)
Don't be too nice, better man up (keep it up all night, night, night, night)
No, don't let me down, do-do-down.
Ghost comes bursting into the room and wraps her arms around me.
Ghost " shit girl , that's a good song."
Pheonix " I fucking better be I poured my sole into them lyrics."
Ghost " I'm so proud of you, I heard you agreed with Marshal. And Sean loves you."
We all go home and the boys are fighting, I rush into the lounge when Eito raises his fist.
Pheonix " Eito Pheonix Taiga, boy you hit your brother and you'll regret it. Now tell me what's wrong."
River " it's nothing mum."
Eito " liar , if you don't tell mum I will."
I look between the boys.
River " Hell no it's embarrassing and Mum a girl."
Eisuke " well me and Yuki are here you can tell us. "
I leave the room and go find Dollie and she's on the swing in my yoga room.
Dollie " mum you alright."
Pheonix " yeah I'm good , we're did you go ."
Dollie " me and Keith checked out an apartment near town."
Pheonix " ahh yeah Takuto moves in there tomorrow."
Dollie " shit really."
Pheonix " what did you do."Dollie " I only did what you and Ghost said."
Pheonix " and Keith allowed you to do them things to him."
Dollie " I didn't give him a choice, but I'm definitely up for trying again."
Prince Keith " Dollie I told you that's not happening again."
Pheonix " well Dollie I think you have meet your match as Keith here is the dominant one alright."
She starts laughing.
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith I want to talk to you."
Me and Dollie leave the room and the children have eaten and the boys are playing on the Xbox. I kiss the boys on there heads and walk upstairs, Cathy comes out of her room.
Princess Cathy " Pheonix I feel so much better now thank you."
Pheonix " aww darling there's nothing to tank me for."
She goes down stairs and I go into my room , I take a shower and climb into bed. I wake hours later and Yuki is asleep, I pull my phone and check the time . I get out of bed and put on some shorts and a bra and head down stairs, the house is quite and in darkness, I head into the yoga room and do some Yoda , an hour later I head into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and I close the fridge door and Eisuke is standing there.
Pheonix " what is it."
Eisuke " I cannot sleep, that baby has a kick."
Pheonix " try massaging ghost tummy and the baby's will settle."
Eisuke " I have know idea that helps ."
Pheonix " come I'll show you , but don't make a habit of this I hate my tummy being touched."
I find the baby oil and I lay down on the sofa and I put a few drops into Eisuke's hand and he smears it over my tummy.
Pheonix " oh my , your doing it all wrong."
Yuki comes into the lounge and starts laughing.
Yuki Arisugawa " she even show's you and you do it wrong."
I get off the sofa and go into the kitchen and wipe off the baby oil. I find my iPod and go into Dollie's dance room , I listen to Dollie's favourite song and start doing the moves , when my phone rings .
Pheonix " hello."
Sean J " gal yo man rang me tellin me dat you agreed. An Marshal will be touring in a year . If yad like , I'm happy to lend ya e elp."
Pheonix " Sean that's very sweet but I really want to do Dollies favourite song ."
Sean J" yeh dats cool. So you avent told her."

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