Making Dollie's wedding dress and the other's. Chapter 30

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Yuki Arisugawa " baby make this dress the last one as I want some alone time with you."
I pull his shirt and kiss his lips.
Pheonix " alright babe I want be long ."
I walk into the room and Dollie knocks on the door and slides in. I sit at the sewing machine with Rhilina's dress.
Dollie " oh mum these are absolutely amazing, I've taken Jean's and Keith's size . You will be doing Taiga's , Hyosuke and Eisuke's yes as well as Eito, River and Glen."
Pheonix " yes Dollie. Now your here have a look at Yuki's drawings he scribbled a few dress design's for you. You know you made Yuki really happy when you called him Dad the other day."
Dollie " well he's my Dad and I don't care what anyone say's about it. Aww mum these drawings are beautiful it's hard to choose. Can't I wear you dress."
Yuki knocks and slides in.
Pheonix " Good god no , Dollie that dress is mine and I don't think Yuki would be impressed if you wore mine . Come on now I promised I'd make you one so let me . Plus my dress holds a lot of memories from that day."
Yuki Arisugawa " Mum is right that dress is hers she married me in . And it took forever to get the blood stains out of it."
Dollie " Dad you really don't give me enough choice here as I like all the dresses you have drawn ."
Yuki puts his glasses on and looks over her shoulder.
Yuki Arisugawa " well why don't you go for this one it's simaler to Mums dress ."
Dollie " Dad your right but isn't this a two piece."
Pheonix " is it but if you want it onto a dress I can modify it , I can add straps and silk ribbon to tie the back but it's your day . You can have it how ever you want. Any way I've finished with Rhilina's dress, until you decide I'll make the jackets."
Dollie " thanks mum , it will give me time to decide. I'm not getting married until everyone is here."
Pheonix " ahh yes before I forget uncle Adrian and uncle Mikey are coming. Plus with reanforcements you'll have your very own Bodyguard."
Dollie " really I can't wait Oh mum dad I love you both so much."
I put Rhilina's dress onto a hanger and Dollie pulls me into her arm as well as Yuki.
Yuki Arisugawa " you do know you don't have to call me Dad."
Dollie " don't be Daft your my Dad."
She pulls from me and Yuki and heads for the door,
Dollie " please lock this door it was hard keeping Keith away ."
She slips out and Yuki wraps his arms around me .
Yuki Arisugawa " you ready to head up ."
Pheonix " I am I need to shower."
We walk out of the room and Yuki locks the door and we head upstairs to our room as we open the door Yuki and Storm are in our bed. Yuki heads into the bathroom and I take out his pj bottom's and I nightdress and head to the bathroom and close the door.
Pheonix " Yuki I can put the girls back into there room."
He pulls me into the shower.
Yuki Arisugawa " leave them , they must of had a nightmare and was worried about you."
Pheonix " but didn't you want to finish what you started earlier."
Yuki Arisugawa " I can wait."
We dry off and slip into our night clothes and climb into bed Yuki wakes up and crawls up to our pillow's and places her hand on Yuki's face. Storm doesn't wake but pulls her self up the bed burys her face into my neck. I let out a little laugh.
Yuki Arisugawa " this is going to be hard you know especially when my boys arrive."
Pheonix " how about Riku and Ayato."
Yuki Arisugawa " mmn But my son would have two A's in his name. I do like Riku mind you."
Pheonix " how about Kyohei."
Yuki Arisugawa " really darling, how about Pheonix it's unique and I can tell you that no body spells it like yours ."
Pheonix " I'm happy with what ever , but that's Little Pheonix's name too"
Yuki Arisugawa " Riku and Bleu ."
I feel his lips on mine, he slips in his tongue, leaving me breathless.He lays his head on my chest and strokes my tummy.
Yuki Arisugawa " lets sleep now and we will talk more about names in the morning. I really don't get why Storm sleeps like that."
Pheonix " she's found it more comfortable when I breast fed her, if she wasn't comfortable she'd move. But She dribbles on my neck."
Yuki Arisugawa " Rhilina used to dribble like Storm, what was Eito and River like."
Pheonix " Eito wouldn't settle unless he could feel my heartbeat and River was exactly the same. I remember asking Taiga to record my heartbeat especially when I had to leave them they wouldn't settle with out hearing or feeling my heartbeat. Glen is the same."
Yuki makes himself more comfortable between my legs and Yuki slides off her pillow I listen to the three of them breathing and Yuki kisses my tummy and closes his eyes. I drift off too. A few hours later I'm wide awake, I pull myself from underneath Yuki and kiss him and the girls and head down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and Eisuke is sat at the table.
Pheonix " can't sleep huh."
Eisuke " no not really , Dollie said you need my measurements."
I go into the room and find my tape measure and come back into the kitchen I grab a pen and paper and Eisuke stands up I take his measurements and his hands slide across my tummy, at first I freeze up and let him carry on.
Eisuke " such a shame Ghost can't give me children."
Pheonix " Eisuke I'm sorry but look on the bright side you have Eito, River and Baileys."
Eisuke " but there your flesh and blood."
Pheonix " Listen Eisuke and listen carefully Baileys maybe mine but I promised Ghost that I wouldn't intervene in her growing up you and Ghost raise her. Baileys was told who I am and I'm glad she knows , she maybe my little girl but she's Ghosts. Eisuke i cannot allow Ghost to go through that pain again she lost one child and had to have a hysterectomy. I told you both that after Eito and River was born that I wouldn't do it again. You owe Yuki if it wasn't for him I would never of entertained carrying Baileys, if there was a magic wand I'd make it so you and Ghost could have a child, but you have to look at it this way if anyone found them documents seeing that I have 3 children with you and giving Yuki 6 children they would see me as a whore they would believe that me and you had sex for me to conceive Eito and River . And again with Baileys but they would hate me as they would think I cheated on Yuki with you. I love Yuki so much that I cannot allow anyone to belittle him he's my best friend. As well as you and Ghost."
Eisuke " I truly understand, Yuki brings the best out in you. Know matter what happens you both stick by each other."
Pheonix " I never realised me and Yuki have known each other since we was Toddlers we grew up together. When he kidnapped me 11years ago the first contract he wanted me to sign reminded me so much of you, but we got on so well that when we ended up in the palace that I was given pictures of us when we was children. If anything happens to Yuki I don't think I could ever love another."
I walk into the room and make Eisuke's jacket, when I hear a click of the door knob.
Pheonix " Eisuke as you can see I'm busy."
I feel lips on my neck.
Pheonix " now the only person who has enough balls to kiss me there is Yuki."
I feel him smile on my skin.
Yuki Arisugawa " it was lonely with out you."
I finish Eisuke's jacket and pull the tap measure from around my neck.
Pheonix " baby can I take your measurements while you here."
I turn around to see Yuki with a Blue rose in his mouth.
Pheonix " this image is burnt into my mind."
I take the rose from yuki's mouth. And he's hand slides up my nightdress. And there's a knock on the door.
Yuki Arisugawa " come in."
Maid" Yuki someone is on the phone."
Yuki kisses me and leaves and I sew his jacket, and start on Jeans. Just as I finish my phone chimes.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby come to the office."
I walk out the room and lock it and make my way to the office.
Pheonix " what is it ."
Yuki Arisugawa "That was your Mother and she's not happy."
Pheonix " so what's happening with my father."
Yuki Arisugawa " a lot really, you're mother has asked for a divorce, to be honest with you I'm in agreement with her. You had to deal with his mess , you nearly died , Ghost was shot as well as Jean."
I press the loudspeaker on the phone and dial the number my mother answers immediately.
Mother " ahh Pheonix. I'm so glad that you and Jean are alright, I'm truly sorry about all of this as I'm sure that wonderful son-Inlaw of mine has informed you. I'm Divorcing your father , your very important to me as well as your brother. Would you accept it if I could come and stay with you."
Pheonix " aww Mum you don't need to ask it goes without saying. I suppose you're going to need a good lawyer."
Mother " I hear Prince Kei is excellent. Could I borrow him."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sure he'll be happy to help, Robin you are aware I haven't dealt with Wilfred yet."
Mother " Yuki I'm aware and King Glen will make an example out of him. Pheonix my darling I'm sorry that you're father prevented you from seeing Yuki for the whole year , if only I'd of known I could of prevented the heartache you both felt."
I bury my face into Yuki's neck.
Yuki Arisugawa " Robin we truly understand, just come when your ready."
With that Yuki presses the botton and the call ends . Eisuke comes into the office as I'm leaving he starts talking with Yuki and curiosity gets the better of me so I end up eavesdropping.
Yuki Arisugawa " Eisuke I heard the conversation you had with Pheonix, I understand what your feeling. I know you was hurt when Ghost lost your baby , but you really need to understand it took me months to get round Pheonix . The tears she shared with Ghost, Ghost asked Pheonix one more thing, if anything happened Pheonix should raise her Daughter. Eisuke I'm being honest if anyone finds out that Baileys belongs to Pheonix the school would look at her differently and I will not allow Pheonix's reputaion to be tarnished. I know she has a good heart, ive been in love with Pheonix for a very long time she's the reason I still live today. When we was in Barbados and Rhilina's mother shot me the only thing that kept me going was Pheonix, I was told she fell apart because she was scared of losing me so you see Eisuke I will do everything in my power to make sure Pheonix will always be happy . I'll always have her fall in love over and over again with me .
Eisuke " I understand I'm always going to to be indebted to you because of my daughter, what I can never understand is how you managed to get her to say yes."
Yuki Arisugawa " she didn't do this for Ghost, she told me a story about your sister and how you could never find her. Pheonix did find your sister and I believe they still speak today, you're sister lives here Pheonix brought her a family home and she works for her . The Boys Father died of heart issues."
I watch Eisuke as he starts to cry .
Eisuke " I've spent thousands of money trying to find my sister Autumn, I was told she was dead so I gave up looking. Pheonix I know your there."
I walk into the room and he pulls me into his arms.
Eisuke " how did you find her?."
Pheonix " remember when I stayed with you when I was investigating your underground auction, I come across her name but couldn't fathom why her last name was different to yours, you told me that you spent years looking for her and I did the next best thing. I paid her a visit and she was living in a homeless unit I sat and spoke with her and she told me about this control freak of a brother of hers I knew then she was talking about you, I offered her a place to stay in my home I brought her new clothes. When I come to live here I spoke to Yuki about having her work for us I called her and asked her if she fancied a change of scenery and a new Job. She was excited but she said I was never to tell you that she was here as she wanted to watch over you. She was my reason I allowed Yuki to talk to me around about Baileys."
Eisuke " you cant imagine the joy I'm feeling right now."
I pull away from Eisuke and dial a number on the phone and put it on loudspeaker speaker. A calm voice answered.
Autumn" Autumn Ichinomiya resident's , ladie of the house speaking."
Pheonix " good morning honey."
Autumn " good morning my beautiful Wifey , what is it that I can do for you on this fine morning."
Pheonix " can you bring Calvin and Pierre to the boys birthday. I know you're going to hate me but I've told Eisuke. And we're not married."
Autumn "I know I can joke around with you my darling Wifey haha. ahh well I'm Glad you did to be honest and I would love to see my big brother. , I have to get the boys up anyway."
Autumn " bye my darling Wifey I'll see you soon."
I give Eisuke a nudge and he speaks up."
Eisuke " is it really you, the authority's told me you was dead, oh my I'm even an uncle."
Autumn " I have a day off today why don't I swing by with the boys,"
Pheonix " you have house keys just let yourself in."
Me and Yuki leave just as I'm about to go Eisuke kisses me in the cheek and tears fall, I wipe his tears and leave.I make my way into the kitchen and start making the boys birthday cake. Storm and Yuki comes into the kitchen.
Storm " I hate you Yuki , mum and dads bed is big enough yet you still kicked me out of it. Your so mean."
Yuki " you're just easy to make cry , you're such a big baby."
As I'm putting the cake mix into the oven I hear aloud clap and Storm starts crying. Yuki comes in and turns into dad mode.
Yuki Arisugawa " Jesus Christ Yuki that's not very nice hitting your sister like that."
Storm comes over to me and I pick her up she's sobbing her eyes out.
Yuki Arisugawa " I want you to apologise to your baby sister."
Yuki " I will not , she's such a big baby. Just because she was born an hour later then me."
Yuki Arisugawa " well then if you're not going to apologise then I'm taking your Gadgets away."
Yuki " you wouldn't uncle Yuzuru gave me that stuff."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's a choice your going to have to make . But I'm not allowing you to think it's alright to smack your sister when you feel like it."
Yuki " I HATE HER. She's annoying and a freak no one likes her even in school they only play with her because she's a princess."
Yuki Arisugawa " Yūki for that your grounded when you come home from school you have lost all your privileges. Understand."
Yuki " don't care."
Yuki storms out of the kitchen and storm burys her face into my neck. Yuki walks over to me and Storm
Yuki Arisugawa " Pumpkin let me take a look at your face, better still why don't I give you snuggles as mummy has a lot to do today for your brothers birthday."
Baileys " morning mum any chance for some waffles please. And why is Daddy sleeping on the sofa."
Yuki takes Storm and I put some waffles into the toaster, and make Storm and Yuki's favourite.
Pheonix " I don't know why Daddy is sleeping on the sofa,"
Mercedes " morning mum dad I'm getting ready to leave , Rhion is collecting me ."
Yuki Arisugawa " what about breakfast."
Mercedes " oh Minni has already packed mine. Oh yeah Dad Eito's and River's gifts are in the draw in your desk. I'm pissed I can't be with them but it can't be helped I guess."
She kisses me and her father and leaves, Eito, River and Glen fall into the kitchen.
Eito " haha Glen there is no winning against River , when you finish school I'll try and help you."
Prince Glen " ahh cheers brother that game is just so hard."
Pheonix " where is Rhilina ."
Eito " Mum she's in bed."
I find Eisuke laying on the sofa , and Storm cuddled into Yuki as he rocks her in the chair. I kiss Eisuke's forehead.
Pheonix " Eisuke sweetheart go to bed , Autumn won't be here for a while yet."
He gets up and walks upstairs I walk over to Yuki and kiss Storm.
Yuki Arisugawa " I've rang the school Storms not going in today, did you know she was being bullied."
Pheonix " What when?. Aww Storm why didn't you tell me."
Storm " I didn't want to worry you , you have been so busy lately and I didn't want to tell anyone."
Yuki Arisugawa " we have an appointment late morning today."
I disappear and get dressed and pull the cake from the oven.
Pheonix " boys I'm trusting you do not touch that cake."
I get a text from from Taiga.
Taiga Kujo " me and Hyosuke will be coming over this evening so you can take our measurements."
I get Glen and Yuki Baileys and Jean ready for school, they say there goodbye's and we get into the car.
Pheonix " Yuki I really need you to apologise to your sister, did you know she was being bullied in class."
Yuki " mum I didn't know and I will apologise to Storm I promise, I'll make it up to her. I do love Storm really."
Pheonix " that's good to hear. Me and dad will be coming to school later to deal with the bullying."
Prince Glen " that's not good , why do people mess with our family."
Pheonix " I will find out I promise."
I pull up outside the school and the children run inside, I make my way back home and when I open the door I hear shouting. I head for the noise when I see Ghost arguing with Yuki.
Ghost " don't you dare tell me how I should be treating Eisuke. If his sister was that interested then she would of tried to find him, and now she's going to turn his life upside down."
Yuki Arisugawa " don't you think this is down to Eisuke, come on Ghost dont tell me your jealous."
I hear a loud clap and I make my way into the office
.Ghost " jealous why would I be if she's family then I will have to accept it won't I ."
Pheonix " how dare you raise your hand to Yuki, get out now Ghost."
I walk over to Yuki and check his face , to my shock he still has Storm in his arms . This time I lose it , I pull on Ghosts wrist and pull her out of the office.
Ghost " Pheonix let go of me."
Pheonix " who gives you the fucking right to touch my husband like that especially when he's holding my daughter, now I see where Yuki gets it from. You've over stepped the mark with me Ghost I cannot forgive you for this. And you are Jealous of Eisuke having a sister."
With that Ghost smacks me in the face. When I look back at her I can't help what falls out my mouth.
Pheonix " were done pack you shit and get out of my house . I don't care where you go from here as long as me and you are not in the same room ."
I walk away from her and head for the kitchen and decorate the boys cake, as well as making other things for the boys.
Pheonix " Kiki could you help me as I need to be somewhere where."
Maid Kiki" of course, before I forget Kazuomi called he needs you to come to the lot sometime today."
I nod and wash my hands , and as I walk out the kitchen the boys are playing a video game.
Pheonix " boys just because you have finished school doesn't mean you're playing video games all the time."
Eito, River " yeah yeah. Mum is the cake done ."
Pheonix " yes don't touch it you hear me. Kiki is making smaller ones so ask her to make extra for you to taste."
Yuki Arisugawa " PHEONIX, we need to get going."
I rush to the car and Storm climbs into the back.
Storm " mummy I'm scared."
Yuki Arisugawa " pumpkin there is nothing to be scared of , I'm here if anything happens."
I drive to the school and we climb out , we wave to Mercedes on her school bus and we head into the school.
The Dean" Your highnesses please come in ."
We sit down and Storm climbs onto Yuki. In the other seats are the parents of the two children that are bullying Storm.
The dean" you're highnesses this is Carly and Ruby, there parents Mr and Mrs way."
Pheonix " please just call me Pheonix and my husband Yuki. I understand that your girls have been bullying my daughter and I will not stand for bullying in this school."
Mr Way" I understand I will punish the girls for there behaviour."
Pheonix " I personally think expolstion is in order as this is effective to all children who come to my school."
Mrs Way" but your Pheonix, Isn't this school princess Baileys."
Pheonix " that's very True my first name is Baileys."
Mr way " come on now honey we knew this would happen how many times has the Dean called us to tell us that our girls are the bullies."
The Dean" very well Pheonix one month's suspension and you girls can write a long letter to Storm and her parents. If you come back and the bullying continues you will no longer have a place here at this school. We have very strict guidelines on Bullying as a matter of fact Pheonix implimeanted this her self."
Pheonix " that's right Ruby Carly my best friend was bullied to the point she stopped coming to school."
Ruby and Carly " what did you do."
Pheonix " truth be told I beat them up . But I never did it at school I waited over time."
The girls look shocked and look at Storm.
Ruby and Carly " Storm please don't beat us up , we're truly sorry."
They leave after the dean speaks to them.
The Dean" Pheonix before you leave I have to give you this. And please don't ever think because of what you read Storm is no different to any other child."
I take the file and we leave we get into the car and I give Yuki the file, he puts his glasses on and we drive to Tamrin 18 miles out.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I think you need to read this."
Pheonix "I will when we arrive."
We arrive at the lot and Kazuomi slaps on a massive smile. We climb out of the car and Storm runs into Kazuomi's arms , I lean on the front of the car reading Storms file while Yuki walks off with Kazuomi. I pull out my phone.
Minni" Pheonix what's up, Mercedes is fine."
Pheonix " I'm not calling about that , was you aware of Storm being bullied, plus her file."
Minni" oh Pheonix I didn't know about the bullying part but about Storm I wanted to tell you, maybe Yuki can home school her."
Pheonix " I would of liked to have been kept in the loop. Autism and Asperger syndrome wow. My baby has all these issues. God Minni I was away when she was tested. You could of called me I would of come home Jesus goddamn it."
Minni " Pheonix I'm so sorry believe me. Spend some time with her."
I end the call and put the file into the car and find Kazuomi and Yuki.
Pheonix " wow Kazuomi you don't wait around do you , ."
Kazuomi " I told you I'll have the house ready for you and I don't break my promise. Plus this is just the foundation."
Storm " mummy I want to go home now."
Kazuomi " take her home I'll stop by soon."
We head back into the car and drive home, Storm runs inside and I put my head onto the stearingwheel.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby don't threat over it . What's done is done ."
Pheonix " I spent a whole fucking year away from you all and I find out now. Storm should be homeschooled for a while are you up for that challenge."
Yuki Arisugawa " she's our daughter and I want the best for her. Come on baby it still says that she's extremely intelligent and bright."
I get out of the car and head upstairs and take a nap my phone Starts vibrating nearly falling of the side.
Ghost " Pheonix I'm so sorry."
Pheonix " I don't care . You hit Yuki because he defended Eisuke, no one touches him."
Ghost " but it's okay for you to hit him."
Pheonix " I've hit him twice, you was bang out of order."
I put the phone back on the side and pull the gifts out and take them downstairs into the lounge.
Pheonix " right boys everything is ready for tomorrow, I'm going into the other room to finish your sisters wedding dress. Please don't try and sneak a peak I know what your like."
I head into the room and start making Dollie's dress after 9 hours it's finally complete I put it in its bag in the hanger when I check the time everyone is in bed. As I come out of the room I head up to bed, I get washed and slide into bed next to Yuki, the moon light shines into our room eliminates his facial features, I lace my fingers into his hair to move it from his face.
Yuki Arisugawa " have you finished."
Pheonix " uh huh, I just need to do Taiga's and Hyosuke's jacket and everyone is set."
Yuki Arisugawa " why didn't you come to bed earlier, and why isn't Ghost here."
As I explain Yuki puts himself between my legs and rests his chin on my tummy looking at me.
Pheonix " I've kicked her out , she's not getting away with hitting you especially when she does it infront of Storm . And throw's in my face about the times I've smacked you."
Yuki Arisugawa " she does realise that the two times you've hit me is because I deserved it. I honestly believe Autumn will be good for Eisuke, Ghost just needs to come to terms with it."
Pheonix " can we not talk about anyone, this room is our sanctuary our place to chill ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I've missed them lips today ."
I place my lips on his and he wraps me into his arms , just as he's about to speak I drift off to sleep. I wake up to Yuki's alarm , I hear the shower and my phone chimes.
Ghost " Pheonix I'm really really sorry."
Out of temper I chuck my phone and it bounces off the wall. Yuki sees it fall apart on the floor.
Yuki Arisugawa " someone must have really pissed you off , for you to be throwing your phone off the wall."
I place the pillow over my face and scream into it , Yuki comes over and sits on the bed.
Yuki Arisugawa " are you that sexually frustrated ."
Pheonix " you could say that ."
Yuki Arisugawa " later , right now the boys need you."
Jean comes in smashing the door off the wall.
Jean" yo Phe Mum And Dad have gone somewhere can you make my breakfast."
I pull myself out the bed and Jean takes my hand and we make our way to the kitchen, he sits at the table and I make him his strawberry smoothie. Eito and River walk in laughing and Joking.
Jean " happy birthday uncle's."
Yuki comes in and pours coffee in his cup.
Yuki Arisugawa " now then boys you have the hole house to yourselves today."
Pheonix " uncle Yuzuru and Kei will be staying to make sure there's no trouble."
Rhillina , Yuki and Storm come into the kitchen.
Yuki " Storm I'm really sorry about yesterday , and when we go back to school anyone who bullies you tell me and I'll kick there butts nobody messes with the Arisugawa Sisters ."
Yuki chokes on his coffee after hearing his daughter explaining to Storm. I rub his back.
Eito " yeah Storm you must tell us , we might not be able to do much but I'm not allowing any punk mess with you my baby sister."
I embrace Yuki from behind and I watch the siblings speak with Storm, River gets out his chair and starts doing karate moves.
River " Storm I'm happy to use my karate skills on anyone. When you go back to school you tell them , never ever mess with me of my brothers will karate kick you all."
Prince Glen " yeah , me , Yuki and Mercedes will make sure no one messes with Arisugawa's again and the Ichinomiya brothers."

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