The calm before the storm part 2. Chapter 2

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Dollie looks at me for help.
Pheonix " Dollie I promise you your going to be all right."
The guy in the balaclava " one step and she dies. Better still she's coming with me."
As he drags her out the lounge I notice a signed baseball bat in a glass cabinet on the wall , I pull of my top and wrap around my hand and punch the glass . I grab the bat and he's out side the house I sneak up behind my and smack him in the head Dollie manages to get away.
Pheonix " Dollie check Coco and do not open the front door until I say so."
The guy gets up to his feet and starts shouting his mouth off and I swing the bat again and his body goes limp. I pull out my phone and call the police after I've explained who I am there here in less then 7 minutes. They arrest the guy and takes him away.Dollie opens the door and I pick Coco up in my arms .
Pheonix " Coco I'm sorry you got scared. The guy didn't touch you did he."
Dollie Kashiwara " she hid under the coffee table as he was coming in ."
Pheonix " well he's gone now . Coco were is Daddy."
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy went out after dinner."
Pheonix " well tonight your both in my room we're I can keep any eyes on you."
We walk up to my room and I lock the patio doors and close the curtains. Dollie and Coco climb into bed and I get in to Dollie strokes her hair. And I text Yuki.
Pheonix " Yuki I'm so sorry but I used your autographed basketball bat to beat someone, he broke into the house and attacked Dollie. Coco is shaken up so for tonight she's in my bed."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't care about the bat as long as the children are okay , that's all that matters."
Pheonix " were are you any way, you didn't even tell anyone you was going out."
Yuki Arisugawa " that call I had this evening, well I had to met them and pick up the evidence against my grandmother. And don't worry I'm on my way home. Would you mind waiting up I think your gonna need to see this ."
Pheonix " Fine I'll wait till Dollie goes to sleep and I'll wait in the kitchen. And again I want my gun. It would of saved all the hassle if I shot him in the first place."
I wait for Dollie to drop off and I sneak out of bed and go Down stairs I clean up the glass and check all the doors and make sure there locked , I go into the kitchen and make my self a herbal tea and just as I sit at the table I hear keys in the front door. Yuki comes into the kitchen and places documents infront of me. I flick through it and I notice Dollie's name and age as well as mine and Atsum's . And there is the Queens signiture at the bottom.
Yuki Arisugawa " I know it's a lot to take in , I'm truly sorry and you've waited 12 years to find this out."
Pheonix " you realise now you've shown me this if I wanted to I could just shoot her while she sleeps."
Yuki Arisugawa " that is entirely up to you , but I agree with what you're saying."
Pheonix " then shouldn't we work together. Dethrone the bitch and you take her place. And before I forget you need to install cameras and an alarm. I will do everything I can to protect Coco and Dollie even if it means I die in the process."
Yuki Arisugawa " thank you . So were was Coco?."
Pheonix " she rolled under the coffee table , he didn't notice but when he grabbed Dollie she let out a scream only a scream letting me know she's in trouble. So once again I'm sorry about your bat it broke as well."
Yuki Arisugawa " you protected Coco and of course Dollie. I really didn't care for it anyway. It was brought for me ages ago, and when I moved here the decorators put it up."
Pheonix " Yuki I would love to stay and talk to you all night, but I'm exhausted. Oh yeah and another thing that room I was first in what's in there . Curiosity bites me that's all."
I see him smile.
Yuki Arisugawa " come I'll show you."
He grips my wrist and pulls me upstairs we stand at the door and he unlocks it and opens the door he turns the light on and infront of me is a four poster bed with black silk sheets. And there is bed restraints. On the wall is ankle straps and wrist straps. I pull the draw open and there's Vibrators . I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment and head to the door as I put my hand on the handle Yuki speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm sorry. This room hasn't been used in years if you let me explain."
Pheonix " you can explain but not in here ."
I open the door and he follows and he locks the door he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his room. And I sit in the chair and he sits on the end of his bed .
Yuki Arisugawa " when I was born my mother abandoned me , my grandmother couldn't be bothered she'd send cards and gifts but I'd bin them. I was raised by Nanies and when I turned 17 the nanny used me for sex . And ever since then the woman I've had I've used . And when Coco was born we moved here , the room was made but it was never used."
Pheonix " then why have a reminder, get rid of the room. I don't think I could allow my past to be in one room. Yuki I'm sorry about your mother, and the nanny should of known better ."
I get up to leave but I end up walking over to Yuki and his face is looking at the floor, I gently cup his cheek and stroke his face , I kiss him on the four head and leave . I close his door and I go into mine to find the girls have star fished my bed . I walk out my room and close my door as Yuki is coming out of his.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix is there something wrong."
Pheonix " you could say that the girls have star fished my bed."
He starts laughing.
Yuki Arisugawa " seeing that your up how about another tea."
Pheonix " I suppose so."
He grabs my wrist and we walk down stairs I sit at the table and he makes me a tea. He then brings it over and I start sipping it . We talk for hours, we laugh and then I look up at the clock and it says 5am.
Pheonix " oh wow look at the time , I'm sorry Yuki but I'm going to bed ."
Yuki Arisugawa " thank you for sitting up half the night talking with me. I'll make it up to you."
I go to bed and climb back into bed with out disturbing the girls. And I fall to sleep. A few hours later later the bed is empty and I find a note on my pillow.
."Mum sleep I know you and Yuki was talking through the night . Don't worry about Coco I'll look after her today."
I pull my phone off the table and see a text from Yuki.
Yuki Arisugawa " did you get the same note ."
Pheonix " I did but it's quite."
I get up and go down stairs and the girls are cuddled up on the sofa watching tv. As I lean on the wall Yuki rests his head on my shoulder.
Yuki Arisugawa " they look really cute."
Pheonix " then shut up and let's not disturb them."
Yuki Arisugawa " come I'll make you a tea."
He pulls me into the kitchen and he pulls his phone out .
Yuki Arisugawa " I need you to come out today and fit security cameras up and an alarm."
After he finishes he brings my cup and puts it on the table.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm really sorry about last night .you must be really tired."
Pheonix " don't apologise I actually enjoy chatting. And yeah I'm beat ."
Yuki Arisugawa " take your self to bed I'll look after the girls."
Pheonix " are you sure , Dollie can be very loud."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm sure i can handle her . Now go to bed ."
I walk to bed smiling. And I leave a note on the door telling everyone not to disturb me , I take off my clothes and climb into bed naked. A few hours later Dollie comes into the room with Coco. And she drags the covers of me.
Pheonix " don't fucking think about it . Didn't you see the note on the door, I'm fucked and I just want to sleep."
Coco Arisugawa " Dollie Pheonix isn't wearing clothes to bed."
My cheeks burn with embarrassment and hide my head under the pillow. When Yuki walks in.
Yuki Arisugawa " Coco what did I tell you. Pheonix didn't sleep well last night and she's tired so what are you doing in here that includes you Dollie."
I throw a pillow in Dollies direction and miss's and it gets Yuki instead. That night Dollie  falls into my room
Dollie Kashiwara " Mum Yuki is in trouble."
I'm fighting a guy who has Dollie in a corner
.Pheonix " I need you to keep Coco safe, now go."
She does as I instruct her and I drag my self back down the stairs, I hear a guys voice shouting at Yuki.
Guys voice" that little girlfriend of yours in lying on your daughters floor after she got stabbed . And were taking your little girl."
I see Yuki tied up and his mouth has been gagged. He sees me on the floor and I quitly drag myself into the office, and the guy is still shouting at Yuki
.Guys voice " so your little girlfriend is dead , your grandmother will be estactic over the news. Now we just have to take out the brother and this situation will be finished with."
I use the sofa to pull myself to my feet and I manage a few steps and I raise my arm with the gun.
Pheonix " hay punk any last words."
He turns his head instead of waiting I shoot him and he falls to the floor like a ton of bricks, I manage to pull myself to Yuki and I take the gage from his mouth and untie him and I end up callasping and he catch's me .Yuki Arisugawa " were are the girls."
Pheonix " In you're room . I fullfield my duty to protect your little girl. Please look after Dollie."
My eyes close and my body goes limp. I hear Yuki's voice.
Yuki Arisugawa " don't you dare die on me , not now."
A few hours later I hear the sound of a heart monitor bleeping, and an IV  bag. My eyes open fully and Dollie and Coco are sleeping on the chair and I feel a head on my tummy and my hands being held. I pull the oxygen mask from my face .
Pheonix " Yuki."
That's all I can muster my throat hurts . Yuki lifts his head and looks at me and smiles he kisses my four head and leaves the room. A second later he comes back with a doctor.
Doctor" Miss Kashiwara you had a lucky escape, you was stabbed and the knife just grazed your lung. You lost a lot of blood, if it wasn't for Mr Arisugawa here you would of died , he kept giving you CPR until the ambulance arrived. Is there any questions you'd like to ask me."
I remove the oxygen mask.
Pheonix " why does my throat hurt ."
Doctor " you'll have bruising there for a while outside and enternally . I must say Mr Arisugawa said you put up a fight. Once the colour comes back to your skin I'm happy to send you home. Until then get plenty of rest. I'll ask the nurse to bring in a crib and a blanket for the girls."
Yuki thanks him and minutes later a nurse brings in a bed for the girls . Dollie puts Coco into the bed and she lays next to her . Yuki sits besides me and he looks exhausted, I manage to say a few words.
Pheonix " Yuki why don't you get in the bed with me , sleeping like that is no good."
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't want to hurt you."
Pheonix " will you just shut up and get in."
In the end he gets in and I bury my face into his chest and we both fall asleep. Hours pass and the doctor comes in.
Doctor " well Miss Kashiwara looks like you can go home, your skin colour has gone back to normal, and your vitals are fine as well as your heart. Just remember you cannot do anything for at least 8weeks . Please don't over do it ."
Pheonix " thank you doctor."
The girls gather there stuff and Yuki carries me to the car and we drive home . The girls go into the lounge and starts watching tv, Yuki places me on the sofa and places a blanket on me . He gets me some water so I can take some pain relief and I fall off to sleep , an hour or so later I feel a little hand on my face.
Coco Arisugawa " Pheonix I'm going to bed now , if your not in too much pain could you read to me."
Pheonix " what book do you want . And just because I'm in pain won't stop me from reading to you."
I sit up and she sits on my lap and she gives me a book. Cinderella I try to do the voices for her even though my throat hurts , and I do the movements for her and she copies . She falls asleep in my arms , Yuki takes her up to bed and Dollie decides to speak.
Dollie Kashiwara " mum the other night was scary, I honestly thought I'd lost you. I love you so so much."
Dollie starts to cry, I wipe her tears with my thumb.
Pheonix " oh Dollie my darling I'm stronger then an ox , you honestly think me getting stabbed would stop me . I'm just glad you and Coco are alright ."
Yuki comes in and sits next to me whilst I'm hugging Dollie.
Yuki Arisugawa " Dollie would you be willing to live with us permanently. Me and your mum will get to the bottom of this to why my grandmother tried to harm you and Coco, and attempted to kill your mother. But I promise you , you'll be safe , I'll hire security to protect the house and you girls."
Dollie Kashiwara " but what about mum this was a mission to gaurd you. I'll stay if mum stays."
Pheonix " I'm not going anywhere I made a promise that I'd protect Coco with my life. We will be alright ."
Dollie leaves to go to bed. Yuki the puts his face in mine.
Pheonix " is there something you need Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " your lips on mine that's what I need ."
His lips are on mine before I can give him an answer,
Pheonix " hmm Yuki that feels really good. Yuki it's Coco birthday next week is there anything in particular she likes . I was thinking about making a cake."
Yuki Arisugawa " she'd love that , why don't we give her a party with her friends."
Pheonix " that's perfect, if you can get me the invites then we'll sign them and post them or deliver by hand . And seeing her favourite is Cinderella how about a fancy dress ."
Yuki Arisugawa " I'll get the invitations for you. And I'll let you arrange it all."
The day before Coco's birthday I'm icing the cake , the pain has stopped . Once I've decorated the cake I cover it up with a princess cake auniment . And Yuki comes in and his eyes go wide.
Yuki Arisugawa " seriously Pheonix you should take up making cakes as a perfession . It looks fantastic."
Pheonix " there's more , there's a chocolate cake in the fridge. But that's for just us 4."
I've prepared all the cakes and I'm exhausted. I find the girls in the lounge watching Jemanji and I look for Yuki he's sat at his desk in the office rubbing his face with his hands.
Pheonix " is everything alright Yuki."
I walk closer and sit on the desk infront of him and he lifts my top , he gently slides his fingers over my scar and kisses it .
Pheonix " are you going to tell me what's up with you."
He looks at me with loving eyes.
Yuki Arisugawa " can I just hold you for a while."
I nodd at him his fingers still tracing my scar, he then stands up from his chair and lifts me off the desk.
Pheonix " Yuki where are you taking me , I still have stuff to do."
He carries me into his room and kicks the door closed with his foot.
Yuki Arisugawa " I want to feel this body of yours , and we have plenty of time ."
He lifts my top of and starts kissing my neck. When Coco comes running in.
Coco Arisugawa " Daddy there is someone on the phone."
He takes the phone and I put my top on after I'm being dragged out the room with Coco, and I hear his computer bleep .
Pheonix "Coco wait for me in the lounge I'm just going to check daddy's computer."
I go into the office and I see an email from his Grandmother.Grandmother " you'll send Pheonix home this instant or next time she will die , do not disobey me again."
I start to get pissed off and Coco comes into the office .

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