Pheonix and Dollie are kidnapped.

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Baileys and Jeans birthday went smoothly, and Ghost comes running in with a box as well as talking on the phone. Ghost " of course the girls will do there first tour they will be there tonight . But remember they need there managers and there dance teacher."
I open the box to find a load of CDs when Mercedes starts laughing.
Mercedes " Dads gonna flip auntie Ghost is in trouble."
I look at the back of the CD and see a list of songs and I hear Yuki's voice after Mercedes shows him the front cover.
Yuki Arisugawa " oh boy . Ghost why this picture Jesus how much skin is my wife showing. You need to change this."
I turn the cd over and I see Yuki in a jeans and a T-shit his hands across my pelvis and I'm wearing shorts and a boob tube. Pheonix "
Ghost this is a private photo what the hell."
Ghost " well they can't be changed."
Pheonix " why not ." Ghost " because as we speak your CD is going on all the shelves in every musics store. Don't worry the girls names have been changed."
Pheonix " I'd of preferred to have been involved. Me and Yuki could of chosen a photo that wasn't in Yuki's private collection."
Yuki Arisugawa " I agree there are so many others ."
Ghost " look nothing can be changed, and every time you two have your photo shoots your fucking stingy with not showing us."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's because some are of Pheonix naked . Ghost you really need to ask before you go snooping around my photos."
Mercedes " I think it's a nice picture. Dad your still coming tonight."
Yuki Arisugawa " of course I wouldn't be your manager otherwise. Plus mum will be up there with you."
Everyone rushes around getting things ready. I take a shower and dry and Yuki puts my Choker back on and kisses the back of my neck.
Pheonix " every time you kiss me there it makes me weak at the knees."
Yuki Arisugawa " I know that's why I love kissing you there wait till I get you home as I want to please this beautiful body of yours . Now hurry up the girls are waiting. Mums watching the boys so don't worry."
We head out of the door and we all climb into our cars a drive to grand Baie 4 hours away. When we arrive Ghost takes the girls to there dressing room and I head into mine.
Dollie" mum it's fine deep breaths alright . Dad , Eisuke , Eito, River and Glen are in the V.I.P section. Yuzuru and Kazuomi have apologised for having other arrangements."
Pheonix " Dollie I'm Fine it's the girls I worry about."
There's a knock on the door and Dollie opens it. Backstage boy"
Miss Pheonix it's time."
I walk out the door and the girls walk with me as ghost and Dollie walk behind. We walk onto the stage and Dollie moves the girls in there places and puts on their microphone headset, and Ghost takes the mic and starts talking to the crowd of people, I look for Yuki and he blows me a kiss and mouths I love you. Ghost " this has been excruciating for us all , so please give a warm welcome the Arisugawa Girls ."
She disappears and stands next to Dollie and Mercedes walks into the middle tilts her neck and starts dancing as well as Storm and Yuki. They sing perfectly when Baileys comes running on the stage with a mic and her hand and takes my hand.
Baileys " sing mummy."
The crowd errupts 6 hours later the crowds screams out we love you were your Biggest fans . We walk back to our dressing rooms. Mercedes " thanks mum, all this hard work paid off ."
Pheonix " it did I'm so proud of you all, tell dad I'll be out in a minute."
I kiss the girls and they go off to there dad and I get changed.
Dollie " mum that was fantastic will you do it again."
Pheonix "I have to talk to Yuki first .Mercedes can take over now."
There's a knock on the door and Dollie opens it and a big built guy stands there. In a deep voice he speaks.
Big built guy" could you and Miss come with me ."
Pheonix " what's wrong."
Big built guy" I've been summoned to come and get you and her."
I nod and Dollie takes my hand and we follow the Guy. He takes us to a different exit and Dollie starts to panic.
Pheonix " were are you taking us."
Big built guy " please be quiet."
I feel a gun in my back and we're pushed into a black van. Once were inside Dollie's hands get tied as well as mine. Pheonix " what is the meaning of this .
You realise my Husband works for the F.B.I."
A tissue gets placed over my face and the last thing I hear is Dollie.
Dollie " omg mum . What did you do to my mum you asshole."
I wake up hanging from chains ⛓
. Pheonix " Dollie were are you."
Dollie " mum I'm sorry I couldn't stop them, they chained me to the wall and you up there."
Pheonix " where the fuck are my clothes and why am I in just my underwear ."
It's dark in the room and I can't see a thing, all of a sudden I hear a voice come through the speakers.
The voice " now then your awake ,
" Pheonix " fuck you , when I get out of these chains you'll regret ever crossing me."
The voice " the thing is you crossed mine when you killed Morissa."
Dollie " we don't know a morissa."
The voice " now now come on lying doesn't get you any were maybe this will get you talking."
All of a sudden I feel ice cold water soak me making me gasp. Dollie " my dad will find us and you will regret it ."
The voice " I'm planning on it . You see you killed my wife, so I'm going to kill you but first I want something from Yuki." Pheonix " he doesn't negotiate with people who Kidnapps his wife and daughter."
After that it goes quite. And I hear Dollie crying.
Pheonix " Dollie please don't cry , I'm sure Yuki and Keith are doing everything thing they can."
Dollie " mum why is this happening."
Pheonix " baby I'd love to know too, but until we do we just have to stay strong. Do you still keep your phone in your bra." Dollie "
I do but they took mine and yours."
Pheonix " rest assured dad will find us . My choker."
Before I can finish I hear the voice.
The voice " now then I need to know where Yuki is."
Pheonix " never . Touture me all you want I'm not telling you anything.
All of a sudden someone steps into the room and pulls Dollie out .
Dollie " put me down you fucking Buffon." —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Yuki, Keith,Eisuke, Kazuomi,Soryu , yuzuru , Takuto and Adrian do everything to find Pheonix and Dollie .
The guys walk into the office and Yuki starts up his laptop and switches the tracking device on to the choker.
Ghost " I've put the girls in your bed Yuki . Mercedes is restless as well and the other 3. I can't believe that someone took Pheonix and Dollie."
Yuki Arisugawa " that's fine , someone is blocking the signal on Pheonix's choker."
Yuzuru Shiba " I'll text Takuto , his hacking skills come in handy ."
Eisuke" Ghost my love go and comfort the girls, I will let you know if we hear anything."
Eisuke gets up and embraces Ghost, Yuki rubs his face in his hands .
Yuki Arisugawa " Ghost sleep in my bed tonight, I won't be sleeping until Pheonix is back home."
Takuto, Taiga and Adrian walks into the house and in the office.
Takuto " the cctv was there any."
Yuki Arisugawa " yeah there is."
Takuto pulls out two laptops from his bag, and starts hacking into the cctv cameras. And the other he uses to hack into the tracking device for the choker.
Keith " when I get my hands on them I'm going to snap their fucking neck."
Eisuke "we hear you."
Yuki Arisugawa " Keith any thing happens to Dollie I will personally make sure they endure so much pain they wish that they was dead."
Tiaga Kujo " Pheonix really needs to stay strong, otherwise her heart won't take anymore."
Yuki Arisugawa " if she dies I'll never forgive myself."
Takuto types in stuff and does something on the other laptop when he stands up and places the laptop on Yuki's desk and the guys watch the Cctv camera.
Takuto "that black van has no plates. But looks like someone takes something from Pheonix and drops something."
Yuki races out the door. And Soryu and Eisuke go after him.
Soryu " let me drive ." Takuto " let me come every street has a camera maybe we can find were the van went."
Yuki Arisugawa " suit your selfs I'm taking the bike. Mikey stay with my Girls please."
Adrian Luca " Mikey Yuki is right. Stay with Rhilina , and help Ghost."
They all climb in the car and Yuki goes into the basement with Yuzuru and gets some weapons. Yuki pulls my swords of the wall and packs my outfit, he puts in ammo and extra guns and some smoke bomb's yuzuru takes the sniper rifle and they both head to the garage. Yuki puts the bag in the boot and climbs on the bike when Mercedes goes running into the garage and she swings her arms around Yuki.
Mercedes " please bring mum back in one piece."
Yuki tightens his grip around his daughter.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby try and get some sleep I'll bring mum home I promise you."
They drive back to Grand Baie and find what the guy took from Pheonix and dropped on the Floor Yuki spots in straight away and it's her wedding ring. Yuki puts on on his necklace and climbs into the car to see what Takuto is up to.
Takuto " it looks like they followed that road for 4 miles then turned right after that there is nothing. Yuki I don't like this."
Yuki Arisugawa " me neither why don't we follow that road and see where it goes."
Just before they turn right Yuki's phone rings. And they all stop..
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix."
Pheonix (Guy)" haha this isn't Pheonix."
Takuto tracks the phones and Yūki keeps the guy on for as long as possible.
Yuki Arisugawa " what did you do with my daughter and my wife."
Pheonix (Guy)" Dollie has a few bruises and cuts. Pheonix is tied up , she'll die unless you negotiate ."
Keith starts going mad and Adrian has to hug him as Keith starts cursing .
Yuki Arisugawa " I don't negotiate, let me see my wife and maybe I'll reconsider."
The line goes dead. And Keith can't shut his mouth.
Keith " fucking bastard's she's pregnant."
Yuki Walks over to Keith and hugs him.
Yuki Arisugawa " Pheonix won't let anything to happen."
Still hanging from the chains Dollie is brought back into the room and dawn breaks and shines into the windows. Dollie " fucking let go of me , and keep your dirty hands to yourself. Jesus a little consideration won't go a miss."
Pheonix " what have you done to Dollie."
The guy" slapped her around a bit , she's got such a mouth on her you should control her a little better."
Pheonix " Fuck you. When I get my hands on you it will be your fucking last you understand. If it's not done by me my son will have a lot of fun hurting you."
The guy " I look forward to it." Another guy comes in to the room and holds my phone into the air I hear Yuki."
Yuki Arisugawa " Jesus baby what have they done to you."
Pheonix " don't worry find Dollie she doesn't look good ."
The guy turns so I can't see what he's doing on the phone but I hear.
Yuki Arisugawa " punk you touched my wife. I'm coming for you and you'll pay."
The guy " will you negotiate now."
Yuki Arisugawa " fuck no. You're messing with the wrong person."
Dollie " omg mum my side hurts so much."
Pheonix " baby lay on your other side . Take the pressure off."
Keith takes the phone from Yuki.
Yuki Arisugawa (Keith)" your going to pay. Dollie I'm coming baby.."
They end the call and walk out , Dollie struggle's to keep her eyes open and falls asleep.
I look around now the sun is shining through, and I see a thin red light come into the window and up my leg and stays on my tummy. —————————————————————————————————————————-/@
Yuzuru Shiba" ooh Yuki when you was video called did you see Pheonix."
Yuki Arisugawa " not clearly it was dark."
Yuzuru hands him the sniper and looks into the zoom vision. And finds me hanging
Yuki Arisugawa " why the fuck is she in her underwear. Pheonix I'm coming just hold on."
Soryu looks around to see how they can climb in when he finds a crack in the window, he waves his hand and the others sneak over.
Pheonix " Dollie baby you need to wake up." I see shadows on the wall , and end up shouting at Dollie.
She stirs and tuns and Keith face in hers.
Keith " hi , you think you can sit."
She sits up and yuzuru fiddles with the mechanical lock . Yuki looks up and tries to find away of getting me out of the chains l
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm going to kill the bastard who did this to you."
Keith gets Dollie out and Taiga deals with her in the car. Kazuomi and Yuzuru stand by the door and Adrian finds another way in.
The speakers comes alive again.
The voice " Now then Pheonix you either tell me everything of you will die."
Pheonix " never , come face me."
The Voice " I'm still wanting to negotiate with Yuki."
Pheonix " I have told you he won't negotiate with you."
The speakers turn off and my wrist starts to hurt to release the pressure I turn my self upside down using me feet. To grip the chains.
Yuzuru Shiba" hay Pheonix see if you can find the lock."
I look at the chains and find a padlock.
Pheonix " yuzuru there is but if I get it open I'll end up falling from a great height."
Yuzuru Shiba " Girl I know it hurts but can you hang again."
I grip the chains with my hands and hang the right way. Yuzuru gives something to Yuki and he walks underneath me, he kisses my ankle and slips a pin between my toes.
Yuki Arisugawa " baby if you drop I'll catch you."
I lift my foot to my mouth and take the pin and grip the chains with my feet and I fiddle with the lock.
Pheonix " baby till is going to hurt me."
I pop the lock open and I drop and Yūki catches me . He stands me on to my feet and wraps his arms around me. Pheonix " I'm so glad to be back in your arms."
Soryu brings the bag over and places it at mine and Yuki's feet.
Pheonix " I'm so tired right now."
Yuki Arisugawa " then leave the fighting to us."
I changed into the black outfit and strap my swords to my back. Yuki whispers into my ear .
Yuki Arisugawa " now baby when he calls again tell him you will negotiate with him. See if we can draw him in ."
I nod and a few minutes later the speaker come alive.
The voice " I have no problems letting you hang there all day."
Pheonix " I'll negotiate with you , what is it you want."
The voice " I want my son and you stand down as Queen."
I look at Yuki and he nods.
Pheonix " Fine I'll do it."
We hear a click on the door and one guy walks in and Kazuomi takes him out, Yuki grabs my hand and we find two men in another room.
Yuki Arisugawa " who hurt my daughter and my wife."
The skinny guy turns and starts laughing. And the other guy goes in for the attack Yuki pushes me into Adrian's arms and I stand there and watch him beat these two guys to a pulp I turn my face.
Pheonix" Jesus Yuki your scaring me , I never knew you was capable of that." As hi punches this guys face he's trying to cover with his arms.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm fucked off with people touching what is mine."
Another guy walks in and swings his fist towards me when Adrian spins around stopping him . I pull from Adrian and head over to the guy Yuki is punching and i drag my sword against the guys throat and he dies instantly. Adrian shoots the guy, as we walk out there are 3 other and one that looks like Yuki, Yuki grabs me and holds me tight.
Yuki Arisugawa " hurting my wife got you no where did it father."
Yuki's father " how did you find me especially here."
Yuki Arisugawa " you forget who I am and who I associate with."
Pheonix " Yuki is this who I think."
Yuki Arisugawa " he is."
Pheonix " you was the target who got away from me."
Yuki looks at me shocked.
yuki's Father " i bided my time."
Keith sneaks up behind and shoots the other 2 in the head .
Keith " sorry Yuki but these dont get away with hurting my
Dollie." Yuki Father " now then Yuki, hand over that wife of yours or you'll be dying today." I
turn around and Kiss Yuki, as I whisper into his ear.
Pheonix "baby Trust me , he's not getting out alive."
Yuki takes his arms from me and I walk over to his father, he grabs my wrists and binds them his hand forcefully brings my face to his as he drags his tongue up my face. I shut my eyes and cringe .
Yuki Arisugawa " Your fucking disgusting . If you want to keep that Tongue of yours I think it's best to put it back in your mouth."His father starts laughing his hand comes away from my face .
Yuki's Father " I wonder what else I can do , "
He cups my breast and Yuki's hands turn into fists.
Yuki Arisugawa " you Bastard one thing I hate is people Touching what they don't own."
Taiga sneaks up behind and inject's something into Yuki's Father neck, I swing my head back and he has no choice but to let me go his hand cups his nose as is pisses out with blood. Yuki cuts the binding around my wrists.
Yuki Arisugawa " I'm gonna kill you , you son of a Bitch. Taiga take Pheonix out of here ."
Taiga reaches for my hand and I pull away ,.
Pheonix " Keith , Adrian and Taiga go back to the car and make sure my daughter is okay."
They leave as I watch Yuki and his Father .
Yuki Father " you're wife is very defiant isn't she." I crouch down against the wall not saying anything wiping his spit from my face.
Yuki Arisugawa " what do you care, Pheonix is my wife . I will kill you either way."
His father throws his fists and Yuki steps back and his father misses. Yuki throws his fist and I hear a crack on his father's cheek bone, his father grabs Yuki by the neck making me stand up I walk slowly over, and his father pulls out a knife and tries to stab me as the knife slides across my outfit I raise my leg and kick him in the face, he falls to the floor and Yuki straddles him and starts punching him in the face as he speaks.
Yuki Arisugawa " you groped my wife, you hang her from chains, you strip her out of her clothes and she did nothing wrong to you. I'm fucked off with people who think they can touch or play with what's mine."
I place my foot on his father's forehead and Yuki pulls out one of my swords.
Yuki's Father " I did more then just touch your wife. You see Yuki when my guy gave her Cloriform and knocked her out I touched what's most precious to you."
I look a little confused and Yuki's eyes go wide.
Yuki Arisugawa " I new you was a fucking dirty bastard but to touch my wife's pussy."
Just before he finished his sentence I pull Yuki by his shirt as my foot stands on his father's head and kiss Yuki.
Pheonix" baby he may have touched me there but you'll have her for a lifetime. Now please finish him as I need to feel them hands on my skin." Yuki's arm slides around my hips and he pulls me into his body with the other hand he pushes the sword into his chest . He wipes the blood and puts it back in to my strap and kisses me passionately . Pheonix " Yuki please take me home I'm sick of being here I have missed the children terribly." He then throws me over his shoulder, and carries me back to the bike and he drives me home. He carries me upstairs, and embraces me taking me into the air. Yuki Arisugawa " you would it's been 4 days. We skipped your birthday." Pheonix " baby I don't care , right now I just need you and the children." I take a quick shower and climb into bed Yuki climbs in next to me and pulls me into his chest. Yuki Arisugawa " I've cancelled the girls gigs I'm not letting you out of my sight." I lace my fingers into his hair and pull him to me and I kiss him. When all the children fall into the room and climb on to the bed. Yuki Arisugawa " you won't give me 5minutes with mum will you." Eito " Hell no come on we haven't seen her for 4 days." River " that's true." Mercedes " mum I so glad your home what happened." Pheonix " I don't want to talk about it . Right now I'm were I need to be ." Storm and Yuki " its so good to see your back." Baileys makes her way and lays across me and Yuki with tears in her eyes. Baileys " aww mummy." I wrap my arms around her , and the others kiss me and goes back to bed. Pheonix " aww baby mummy is back now." She really starts sobbing and Yuki strokes her head. Baileys " I-I know . th-that man toook you from me."Ghost comes in . Ghost " why don't you come and get in with me and Daddy. Let mummy get some sleep. Pheonix it so good to see your home and safe and I need to speak to you but it can wait until the morning." Baileys climbs into Ghosts arms . Pheonix " Ghost what did you do ?."Ghost " well that face scares me so I'll tell you. Me , Dollie, Autumn and Rilie Soryu's wife and princess Cathy have agreed to make a calendar for the men." Pheonix " okay put me down for December I'll do that one for Yuki." Ghost " omg you agreed . Pheonix there naked once's ." I bury my face into Yuki's neck.Pheonix " Fuck you Ghost. Yuki help me out her please baby."

Being kidnapped by an FBI agent who is a prince Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ