Chapter 33- The Voice

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We are gathered in a small room of a cabin, maps on the table. Zachary is here together with Tristan, my old friend Markus, and Hanes.

" Ten miles north there's a barn there owned by humans. We can travel there in the next two days to seek shelter" Hanes put a red Cross on the map.

"That's near the Crawmans land mine. The Harp tribe reside there. Don't you think it's little bit dangerous?" Tristan chimed.

"Yes, that is the point." I put the map on the board and began explaining.

"As you can see  this map was redesigned by the wolves after the great war back in 1500s. The aftermath left thousands of our brothers and sisters coven  destroyed. Some able to build it again but again destroyed right after the royals found out. "

There was a silence and I wait for Zack to process the information before continuing.
" Many covens were wiped out including ours, and erased on the map. The great leader of our coven survived the war along with the seven Council mens, the present council members , by digging tunnels as an escape."

"Wait, hold on a sec. This information wasn't included in our history class. I mean, yeah wolves did that on purpose, but there are no documents in the ancient library on the royal palace" Zachary ask.

"No way"
"There's no way you can enter the library of the Palace" Both Hanes ang Markus exclaimed.

"Trust me there's a way. Besides I have connection inside. Blame it to my handsome face that make an old lady fall down to her knees and bow to the glory of my physique"

"No one has ever entered the Royal Library"


"What do you mean there's none?! I'm the living testimony?! I swear-"

"Don't you think it's a bit welcoming of the maids to let an average wolf with no royal blood to enter the Royal Library?"

After a moment of realisation, Zachary looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I knew it! Something doesn't fit right the moment I saw her. I'm an idiot!" He exclaimed and continue blabbering while I work for the trails on the map. But something halted me.

"I wonder how they hang the painting........"

"Painting? What painting?"

"Well, It's just a paiti-" I slam hands on the wooden table.

"Tell me what painting is that" There's no way that painting still exists. I pray it wasn't the one's I feared.

"I-I uh, it was the painting of a forest"

Forest. It could be a normal painting. But that's the point. They want the people to think it's an ordinary painting. But if my theory is correct then Isa will bs in great danger.

"What else?"

"Um, there's moon? And a fog? What's the deal anyways?"

"Nothing. None of your concern"
I can tell the fear in rhe eyes of Markus as Hanes stared at River bank.

I hope its not the painting we know. I hope it's not.



Clips of the night before the car accident flashed. Uncle Fredds house, the horse. Back to my room while writing homework. To the night where someone broke into my house to the moment of the accident.

I want to rest. It seems like I am forced to watch it happen over and over again. I want to fall into a deeo abyss. I want a dreamless night.

The moment I found the door, I instantly feel warm. I love darkness. I love how the night looks like. How peaceful it is without any noise, the privacy where I can think. I love the evening. Its the natural state of our universe.

People are only afraid of darkness because of the endless possibility of whats lurking in the dark.

When I was a kid, I always have the lights on. I remember when there was a power interruption and there's no moon in the sky, the candles went out, I couldn't breath. It sucked my oxygen until I passed out.

Change is constant. The moment I turned 17 it all changed. Now darkness is my safe place.

I wake up hearing the alarm of the clock. I feel better than yesterday. My legs feel better and I can feel too. Maybe it's because of Uncle Fred.

I swing my right legs on ths bed and carefully put the on the floor. I scratch the back of neck. So itchy.

I continue scratching my neck when I hissed in pain. My nails are smudged with a little bit of blood.

I put my other hands and felt something rough. The skin on my neck feels dry and the hairs. Oh my, my hair.

I tried to find a mirror but there's none. I stared at the glass window and saw my facial hairs  growing. My nails grew longer. I   screamed  for help but all I heard was the hoarse sound.

What's happening to me?!

Then I remembered Uncle Fred's words about the bite.

No, no, no, no, NO!!

I woke up hearing the alarm of the clock. My palms are sweaty and my heart pounding against my ribcage. I calm myself as I observe my surroundings. My wound is healing fast. Scabs are forming around it

I lay down the bed and close my eyes for a minute. I muttered undery breath about the terrible dream I had. It's just a dream.

Suddenly, the back if my neck feels itchy. I scratch it then the other part. Then the other until i wince it pain. I saw my nails smudge with blood.

"The fu-"

"My Isa-woahh? You... look"

I stared at him blankly. We stare at each other never blinking. Mixture of sadness, excitement and happiness burst in his eyes.

No one said a word. The longing I felt for a family relieved as the person standing few feets away open his arms widely for me to enter.

I sob when the memory of our conversation before I left surfaced. I couldn't trust my voice so I mouthed "I miss you".

He ran straight to my bed and hug me. I fist his shirt and bury my head to his chest.

"I miss you too, Baby" Zach is a tough guy. He never show any soft spot. Sure he's a goofy guy but he never ever cry.

"Why the hell can't you drop at least one drop of tears?" I wipe my nose using the gem of his shirt. Not the he cares.

"Why the hell you have to sound like a pig when crying?" I smack his legs and and lay my head on his lap.

I savour the comforting silence that wraps in the room. He leaned on the headboard and comb my hair with his fingers just like he always do.

For the 2nd time tears filled my eyes. Sensing the change in the atmosphere, he humm my favourite song.

I don't know what the lyrics is and the language but I feel connected to the song. He wiped away my tears and cup my cheeks saying words I couldn't help but smile.

It's a shame after all those years of being best friends, I was always the one who's crying. He's everything that I have.

He's my everything.

I jump in shock hearing the unfamiliar voice whispered in my ears. I look around and see no one.

"Hey, you ok?"

"Umm" What if he thinks that I am crazy? No, no. It's probably in my head. But, it wasn't a voice I'm familiar with?

Zachary tapped my nose. He always does this in concern if ever I couldn't hear him.

"Everything's fine. I- I think I heard something but erhhhh I over react." I sit up slowly, carefully.

"Let's get you fat shall we?"


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