Chapter 25- The Vessel

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"You are in the Eastern side of America, about a three hundred miles radius covered land. I am Jackson Petersfield, the Beta or in your language is called secretary, but I don't do stuff like they do. For specifications, this location is in between mountains and forests. I hope yoy already see the landscape from the hallway, yeah? So, if you're wondering how we found you is that we were to escort you personally from the town you were at, but you were already leaving. "


"The reason behind your terrible accident is yet to determine by our team. As to why you are here will be discuss in the court room during dinner"

I would probably look like a deer caught by light. I'm did not even ask questions yet he answered most of them.

"If there are no further questions, I suggest I will leave immediately so yoy can continue to rest. I'll have my assistant to guide through the court room later." He turn his back on me and head to the door.

"Wait!" He swiftly turn around and raise his brow. I forgot to ask him about Tristan.

"I uh, my, Tristan. Can I see him now?" He look at me disapprovingly. What is his problem now.

"Three pm sharp. Wear a hood and bring handkerchief."

"But I have no clothes with me. Ny duffle bag isn't here?"

He pointed his pointy finger and I followed his gaze. Oh.

"I uh, a thank you." Right after he leave my room, I lock the door and pulled out my bag under my bed. Was it here that whole time?

I zip it open and thank god my alarm clock is still here. Nothing seems suspicious except for the book I don't remember bringing with me. Huh.

I put my alarm clock on my bedside table and lay down the bed.



The sound of the tiny rope slashing against the leather around my waist made my teeth chatter.

"Tighter" The maid tug the rope harshly making my back straighten. Bones popped after the pressure was applied.

"You know I can't really bre--"


I gasp in pain as the rope tightened. I gulp loudly staring at a very angry woman around her 60s wearing what supposed to be a, how can I say this, um librarian's dress? You know the typical.

The maids walk away from me and let me stand there alone still trying to flatten my stomach for the pain to subside. I don't know why I should be wearing this dress which looked like a cowgirl scratch the pants replaced with long silky fabric. My shoulders were covered with navy green net that matches my heels.

"Turn around" The old lady order and I rolled my eyes mentally. I don't want to experience her torture again if she saw me defying her orders.

I turn around and plaster a fake smile in my face. Thank god I took theatre club. She inspect me from head to toe. I squirm under her judging eyes.

"Very well. Maids, escort her downstairs and never leave her side until she is seated into of the chairs. I don't want another precious life be ruined by her" After that she walked away, heels clicking on the marble floor.

I sigh. I turn around and face the bid mirror. My hair is down. Curled. My face is pale like always and my eyes held no life. As usual. There is just something bout being here inside these walls that us unsettling.

The ambiance of the space is out of ordinary. Through a naked eye its marvellous yet something tells me there are secrets underneath it. Secrets I'm afraid to unfold. Yet it lures ne to discover.

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