Chapter 36- Lucid

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I woke up in a very bad dream. A dream where everything is covered with blood. Thousands of bodies lying flat on the ground. Lifeless. Fire soaring high in the middle of the day. Ashes rain on the in the field.

Children running around, catching falling leaves. Men crying over the corpse of their loved ones. The bungalow stands in the middle of the field slowly crumbling under the suns intense glare.

The dream is very disturbing.

My hands twitch under the warm hands of the sleeping visitor which earn a groan that stirred the man, on the couch, from waking up. The clock reads past seven in the morning. I scrunch my nose in disgust at the mixed detergent and antiseptic.

" You are awake" The man murmured under his breath. He stared his tired eyes at me for a good minute until realization hit him.

"You are awake! Nurse!" I turn my head and cover my ears from the ringing. My head pounded on the sudden movement. I heard shuffling in my right, still unable to make words out of them. I didn't realize I was crying when warm hands cupped my cheeks a run a thumb under my eye.

My body relaxes on the couch and snuggles my face to its hands. It smells amazing. I wonder what soap he uses. Wait? It's a man? My brows furrow in confusion and again, my brows relax after a thumb run across to it.

" You need to wake up, Love" The voice is soft yet powerful. It's soothing at the same time forceful. I hum in the beat of my steady breathing.

"Wake up" This time, the voice is above a whisper. I grip the hands tightly in its attempt to go away. Don't. Stay here. Suddenly the hands grew cold. It is like a needle poking into my skin. The voices sound desperate and angry.

" Wake up. Now" The voices chanted. I flutter my eyes open and find my self in a cage. The floor is drenched with a foul smell. I vomit the content of my stomach. I grip my hair so hard just to get rid of the heavy pounding inside.

A shadow appeared in a dimly lit room. I tried to find the source of the shadow but found none. Shadow. TF?! The shadow stands 8 feet and floating in the ground and into me. Its long hands reach out to touch but I scurried away. Tears streaming down my face.

My voice got stuck in my throat. I could only whimper. I close my eyes and wish to the heavens above, come save me from the nightmare.

"Wake up, Love"

I blink and a familiar faces came into my view. Particular eyes however caught my attention. Green. I recognised that eyes before but I couldn't put a finger on them.

"Isa, you okay dear?"

My eyes glued to the colour green swirling with gold. I muttered yes, unable to look away.

"She's moving to my quarter."

My eyes travellers down to the greek nose. A growing moustache, down to the lips that move revealing a set of white teeth. A strong jaw came into view when the person turned a little left.

Down to the neck, I could some scars decorated behind the ears.

I can feel his intense gaze on my face which heated up momentarily. The person in front of me stood up his back on me.

I took the time to admire his physique. Strong muscles underneath the black sleeves. Strong biceps flex when he put his arms on his hips.

My eyes fluttered shut when Images flash behind my eyes. It so fast that I could not make out of faces.

Calloused hands wrap into my shivering ones. Feeling the heat seep through my skin. The voices around the room sounded distant and I took the opportunity to lull back to sleep.

Hearing the husky voice of the green-eyed man. "Go to sleep love."


I must have asleep a little too much because when I woke up, the sun is setting down. I rub my eyes and prop on my elbow. I'm in a dimly lit room.

The room is spacious. The bed is in the centre of it. There's a fireplace on the left and a glass door that leads to the balcony. It is open, letting the orange rays enter the room.

A huge double doors with a golden knob open. I tense and lay down pretending to be asleep.

There are shuffling movements to the right side of the bed. I open my eyes and saw a reflection of the maid setting the food down to a coffee table on the TV screen.

When the maid closes the door, I threw the covers of the bed and place the tray of food in my lap.

There's a stack of pancake, waffles, fruits, salad and a litre of glass water. My stomach growl urging me to take a bite.

I am halfway on finishing the waffles when someone cleared a throat. My mouth filled with waffles parted in shock.

I look around to see where it came from but found none. I took a deep breath calming my racing heart. I swallowed the food in my mouth and continue eating. Not long after, I heard it again.

I scurried away to the bed and hide under the bed. I am terrified of the sudden change in the atmosphere. Yet, I feel my inner self-calm. I squinted my eyes in the dark and found shiny shoes 5 feet away from where I crouched.

I travelled my eyes up and see black slacks. The legs are parted giving me the idea that the person must be in a slouch position. Further up, three undone buttons reveal toned muscles with a little bit of hair.

I blush at the sight. Due to the limited space, it could only offer them half of the body.

I tense when the person started to walk towards the bed. Slowly, and painfully I endure my aching back.

In a blink, he's gone.

I frantically search the ground for any indication of shoes or shadow. I crawl backwards careful not to scratch my back on the wooden bed.

I stood up in a stance. Not really know what to do next. The hair in my back stood and I feel a warm breath against my neck. My stomach filled with a warm sensation. I close my eyes and I inhaled sharply.


Why on earth have I must wake from a dreadful nightmare only to wake up in one again!??


Hey guys. Its been almost like a month before I updated another part of the book. I feel bad for not updating soon and having my wonderful readers wait this long.

I've been trying to reconstruct the story, the plot and the twist and honestly, it is stressful. Like I have to reread the part of the story to continue writing because I have a short memory.

Anyways, I am so happy that you stayed with me and continued reading this book. I love you guys. Thanks for the support💚💚💚💚

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