Chapter 35- Intrusion

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Do I want it now?

I can no longer feel my legs. I doubt I'll be able to walk once my I got out of here. Gunshots are heard outside the tunnel.

"Umm, uh yeah, yeah let's uh do it. I'll just have to hop off, right?" I don't know where my courage came from but it's certainly not courage. They leave me no choice. 

"What happen next? What, what if he eats me?" I've heard enough stories about wolves killing and eating their preys. I've read one of the books uncle gave me.

"I highly doubt that. Considering you're-" Markus didn't get to finish his sentence when he was silenced by Hanes.

"Zachary, you have to let her go now. This wolf couldn't fit in this tunnel unless he transform back to its natural state. I doubt it'll happen any sooner."

Markus continue to ram his knife over the paw that gripped my legs. Hanes emptied the gun my shooting its mouth. The fur protected its skin from any damage.

"I'm ready". Zach tighten his grip under my legs. I can see the fear in his eyes when he turn to look at me. The gunshots and growling  seems to fade when I  look past the tunnel, where the light came from.

It seems like a flash of time when the werewolf dropped on the ground with me since I was held by his claws with an oof sound. I scream when it's large legs caged my fragile body. The ringing of the riffle echoed throughout the tunnel.

Hanes shush me whilst helping me up.

"Thank god your legs is still on"

"Uncle!" Oh sweet mercy. I hug uncle tightly and made sure he isn't one of the many Illusions.  He wiped the tears I didn't know were streaming down until now.

The sick sound of bones cracking is awful. The werewolf who look just like  a huge ball of fur, minus the claws and canines, literally a second ago now replaced by a slightly built naked guy. That butt looks juicy. If he wasn't a raging wolf,and an ordinary wolf instead, I would have adopted it cause I like its colour, brownish red.

"Is that even possible?Ho-how can he do that? He was legit wolf then-"

"You have so many lessons to learn when we got home."

"Wait, how do you even know its a male wolf?" Zachary ask. They all looked at me in question? Isn't that obvious?.

"It's obvious. He's built and full of muscles"

"Wolves when transform to its second state, they all look the same. It's impossible to spot the gender difference, unless you are experienced or"

"Or what?" There was a long pause before Uncle filled the rest.

" Or you are one of them. You're a human so scratch that. Now, Lets get out of here"

With that, we started our journey out. After a few minutes of recovery from the event they begun updating each other.

"There are too many of them. The others broke the barrier with the potion, I think from the healer they captured. The North and West was breached. South was the only place they haven't been" Uncle said with a turmoil building inside if him. I know him too well to be sure about this.

"Or they had been there. Maybe the chiefs and the commanders are gathered there and performed the ritual, with the healer . It's a diversion" Hanes chimed in.

I still don't understand whats happening and its freaking me out. My hands are cold and shaking from the shock I received back there. My eyes feel tired abd my body is failing.

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