Chapter 15- His Order

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You have to die

I open my eyes meeting my cream colored ceiling. I'm panting hard. Im not dead physically but in spiritual aspect I think I am. I frantically move my eyes around to see its already dark outside.

I put both of my hands over my chest. To my relief theres no knife, no blood, no pain. I sigh in relief as I close my eyes again.

Only to open them again as I hear shuffling on my left side. I turn my head to side and hoist my self up. I reach for my pepper spray and turn on the lamp.

I squinted my eyes in the dark areas of the room. My gut tells me to not go over there but curiosity kills a cat. If I'm going to die tonight, I'll make sure I'll work hard for it. I mean if someone tries to I will give a fight.

But my lazy ass won't do it. So let's settle for a quick death shall we?

I slid my legs off the bed and stand up. My knees still wobbly. I go over for the light switch first. Not wanting to repeat the scene night before.

The bulb flickers on and off. Im getting a feeling of some horror movies in real life. After a few seconds it died.

Well shit.

I walk over the night stand to grab the lamp. The wires are short so I have no other option except trustingy navigation skills.

I slowly went over to where the shuffling is and put the pepper in fron of me. I jump on the closet and spray the pepper all over.

"Argg!!!! Die bitch!"

After almost emptying the spray. I peak through my lashes to see if its gone. Nothing is there. I look down to see white rats scurrying away.

I wasted half of the spray for nothing. I sigh frustration. I turn around see a white faced man. I scream and it scream too. I smash the bottle in its head run for the door.

I heard groans and cursing. I take back what I said that I want a quick death. I slammed against the wall falling down on my butt.

My forehead hurts but nothing is more painful than falling on the butt. In case you guys don't know I have a large butt but lack of content.

The white faced man rush beside me. I smack my hand in head but he cought it. "Its me Zachary! Fuck you hit like a man" Oh. Its Zach.

"What te hell are you doing in my room" I yelled. He slid his hands under my waist and hoist me up. "I heard you scream so I thought someone's tryna hurt you" he explained. We walk on my bed and carefully put me down.

I winch when my butt touch the duvet. He went to the door and switch on the lights. I covered my eyes at the brightness.

"What's with the face?" I ask rubbing my forehead. "Its called Face Mask in case you live under a rock." He left before I even reply.

Seconds later he came back with two compress filled with ice in hand. "What I mean is that why are you wearing my face mask. And where did you get that?" I placed the compress on my forehead.

He sit on the chair opposite to me and cross his legs. He mimic me and lean on the chair.
"It doesn't matter where I get this as long as you don't know where." He massage his cheeks.

"Why are screaming by the way?" he asked in curiosity. Well I don't really know. I lay down on the mattress. The fever is taking longer than expected. Its been two days and nights.

"I thought there was someone in my room so the survival instincts kick in. Then I saw the neighbour's rat hunting its food behind the closet"

"Did you just say rats? Like the thing that cause leptospirosis?" He really is a smart ass. "Yes and no. They're white and domesticated. The ones that cause leptospirosis are the rats in the sewers."

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