Chapter 28- The Lead

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Black smoke envelop the sky as the cottages burn in crisp. Children were either taken or thrown into the fires, their screams resonated through the dense forest.

Mothers were tied into the wooden stakes, with dangling chains around their neck, hands and feet were nailed. They were put in the border of the territory, circling it, as each one of them lighted by torches held by the priests.

Wolves, on the other hand battled with the mens of the enemy on the south border near the unclaimed land. The cries of the mothers and childrens were inaudible, soundtrack the war between two vicious creatures.

From a afar, a woman cradling a baby, sheltered on the thick bush behind the half-burnt bungalow. The shaking body of the woman brought a cry from the baby, whose wrap in a silver lined red wool.

In panic, the woman hush the baby by putting her hand over its mouth. Muffled cries seems whisper to the loud cry of war.

Out of nowhere, three wolves jump on the bush. This brought the woman into a sprint inside the thick forest. Anxiety and fear build up on the chest of the woman. Her shadow senses danger around the forest. But it never compared the vicious growls of werewolves chasing them from behind.

As they near the opening of the dark forest, the baby grew quite, staring at the moon and the thick branches of trees. The growling stopped. The sound of her rush footsteps on the solid ground was the only thing human and other creatures would hear.

She stop to catch her breath. Her knees buckle down, a pain cry escaped from her burning throat. She gently place the baby on the ground and gasp when the green grass that surrounds the baby, died.

Almost as if the baby is bleeding and it coated at least 2 feet radius. Acted on impulse, she did the the wrong move. She grabbed the baby.

The baby went out a wail that in human ears will sound like a million people crying for mercy.

The arms of the woman, slowly rotten until it reach her throat. Cutting off her oxygen. The woman fell down, clutching her chest. The burn travelled fast down her body.

The baby stopped crying and stared at the woman beside her. The sight of the rotten woman would probably make anyone scurry away in disgust and fright. But the baby fixated her big eyes to hers only.

A giggle escape from her little mouth when the cold wind brushes the ashes of the woman in the air. A fascinating sight for the baby.

The trees hummed in comfort for the now abandoned baby. The branches above her moved forming a hole to which the moon stood.

The baby lost its consciousness and fell in a deep slumber.



"Come on Isa, just do it!"

"Nuh uh, I can't. I'm a teen ager and this stuff you're forcing me to do is illegal"

"You did this before, even though I'm adult and your a teenager, it doesn't matter. I just want a release"

"What will happen if Kris found out? I have a reputation to take care of. You are a family man. Your basically a father to me and you want me to do that!?"

"It's not going to be long. Just, you know, help me. Please"

"I can't, this is child abuse!"

"It isn't if you agree to do it. Nobody's gonna know. Just you and me"

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