Chapter II-The Painting

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Word count: 1948

"Mom? We should have brought Bruno with us, he might be scared being alone" said the girl. No one really paid attention to her for her father is driving and her mother talking over the phone.

After the minutes of silence, she asked her mother again.

"Mom, ypu know I really love you and dad right?" she asked leaning on the head of the front seat of the car. This time her mother turns toward her meeting her eyes.

"I know that honey, I love you too but I'm afraid your gonna ask something right after."
She said lovingly. She stared her warm blue eyes to the confused light brown eyes.

"But mom-"

"Enough Rose, we already talked about it and you agreed to our terms right honey" she replied to her daughter sternly. Rose knew that if she continues to ask her mother about it, she will get mad and its not pleasant.

Rose shut her mouth sighing in defeat. She knows her mother very much hence why she didn't disturb her after. She leaned onto the window observing the scenery of thick forest. Fog started to form and dark soon will come leaving the area dark, replacing the warm embrace of sun.

She fell asleep. But disturbed when the car halted, making her body thrown forward, her head hitting the head rest. Confused she look up to see her parents already walking out of the car the same estate as her.

Observing her sorroundings, they are in the middle of thw road, the car positioned diagonally facing the forest. Smoke emerged from the front of the car making it hard to see what's going outside. With a blurry eyes and sore arms she slowly walked out of the car. Her eyes widen when the bumper of the car was pulled out. Must be the impact of the hit.

She stands up looking for her parents but with her estate she cant really see whats happening. Walking in front with limp leg, whimper escaping her mouth. Until suddenly her eyes widen and fear started to crept onto her body.

She screamed.

*********. ***************

I woke up in blaring sound of my alarm clock. It read as 3 am. Groaning I slowly moved my legs into the night stand to stop the alarm. With a loud thud, it finally stop. God that awful sound can't leave my ears. You asked why i still keep it and use it? Well thats the reason I keep it. The sound of the alarm really helps me to wake up to avoid unnecessary events that will only trigger my death.

Why? Long story short. If I didn't wake in the exact time as my alarm clock warned me to, I might die and Im not really in the mood to talk about that shit. Maybe sometime, in the near future when I can bear to relive the memories of the past.

That's why somethings are meant to be buried and forgotten. But Im unable to do such thing. So I decided to not talk about it.

Walking to my bathroom, I decided to start my day. Strip off my night clothes and hop in the tub. Filling the tub with warm water, I pour some tulip-lavender body wash. Instantly I calmed down. Dipping into the tub I relaxed  my body and enjoy the serene moment. Helping me to forget the dream or more like a nightmare.

I thought I will never have that dream again, I thought I buried It along with the corpse of my family. But guess what, they didn't. Maybe something triggered it. Might be the event happened in the last few days.

After minutes of serenity, I decided to hop off. Steamed started to cover my mirror. Wiping it off with my hand, a face full of dullness appeared. My light brown hair almost blonde looks brown because of wetness. My hair is long, waist length. I never really cut it just trim off the ends. After my mother died, I refused to cut for she was the only one who really cut it.

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