Chapter 41- So Cool

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I scream as Zachs face covered in dirt and dry leaves stood outside my window, hands outstrech. Half of his face in shadows only his eyes that glows under the lightning. He looks like a killer.

"Jesus, damn it Zach!"

I close my eyes, hands over my chest. The heart is pounding in shock and fear.

As I open my eyes he smirk giving an eerie feeling of getting murdered. I fully open the drapes and unlock the window. It's heavy and I struggle on lifting it. Once it's high enough to slip through hands, Zach did the rest.

"What do you think your doing?!"

"Don't you miss me?" stretching his hands to hug me.

"Eww! You reek of poop. How did you even get here?" I half yelled. He climb on the window and sniff the place.

I too sniff but all I smell is the mud and a poop. I gag.

"What's all the sniffing? Are you a dog?"

"Yes."He snorted.

I stared at him blankly. Then it came rushing to my head. I widened my eyes and realised something.

"I-you. You're one them, aren't you?"

"What do you mean I'm one of them?"

"" So. You knew about them?! And you kept it for yourself and didn't bother to share?! "

" Woman geez what the hell are you talking about?" He sat into one of the couches and tilted his head upwards." And what's them? "

I knew he was hiding something. The way his left brow raise in question. His nose wrinkled, and his eyes bore in mine when asking.

"How did you past the borders? There are patrols scattered in the premises. How did you find me? "


"Dont you start denying Zacharias. Don't start now. I've been through hell for the past week. I don't know what to believe anymore. And the dreams keep pestering me every night. I don't want to be left out again.Stop keeping things to me.

" What dreams?"

"I-I just dreams." I whispered. Looking my arms, tracing the scars that started to scab.

"Bela, what dreams?"His voice firm. I shuffled from one feet to another. Without looking I can imagine him crossing his arms over his chest.
I turn around hoping to end the conversation. I trace the machines beeping every 3 seconds." The usual "My heart monitor increases, picking up the sudden change of mood. I felt shiver ran down my spine when the dreams flashed in my eyes like a television.

"Since when?"

A week before the death anniversary of my parents.

"Few days ago, I think. I'm not sure. Got lost in track of time"

I feel him near me. Still keeping a safe distance.

"You should never keep that from yourself Isa. It's too dangerous. Remember what happened last time?" his voice irritated.

The scenes replayed again.

Please don't! Don't do this!

"I'm fine Zach. It's bearable and I can manage it"

It's okay sweetheart. It's gonna hurt but you'll like it afterwards

"You can always tell me anything. You know that. We're siblings. You're my little sister and to be your brother - whether you like or you like it-"

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