Chapter 14- Regret

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Darkness sings me its favorite lullaby.

For once I let it comforts me. Its a like a blanket wrap around my body. It numbs
all the pain and block the nightmares. I thought it will suck the life out of me at first but it did the opposite.

Here, in this place I feel safe. No torture, no pain, no cries. I close my eyes and let it consumes me.

I woke up drench in sweat. My eyes felt heavy as I flutter it open. I remove the covers off of me and slide my legs out of the bed slowly. The afternoon light entering my window.

Black spots flash as I stood up. The fever is taking its sweet time on its vacation on my body. I grab the glass full of water from the night stand and drink all of it.

I strip off my clothes and change it into a oversize t shirt. I tie my hair into a bun and and went to the bathroom.

I took out the aid kit and some pain reliever.
The bandages are soaked with fresh blood and some dried patches of yellow around my wrists. I had worse than this few years ago. I am used at this work. So it's easy for me. I know the drill.

I rolled a small towel put it in between my teeth and grit it. Although, this isn't the first time I got this wounds, it's really painful.
I carefully unwrap the bandage around my left wrist. Beads of sweat starts to re-emerge.

I grit the cloth hard as the small chunk of flesh from the stitch on my wrist went with the cloth. I breathe out. Gosh its painful than I thought. The painkillers aren't kicking in yet.

Here comes the most painful part. The antiseptic.

I grab some cotton balls and wet it with antiseptic. I dab the cotton balls around the stitch, flinching. I remove the cloth inside my mouth and as I rip off the plastic covering the gauze. I put on top of the stitch and wrap the long Bandage around it.

I down, two others left.


It took longer on the other wrist because I'm right handed. The painkillers start to nullify the pain. As for the burnt flesh, its the skin covering it turn brown. The skin break a little revealing the pink flesh inside.

After all of the work, I clean the area and put back all the things in their respective cupboards.

My stomach growls in hunger. I head out and make and go downstairs. I see Zach sitting on the couch watching tv. Aromatic smell filled my nose as I find Kris cooking.

"Zach, why did you let a pregnant lady alone in the kitchen?" My voice still hoarse. Both of them snap their head at me. I make my way into the kitchen stool and sit.

"I was right about to prepare you lunch and head it to your room. You should have rest and wait for me." she asked worry filled her eyes.

Zach put his hand in my forehead and pull it away quickly. "You have high fever, you should rest." I roll my eyes at him.

"Zach, Kris, Im fine. I can handle this. I've had worse. This is just a piece of cake." I said looking at my lap. They both became quite.

The silence is deafening so I decided to cut it.
"I'm hungry" damping my chapped lips. Zach  take our three plates with fork while Kris place the pasta on a large bowl.

Kris grab my plate and place a large amount of pasta in it. I dug into the food. They both eat their food. Few glances are sent in my direction.

"You didn't answery question Zach." I said looking at him. He starts to relax.

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