Chapter VII- Necklace

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I've been driving for 2 hours now and the sun is up in the sky. Trees past in a blur as I increase my speed. Just a few more minutes rill I reach my destination.

As the I got closer I take a turn to the right entering the forest. I effortlessly drive on the dirth path with holes filled with water. Ive known this path for years so I know where to walk or drive. The sound of the tires against the mud can be heard as the forest gone quite.

After a few minutes, small cabin came into sight. Parking my bike in the garage, I slide off the bike and take off the helmet.

The cabin is located at the center of the forest clearing. The house is made up of mostly woods and bricks for the foundation. Walking in the gravel path, I see the flower bed filled with daisies, lavender ans tulip blossoming. Since the winter is coming in few months, the flowers savoured the warmth of the sun. Plucking a tulip, wander around observing the backyard.

The fence that holds horses looks new with horses eating hay. I near the fence and call out Calvin, the black horse. Hearing my voice, he immediately run towards making his long hair fly. Stopping just a metter away, stomping his foot he made a heee sound.

He lowers his head as I spread out my arms to pet him. I smiled at his action. Though its the second time we met, he stills remember me. Our first encounter was when I was brought here, five years ago.

Ever since that day when he licked my face with his mouth filled with saliva, we became best friends. Calvin isn't the only horse here, but he's the only one who's kind enough to not land a kick in my stomach. Others ignored my presence.

Still rubbing his head, he sneeze. I chuckled at him.

"Missing the good old days, yeah?" a gruff voice interrupt my moment. Looking at the old man direction.

Uncle Fredd is an old with in his late 70s. His hair is white and have untamed beard. He's quite tall about 5ft and 11 and towers my 5ft 5 height. He wore his favourite blue checkered polo shirt that tucked under his pants. He's quite pale making his freckles shows. His eyes is grey that glows whenever hes talking to me. He has a warm aura that anyone can feel. I squeal and run to his direction.

I tackle him in a bear hug. "I missed you!" i said still hugging him. "You're glowing Uncle" I look up meeting his eyes. He just rolled his eyes then puff his chest.

"As much as I wanted to stay at this position, I'm afraid It will lead me to my death cause by the lack of oxygen consumption." he made a choking sound. I immediately let go rolling my eyes at his excuse.

"We both know, my thin body could not do such thing as harming people" I sigh irritably.

"Yes you can't harm other people for now, but in the near future maybe. Always remember in harming people does not only requires physical strength. Words can also inflict pain that last much longer." He said sternly, like father scolding his child. He became the father figure to me, but no one can replace my dad.

" Of course uncle, I know that. Now can we place go inside. I'm hungry" pouting my lips to add some dramatic effect.

"You're always hungry, dearest" he chuckled hugging me to the side as he drag me onto front porch. The sound of the chimney is really welcoming. Walking inside, I observe the house. Nothing change.

Wooden furnitures still in the same place as the last time. The sofa looks comfortable located near the large glass window facing the flower bed.

Picture frames hang on the wall with the head of the dear on the very top. Uncle Fredd loves that kind of stuff.

I sit on the sofa, my legs are sprawled into the grey carpet. I know its very unlady-like but you can't blame me. My legs ate tired.

After few minutes, Uncle Fredd came back holding a tray filled with two mugs and 2 plates of pasta. My mouth watered at the smell. Uncle set it down the table and I immediately take the plate and eat. I moan at the taste of  fresh herbs and pasta.

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