Chapter 20- Macusa

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" I saw it, I uh the black veins the-the her eyes, it-its black and- and"

"Zach, calm down. Stop pacing around you're giving me a headache." Hran groan.

I could not believe what I just saw. Its not normal for a girl to have those signs. I mean I've known her since she step into our territory. She doesn't smell like any creatures. She's pretty human to me.

" Maybe the transition is starting, like what you said. Maybe she's turning faster than average" Yeah, but I need to test my theory before jumping into conclusions.

"It already started. A few nights ago. Kris saw it with Tristan . They stop it before the wraith reborn" he said writing on his notebook. I sit opposite to him clasping my hands together.

"If you don't mind, enlighten me with your knowledge for my mind is on edge of the cliff. Waiting for another discovery to push it off the cliff ." I tap my shoes nervously. I know Isabela could not harm me. I'm not worried about myself, I'm worried about her.

"Don't worry, Isabela is tough she's gonna get through this. This is just a piece of cake." He said calmly.

"What are you talking about?! The transition may kill her. Her body can't penetrate the pain and the wraith or whatever it is called, might kill her in the process. And what do you mean by that piece of cake?" What the hell are this guy talking about.

"Explain, I need some answers" I raise to my seat crossing my arms.

"You will not get your answer if you continue to interrupt me. Sit tight and listen carefully." I did what I was told.

"Isabela is isn't what you think she is. She's more than capable of surviving in this cruel world, might as well in our world" I furrow my brow on this. Physically no but mentally, I don't know. She's been through a lot.

"She survived the unnatural accident of her family. You knew already this right?" Yeah, the alpha told us this a day after the accident. This wasn't the doing of Rouges. If they were there at least claw marks and shredded flesh on the area, but its clean.
Only the the corpses were lying on the ground, with blood on their eyes, nose and ears.

"Did you ever suspected why she didn't die? The patrols said that the car was hit on the front and the back meaning the impact is worse on the inside. The seat were Isabela was seated does not have any seat belt. Its broken and the seat belts of the twins were on."

He grab the bowl full of chips and emptied it. He pulled out a miniature of a soldier and put it in the centre.

" Now, imagine this is Isabela sitting in the car with no straps at all. If we strike a force in the back of this bowl, the inside will be thrown forward, the strike on the front will do the same to this object."

" Okay I'm getting the visual of it." I said

"Since Isabela was on the middle, then the twins were at the backseat. Now, the twins might have thrown forward but given there is a force holding them back, they still died. I was at the infirmary when the bodies were brought. Same cause of death. Internal bleeding. " He said closing his notebook.

" So you're saying that Isabela might have this kind of protection shield that prevented her from sharing the same fate" Well I cannot think of any theories that supports the evidence.

"My theory is the same as yours. They are a family of witch. A powerful one. That means Isabela is too. They are known for casting protection spells back before the war began"

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