Chapter 23- Jackson

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The beeping sound of a machine stirred me awake from deep slumber. I feel calm yet  there's something raging inside. The beeping continues and I flutter my heavy eyes open.
I regret doing it because of the bright fluorescent shine brightly on the ceiling.

I turn my head to the side and saw a white bare wall. I further move my eyes in the area and see a single chair in the far corner. A coffee table filled with magazines near the single window. I noticed the light coming from it. It's daytime, and I'm in the hospital.

I adjusted my eyes and squint through the bright light. My nose itch and I bring my hand to scratch it. My brows furrow in confusion. A small box with wires is attached to my pointy finger on my left arm.
An IV tube on my left arm. I notice also the bandages wrap on my burnt mark and on my wrists.

The beeping sound continues to irritate me and turn my head to the side. There, on my left plugged a heart monitor. I gulp the saliva on my throat in attempt to ease the dryness only to feel something against on my wind pipe that releases air. I panic and I put my hands over my mouth and a plastic tube is shove to my throat. I trail the tube and and is connected to a machine also. An oxygen tank  on its side.

As much as I wanted to rip off this tube, I'm afraid I'm in no condition to do it. Besides, I don't know how to take it off. I'll leave this to the nurse.

I rest my head to the soft pillow. I rack my brain from the events that happened before I became like this however my brain could not find anything. All I remember is that Tristan and I suppose to pick up Uncle Fredd and go to the homeland of my parents. Then After that it's blank.


The door open revealing a man clothed with black pants and white shirt, tone muscles under it. He's tall, maybe six foot. On his hand there's a bouquet of daisies. It's not for me I am sure with that because I don't recognise this man. Maybe he enter a wrong room. He tip his head up and stumble on the door when his eyes met mine. He's eyes are wide like a saucers like he seen a ghost,  lips parted like a fish.

I took my time to study his features. Straight nose, squared jaw, pink lips, thick brows and grey eyes. Nothing much to offer. I said Internally. Well I can totally say he's cute but too common for my eyes. I've seen thousands of guys through online and personal and he's one of the common guys on my list.

Given the circumstances that I can't talk and I don't talk to strangers, all I can do is crossed my arms over my chest with a bored expression on my face. He seems to get the message and he compose himself and cleared his throat.

"You're awake" Obviously. He scratch the back of his neck and smile awkwardly. I didn't move. I didn't blink. I raise my hand and flick my wrist, shooing him. His brows furrow in confusion. He didn't seem to get the idea so I did what mind is telling me.

I grab the empty cup and I held it to my lap.

"Oh you want coffee? Let me just put this-"

I throw the cup at his direction. He grab with his left hand and held it to his chest. He is obviously shock of my sudden action. I crossed my arms again and act like nothing happened.

"You surely don't want coffee" He murmured rushing towards the door. He trip over the flower vase and ram hid head to the wall. I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from laughing. He muttered a string of curses and jiggle the door knob.

I need a popcorn. The show's got really interesting. In attempt to open the door, the knob fell off. Oops.

He lean his forehead to the wall and took a sharp breath. He turn around slowly with an awkward smile to his face. Aww he look like a baby. I want to pinch that cheeks, ooooh he has a dimple. I hid my desires behind a stoic facade.

ISABELAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora