Chapter X- Unusual Day

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I woke up, in the morning light.
Today is the day that I do everything right.

Kidding. Did you ever felt so tired in your life just by waking up in the morning? Yep, thats me. I feel like I did some intense work out yester night before sleep. My shoulders are so sore and my head throbs like I have an hangover. My neck still stiff.

Well it did feel like hangover. Other than that I'm fine. No dreams ir nightmares visited me. Its rare to not have any of those since I've been suffering from that every night.

I turn my head to the side to the vanity to see my alarm is going to ring in few minutes.
I remove the covers off my legs and walk out of the bed. I groan at the sudden dizziness. Slowly, I go head to the vanity to turn of the alarm before its sound invade my ears.

I go to the bathroom and turn on the sink. The cold water wake up my senses as I wash my face. I dried my face and look in the mirror.

My eyes look brighter that the usual. My hair is radiant and the skin is glowing. Not literally but it isn't as pale and lifeless luke right now. I absentmindedly touch my face and it felt softer. The dark circles under my eyes are niw gone. Well thats...... Weird. A good kind of weird? Forget about what I said.

I move my head to the side and see a swelling onmy temple, hides on my baby hair. I regret touching because as soon as my fingers touch it, it stings bad but bearable. I can hide with maje up

I racked my brain on how did I get hurt last night. My eye brows furrowed as I think hard. Minutes past still nothing. I huff in frustration. Maybe if I don't think of it, it will eventually pop in my mind later.

I decided to take a warm shower to ease some pain on my shoulder. After spending 30 minutes I got out. What? Girls do have necessary shave here and there.

I dried myself and open my closet. I open the drawer and pulled out some undies and socks. I rummage through my clothes and settled for  peach close neck top and paired it with high waisted wash jeans. After I got dress, I wear my white Adidas shoes.

Stuffing my hair into my towel, I head downstairs. Im not really a fan of drier because of the thought that it may damage the edges of my hair. Plus, I have an hours of letting it dry without any use of appliances.

I went to the kitchen and open several cupboards. What should I eat? Well waffles stuffed with chocolate and banana sided with bacon are really good, so yeah.

I take out the ingredients for waffles and start mixing it into a bowl. After that, I preheat the waffle maker and begin to start the work. Whilst waiting for the waffles I cut the fresh banana into thin slice and pulled out some chocolate paste in the fridge. I fried some bacon strips carefully.

After I'm done, I eat happily on the kitchen. After that  I clean the area walk into the dining area. Turning on the T.V., I flip some channels and settled on watching some cartoons. I sit comfortably into the warm couch.


The comfortable silence was interrupted by a blaring horn outside. I walk to the front door and lokk outside the window. Its Zach, guessing by the stickers of moon plastered on the window backseat.

I unlock the door and head outside. He rolled down his window and pop his head, smiling. I walk closer and cross my arms with an annoyed face.

"Now don't ge me that look, it's early in the morning and I'm yet to prepare myself for Jessica's wails and Im not gonna let you ruin my day" he rant raising his eyebrow. I muse at his antics and fire back.

"Well, I don't have plans on ruining your mood today because you know, I felt the same way. Like your sitting comfortably in tou couch watching some cartoons and then a smart ass decided to to stop by to just rant about my face. I really feel you" I said sarcastically. Rolling my eyes.

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