Chapter 27: 3 Months.

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***3 months later.***

***Jai's P.O.V.***

"Hey it's Miranda! Leave a message." *Beep.* "Uhh... hey Miranda.. It's Jai... again. Listen I really need to talk to you. I miss you like crazy.. I just wanna see you. I can't find you anywhere.. it's like you disappeared or something.. you're kinda worrying me a bit. Just please.. please call me back. I love you." I hung up the voice mail. It's been 3 months since I've seen or heard from Miranda... Beunka is still living at my house. Shes been trying to make me smile for the past 3 months but... I just can't.. Just to let ya'll know, nothing is going on between me and Bee.. "Jai.. please, just smile." Bee said. I shook my head no. It's really hard to force a smile. "Miranda will call.. eventually.." Bee said as she walked into her room. I just sighed and headed out the door. I needed some air. I've been locked up in my house for the past 3 months. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I had to talk to Bee because she lives with me now. Every place that I walked by just made me even more depressed. Every time I saw a couple being cute together made my heart break more and more. I then was knocked over by a girl. I fell and she fell on top of me. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She got off of me quickly. "I was running and I guess I zoned out and didn't see where I was going!" She said apologetic. I was still on the floor. I just layed there and sighed. "You okay?" The girl asked. She hasn't seen my face, and I haven't seen her face. I then rolled over to see Miranda.... "Miranda?!" I then stood up quickly and hugged her. She pushed me off of her and started running. "Miranda!" I yelled as I ran after her. She just kept running. Boy was she in shaped! She just kept running while I was running out of breath! "Hold up time out!" I said as I stopped so I can catch my breath. She ignored me, she kept running. In the direction that she was going in.. I knew where she was going.

***Miranda's P.O.V.***

After trying to avoid him for 3 months, I run into him! I never return his calls or text him back because I don't want to fall for him again.... I ran to this lake that Jai and recently found before we broke up. I just sat there and just started to cry. "Miranda?" I heard behind me. I knew it was Jai... I didn't look at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked whipping away my tears. "This is one of our many spots... I come to one of our spots every day..." I looked at him. "You do?" Jai half smiled and nodded. "Why haven't you been returning my calls? I've been worrying about you. I thought you like... disappeared or something." Jai said as he sat down next to me. "I just needed time away from you..." I said looking away. I heard Jai sigh. "You look pretty well. Did you get tanner?" Jai asked as he admired my skin. "Yeah. I went tanning the other day." I said. "And you darken your hair a bit. It looks nice." Jai said smiling. It was a light brown.. almost blondish. but I died it a little darker. It's dark but not too dark. "Thanks." I said. "You look even more perfect." Jai said as he scooted closer to me. "Jai.. stop." I said as I scooted away. Jai looked sad. "Why?" He asked. "I told you.. I need time away from you." Jai got a bit angry. "How long do you need Miranda?! It's been 3 months since we've seen each other! 3 months feels like forever to me!" I put my face in my hands. I hate seeing Jai so angry at me.... "Jai... I'm not doing this to hurt you... I'm doing this because I don't know what I want anymore." Jai scooted closer to me again. "But I know what I want.. And I want you. Miranda I miss you. Please don't leave me again." Jai started to get tears in his eyes. "Maybe we can start off as friends and see where it leads... okay?" I asked. Jai sighed. "Well at least it's something." Jai said looking away. "Friends?" I asked as I stook out my hand to him for him to shake. "Friends." He said shaking my head. "Well.. I should probably keep exercising. I'll see you around Jai." I said as I got up and started to run. Jai waved goodbye and started to walk in the other direction. It took all of me to not kiss him then and there. I missed him like crazy as well... but I didn't want to show that I was weak. I wanted him to see how tough I was without him.

A/N:Ya'll... Jai is in L.A. and I'm in freakin' Texas!!!! I can't deal! I laughed at Jai's vine when he said that he didn'r know what the Super Bowl was but he was excited for it anyways! Like... How can people not love Jai?!?!?!?! I am super duper sorry that this chapter is so late! I've just been busy all week long! This story isn't ending any time soon so you might as well keep it in your library!(: Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my story!Please keep reading! I love you guys! xxxx

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें