Chapter 28: Not A Date.

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

When I got back to my hotel, I showered and layed in bed and read my favorite book 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. (To Kill a Mockingbird is seriously my favorite book!!!!) While I was reading, I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to revealed Chase..... My old crush from America. "Chase!" I said as I jumped in his arms. "Miranda!" He said as he hugged me back. "What are you doing here?" I said as I led him inside my room. "Well.. I've missed you! So I decided to come see you." He said smiling. "I see that you got your braces off." I said chuckling. "Yeah, I've had them off for about 5 months now." He said smiling. "Lexy and I were saving money to come visit you, we've all miss you. I saw that you were in L.A. for the past 2 years... Why didn't you come visit Texas?" Chase asked me sadly. I looked down. "I've just been really focused on my music career.. I meant to visit.. but I never got the chance to visit." Chase got a bit angry. "But you had time to move back to Australia didn't you?!" I looked down sadly. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to blow up like that.. We all just missed you." I changed the subject. "So why is Lexy coming down with you? Not that it's a bad thing, I just wanna know." He started to smile. "Lexy and I are together. We've been together for over a year now." I awww'd. I knew that they would end up together sooner or later, even though I liked him when I was in America. "Where is Lexy?" I asked confused. "She won't be flying in until tomorrow. She got a different ticket then me. But hey, you can show me around Australia!" I nodded. "Sure! I can show you all of my favorite spots." He nodded in agreement, then we both headed out the door.

***2 hours later.***

"Wow, Australia is really beautiful." Chase said as we were walking to the old burger place. "Yeah. This place grew and me very quickly." I said chuckling. When we got to the burger place, we sat at a booth. "I can see that you still love booth tables." Chase said as he sat on the other side of the table. "Well duhh! Booth tables will always be my favorite tables!" Chase and I started to laugh.

***Jai's P.O.V.***

I was planning on staying locked up in my room all day long, but mum made me get dressed and go somewhere. I was hungry, so I decided to got the burger place that I use to go with Miranda... As I was walking up to the burger place, I saw Miranda in the window......... with another boy. Anger rushed through my body. I bolted in there and walked over to Miranda's table. "What the hell Miranda?!" I yelled. I felt a few eyes on me, but I didn't care. "Uhh.. Hey Jai." Miranda said as she looked at me weirdly. I scoffed. "Don't 'Hey Jai' me! Why are you on a date?!" She gave me the 'Are you serious?' look. "I'm not." I then pointed at the guy that was a crossed from her. "You're gonna tell me that you're not on a date with this guy?!" Miranda nodded. "Bullshit! This is obviously a date!!!!" I yelled. Everyone's eyes were on me. Miranda then stood up. "You're being ridiculous!" Miranda yelled. "Well excuse me for stating facts!" Miranda got even more angry. "THIS IS NOT A DATE!!!! This a friend of mine from America! He flew in today to come visit me. Tomorrow his GIRLFRIEND will be flying in town!!!!!!" I didn't say anything. "So... this wasn't a date...?" I mumbled. "No!!! It wasn't!" Miranda said angrily. "And you have a girlfriend?" I asked Miranda's American friend. He just nodded. "Miranda, I-" Before I could say anything else, she ran out of the burger joint. I sat in Miranda's seat. "While that was awkward..." Miranda's American friend said as he sipped his drink. "I don't understand why I keep messing things up with Miranda... I mean the harder I try, the better I get at messing things up." I explained to Miranda's American friend. "Listen, I've known Miranda my whole life, I know that she doesn't fall for every guy she sees.. she's really picky about who she dates. How long were you guys together?" He asked. "We've been on and off when she moved here 2 years ago.." "She never goes back to the same guy, once that broken up with someone, she never goes out with them again. She kept going back to you.. so there's obviously something special about you to her." That made my heart smile. "What do I do to win her back?" He stood up and gathered his stuff. "I'm sure that you've done it before, you'll figure something out." He then left, leaving me there thinking about how to apologize to Miranda. My mind was blank. I honestly didn't know how apologize to Miranda....

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! It really means a lot to me! How will Jai apologize to Miranda?! Will Miranda forgive him?!.......... Or will she turn him down.......... for good? I've been thinking about posting a picture of me on here... I'm unsure yet. Comment if you think I should please!!!! Please favorite and comment on this chapter please! Thank you! Love you guys! xxxx

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Where stories live. Discover now