Chapter 2: Back In Australia.

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

As we stepped on off the plane, I breathed in the Australia smell. God I've missed Australia. "Ready to go babe?" Peyton asked as he grabbed my hand. I just nodded. Jessica, Dad, and grandma were back in L.A. taking care of Josh, my new baby brother. "I'm ready to explore Australia!!" yelled Sophia as she came up beside me. "You guys will love Australia!" I said as I grabbed Peyton's hand, and Sophia's hand and dragged them to go show them Australia. When we arrived at the hotel, we situated the room arrangements, Peyton and I share a room, Sophia gets her own room, and Dannii gets her own room. We all settled into our rooms and just rested for a while. I was laying down on the bed just looking at the ceiling when Peyton layed on top of me. "Babe! Get off you're heavy!" I whined. Peyton just looked and me and smiled. He then leaned in to kiss me. I felt a few sparks... but not as many sparks as I felt with Jai.... I miss him.. I wonder if I see him while I'm back in Australia. "Hey babe, I'm gonna go for a swim, wanna come?" Peyton asked as he got off of me. "No thanks, I'm just gonna rest up here for a while." I said as I cuddled up into bed. He just nodded and headed out the door. I sat there for about 5 minutes trying to sleep but I couldn't... I decided to go for a walk. I wanted to go explore my old home.. Australia hasn't really changed as much as I thought it would.. even though it's only been 2 years.... 2 very long years.

***Jai's P.O.V.***

"Jai! I feel like you're still in love with her!!!!" Bee yelled at me. I just sighed. "Bee... It was just a simple answer. Why are you blowing it out of proportion?!?!" I asked angrily. What happened was while we were at the Burger joint earlier she asked if I knew that Miranda was coming back, and I just said yeah I know, then she got mad and was like, oh, I didn't know that you kept up with her personal life. I was trying to explain to her that I saw flyer of her while I went to the men's room, but she wouldn't let me explain, she just walked out of the Burger joint really angry. We've been arguing about this for over an hour. "Bee... when you're ready to talk, call me." I then walked out of her room slamming her door. "Jai.. everything all right?" Beunka's mom asked me. "I'm sorry Ms. Nunez, it's time for me to go." I said as I walked out the door. Bee and I have been fighting a lot lately. I just didn't know what to think. I decided to go for a walk... to get my mind off things. As I was walking a girl was walking out of one of the hotels. She was wearing a t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and some white converse. She looked pretty cute from the back. Her light brown hair was pretty. Her hair ended above her butt. I don't know why but.. the back of her looked so familiar. She dropped her phone and said, "Shit!" really loud. That sounded a lot like Miranda.. But that can't be Miranda... It's March... She shouldn't be her until next month! "Miranda?" I said out loud. I didn't mean to say it.. but it just came out. She turned around. The brightness of the sun directly hit her.... She was still perfect. More perfect than I remembered. "Jai?" she said with a shocked expression on her face. All of these emotion started to fill up inside me. There stood my ex girlfriend that I deeply fell in love with 2 years ago. "I...I can't believe it's you." I said as I took a step towards her. I felt like I was going to cry. I missed her so much.. "Jai.. you look... different." she said as she took a step towards me. I chuckled. "A good different or a bad different?" I asked her smiling. She then started to smile her perfect smile. "A good different." We were both in front of each other. I wanted to kiss her so badly. She stook out her hand. I guess she wanted to give me a friendly hand shake. I gladly shook it. I felt a tingly feeling as our hands touch. "Wh-What are you doing back in Australia?" I asked like I didn't know about her meet and greet in April. "I have a meet and greet in April and then I'm taking a break from my career for a while." I just nodded. "I see you uhh.. on social media.. you're with that Peyton guy right?" I asked as I scratched that back of my neck awkwardly. Miranda nodded. "And you're with Beunka right?" she asked looking down. "Yeah." I said. Miranda's phone rang... breaking the awkward silence. "Hello? Peyton I just went for a walk I'm fine. Pey-. Stop shouting! I'll be back soon!" She the angrily hung up her phone. "You alright?" I asked. "Yeah... Peyton's been over protective lately... Anyways I gotta go before he freaks out. We should catch up soon." Miranda said. I nodded smiling! "Yeah we should! I umm... I lost your number." I said as I pulled out my phone. She grabbed my phone from me and gave me her phone. She took a selfie on my phone and started to put in her number, I then did the same thing with her phone. "I'll text you later." I said as I gave her her phone back. She smiled and nodded. She then turned away and ran to the hotel. I just kinda stood there smiling.... Miranda was back... after 2 very long years.... she was finally back.... but she wasn't back with me.... I need her back... and I'm gonna change that.

A/N: I loved writing this chapter! Hop you guys enjoyed it!! Keep reading! xxxx

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