Chapter 34: ARIAs.

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***2 weeks later.***

***Jai's P.O.V.***

I was currently sitting on Miranda's bed, watching her do her hair and make up and listening to almost all of my songs that I've written. Except for Shy. She hasn't heard my Shy EP album yet. I told her that I'm singing Shy at the ARIAs which is tonight, and I want her to listen to the whole song there. "Babe, are you going to get dressed?" She asked breaking my thoughts. I looked at the time. The ARIAs don't start until 7, and it was only 5. "I guess so." I said as I got up and started to get myself ready.

***1 hour later.***

"Babe, you ready?" I asked as I was waiting by the door. "Yeah. I'm coming." Miranda soon walked out of the bedroom and came out looking flawless. "Do I look okay?" She asked. I couldn't speak... Miranda looked.. she looked perfect. "You look beautiful baby." I said as I walked up to her and kissed her lightly on her cheek. She blushed. "You look handsome." She said as she admire my outfit. I smirked. "I always look good baby." I said as I brushed off my shoulder like I was hot shit. She chuckled. "Lets get going, I don't wanna be late." I intertwined our fingers and walked to the elevator. As we were walking, I noticed that I never officially asked Miranda to be my girlfriend again. I decided to ask her in front of the paparazzi.. It would be more romantic in front of cameras.

(In the picture is what Jai and I wore to the ARIAs if you didn't know ((: )

When we got downstairs, there was a limo waiting for us so it could take us to the ARIAs. "Ready to sing today?" I asked Miranda. She sighed nervously. "I don't know... I'm just really nervous... I never actually sang in front of other singers... like pro singers... me compared to them.. I'm a rookie." She said. I took her hands into mine. "Baby... I've heard you sing thousands of times, either in the studio, or even in the shower, you sing amazing where ever you're at. I have faith in you. I promise you that you'll do amazing tonight." She pecked my lips. 

As we pulled up to the ARIAs, Miranda let go of my hand... I guess she knows that we aren't officially together and she doesn't want the paparazzi to come with a non-true story. As we got out of the limo, Miranda and I were blinded by flashes of the cameras, and got asked a bunch of questions. "Jai, is she your girlfriend?" "Miranda, what really happened between you and Peyton?" "Is Peyton in jail?" "Are you two together?" Miranda and I ignored all the questions. As we got the carpet, where there were barely any paparazzi around, Miranda and I started to socialize with the other celebrities here. "Jai!" I turned around to see  Marlisa walking towards me. "Marlisa!" We hugged. "I haven't seen you since X-Factor! You've gotten taller!" I laughed. "Marlisa, this is Miranda my-" I was about to say girlfriend but she isn't my girlfriend... yet. "My friend Miranda." I turned to Miranda. She was smiling.. but her eyes read 'hurt'. "Hi! It's great to meet you! You have an amazing voice!" Miranda said as she shook Marlisa's hand. "Aww thank you! I heard that you're singing tonight! I can't wait to hear you!" Marlisa soon walked away. "Lets go take a few pictures." I said as I pointed to the paparazzi's. She just nodded. When we walked over to them, all of the flashes got a little brighter. "Jai! Miranda! Over here!" I wrapped my arm are Miranda's waist. She had one hand around my neck. I looked over at her. She was giving the cameras a soft smile.. her smile made me smile. "Are you two together?" A reporter asked. "No. We're just friends." Miranda kindly said. "Actually.... I need to ask you something." I said. I guess every near us heard because it got quiet. The only thing that you could hear, are the cameras.. making that click sound so you could take a picture. I grabbed both of Miranda's hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. A soft smile creeped on Miranda's face. "Yes. I'll be your girlfriend." She said. She gave me a peck on my lips and hugged me tightly.

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Where stories live. Discover now