Chapter 3: Di-Did You Just Hit Me?!?!?!

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

When I got back to the hotel room, I walked in on an angry Peyton. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!?!?!" Peyton asked shouting at me. "I told you.. I couldn't sleep so I went for a little walk." I then started to think of Jai. "Then I ran into my old friend Jai and I-" Peyton interrupted me. "Jai? As in your ex boyfriend?!?!" He got even more angry. "Peyton.. you need to calm down. Nothing happened." He didn't believe. "You're a lier!!! I bet you both did something together!! Slut!!!!" He yelled. That hurt. "Peyton." I said as I walked up to him. "I promise you... nothing hap-" I was then interrupted by a hard hit to the cheek. I fell to floor holding my cheek. I looked up at Peyton with tears in my eyes. "Di-Did you just hit me?!?!?!" I yelled. "Fuck yeah I did. That'll teach you to keep your slutty ass in line!!!" He then walked out of the hotel room slamming the door behind him. I just said there on the floor crying... Peyton and I have been together for over a year, and he has been nothing but sweet to me. He never layed a finger on me in a hurtful way! I finally got up off the floor and went to go look at myself in the mirror. A bruise was forming on my left cheek. I started to cry even more. I haven't cried this much since............... since Terrie started to abuse me... All of those memories started to come back. I cried even more. I needed a friend. I couldn't go to Sophia... she would punch the daylights Peyton. I then thought of Jai. He can help me. He helped when my mom did it. He can surely help me now. I dialed his number. "Hey Miranda!" his strong Australian accent said. "Jai... I need you. Meet me at the old park." I said. "Sure. You okay?" he asked with worry in his voice. "I'll explain at the park." Before he said another word. I hung up. When I got to the park. I saw a boy sitting on the swings. It must be Jai. I guess he heard me coming because he turned around and stood up. "Hey. Are you o-" He stopped himself. He got a worried/angry expression on his face. He must have seen the bruise on my face in the street lights.... He came up to me and started to stroke it. I flinched. "He did this to you.... didn't he?" he asked. I cried and nodded. "I'm gonna hurt him." He whispered. He had anger in his eyes. "Jai.. don't. It was probably a one time thing." I said has I put my hands on his chest. "Miranda if he hit you once, he'll do it again!!! I don't want to see you hurt again." He said as he looked down. "He was just angry.... I know that he didn't mean it." I mumbled. Jai looked up at me in anger. "I will not let some spoiled actress hurt the girl I love!!!" Jai yelled. His eyes got big when he realized what he said. "Miranda... I-" I interrupted him. "I know. You didn't mean to say it. It's okay." He looked at me in confusion. "No.. I meant it. I love you. I just didn't mean for it to come out like that.... I wanted it to come out better." Jai said. I just stood there. Jai came closer to me... "Remember what I said to you 2 years ago?" He asked as he grabbed both of my hands. I shook my head no. "You will always have my heart." He looked into my eyes. No words could come out of me. "Do you still love me?" He asked. He kept getting closer. Our faces were centimeters apart. He started to lean in. "Just say stop if you want me to stop." I started to lean in too.. but I quickly backed up. "Stop." I whispered. Jai looked down. "I'm sorry.." Jai said. "I have to go..." I turned and started to walk away. "Wait." Jai grabbed my arm. "You didn't answer my question." "What question?" "Do you still love me?" I looked down. I wasn't sure. It's been 2 years since I've seen Jai. Feelings change. "I don't know...." I mumbled. "I'll see you later. I need to go home before mum gets worried." He said. "See ya Jai."I said as I walked off. I can't belive Jai still loves me... After 2 years, he still loves me... wow.

***Jai's P.O.V.***

I really can't believe that I told Miranda that I loved her.. I didn't mean to. I mean I did.. just not right now. We barely saw each other today after 2 years. As I walked through my front door mum was there. "Where were you?" she asked. "I went to go see Miranda." Mum smiled. "Miranda's back! Bring her over for dinner soon! I miss that girl!" She said. I always knew that mum like Miranda. She said that we gave each other the special look. "Oh uhh.. you have a surprise in your bedroom." She frowned and walked away. I ran to my bedroom to see Beunka sitting on my bed with her arms crossed. "Where have you been?" She asked. "Bee.. a friend needed my help. I just went to go help her." She then stood up and walked over to me with her arms still crossed. "Her? So you help her? Who is this'her'?" I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Miranda.." I mumbled. She got tears in her eyes. "Bee.. it isn't what you think, she had a small problem and she asked for a friend." She looked down. "You love her don't you?" I sighed. I didn't want to answer the question.. "I- I don't know... maybe." She looked up at me. Tears were streaming down her face. "I think we need a break.... Call me when you have your head on straight." Before I said anything, she walked out the door. My head was spinning. I love Bee... But all of those feelings that I had for Miranda from 2 years ago are still there... And they will always be there.. I'm so lost right now.. I don't know what I want right now.. I'm so confused...

A/N: WHY IN THE HELL WOULD PEYTON DO THAT?!?!?!?!? WHAT A HOE BAG!!!!!!!! What will Jai do? Will he stay with Beunka? Or win Miranda's heart again? Find out in the next chapter! Thank you so much for reading!!! xxxx

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