Chapter 11: I Just Don't Remember You... I'm Sorry.

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***Jai's P.O.V.***

I couldn't take it.. I just ran out of the room and into the hallway. I fell to my knees and started to bawl. "Jai!" Tahlia knelled down to my level. "Tahlia.. she doesn't remember me! How can she forget all of our times together!" I cried out. "Jai, it's not like she planned to forget you." Tahlia said trying to comfort me. I just keep crying. "The gang and I will leave to give you two some time." She the walked back into Miranda's room and gathered the gang and walked out. I went to go clean my face and headed to Miranda's room. I kinda stepped in quietly. She was staring out the window. She was so beautiful.. I wish that she would remember me... I coughed awkwardly to get her attention. She looked over at me... with no emotion in her eyes. "Hey." I said sitting in the chair next to her bed. She scooted away. "Hello." I wanted to kiss her so badly. "Do I know you?" she asked. "Uhh yeah. I'm uhh... I'm your boyfriend." I said scratching the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. You can't be my boyfriend." She said looking at me blankly. I felt tears go down my face. "Excuse me for a moment." I said as I walked out of the room to go find Miranda's Doctor. "Uhh Dr. Puckett?" I said as I tapped him on the shoulder. "Mr.Waetford, what can I do for you?" He asked. "Miranda doesn't remember me, she remembers everyone else... but me. Why?" I felt tears in my eyes. "Well Mr. Weatford, I know that you and Miranda were something considering you stayed her everyday for that last 2 months, but sometimes love can be so strong in your head, that it can be forgotten. But the memory always comes back sooner or later. But you never know when the memory will come back. Only time will tell." He said. I looked down and nodded. "Just.. help her try to remember as much as you can." "Yes sir." I said before I headed back to Miranda's room. "Miranda?" I said as I walked in. "Hey. Everything okay?" she asked. I nodded. "Look Miranda... I know that you don't remember me but.. we had something.. we were in love and stuff and you always said that you loved me.. but now that you don't remember any of that, I was wondering if you wanted to start all over.. you know as.. umm... friends?" I flinched at the word 'friends'. I can't be just friends with Miranda.. I love her too much to just be friends.. but she doesn't remember what we had... so it's not really an option to be just friends... "Sure." She said smiling. That got me a little happy. We may not be together, but at least we're friends.

***Miranda's P.O.V.***

"So what's your name?" I asked the cute bruntte that was sitting in the chair beside my bed. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Jai." He said smiling. When he said that he was my boyfriend, I couldn't believe it... how can someone that hot be my boyfriend?!?! I had to reject him anyway because I didn't know him. "So umm.. do you know when I get out of here?" I asked Jai. "You get out tomorrow. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow and I can help you regain your memory." I nodded and smiled. "Sounds great!" Jai was really cute. But we had something before I lost my memory.. and I wanna regain my memory first before I get my flirt on. "So you know me better than me at the moment. What's my life like?" I asked. He chuckled. "Well.. you're famous first of all, you were suppose to have a meet and greet about a month ago, but Dannii cancelled since you were still in the hostpital. But don't worry, your fans understood." Wow, I'm famous. "What am I famous for?" I asked. "You're a singer." I was shocked. "I can sing? Really?" He laughed. Jai's laugh was cute! "But I guess you're gonna have to lay off your career until you get your memeory back." Jai said. I just nodded. Jai was leaning in. I think he was trying to kiss me. I kinda backed up. "Sorry.. it's a habit.." He said looking down. "Jai.. You seem like a really nice guy but... I just don't remember you. I want to remember you.. I really do but.. I just don't remember you... I'm sorry." I feel bad for Jai.. I really do. He seemed like he really loved me. He nodded in understandment. "So I'll pick you up and noon tomorrow. Sound good?" Jai asked as he stood up. "Yeah. That sounds great." I said. He smiled and then opened his arms for a hug. I stook out my hand real quick. He just looked at my hand sad. He then shook it. "Right... just friends." He mumbled. "See you tomorrow Jai." I said as he walked to door. "See ya Miranda." He then walked out of the room. I felt... a tingly feeling when our hands touched. I really want to remember what Jai and I had.. I felt like we had something really special... I was gonna remember what Jai and I had one way.. or another.

A/N: Ya'll it's still Wednsday where I'm at, so that means I have to wait another day to watch and hear Shy EP. MY LIFE SUCKS!!!!!! #americaprobz Keep reading guys! Love ya'll! xxxx

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