Chapter 36: The Dream... More Like Nightmare.

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

*Miranda's dream*

I had no idea where I was. I found myself sitting on a park bench... alone. I then heard giggles coming from a near by bush. I decided to go check it out. As I approached the bush, the giggles got louder and louder. "Oh Jai!" moaned a familiar voice. Why did that voice moan out Jai?! I then looked behind the bush to see a heart breaking sight........ Jai and Beunka....... having sex. "Jai!" I yelled as tears were streaming down my face. Jai got up quickly. "Miranda! I-I can-" He kept stuttering cause he was giggling at the same time. I gave him a confused look. Then, Jai and Beunka burst into laughter. "I'm sorry! I couldn't keep a straight, serious face!" I was still standing there giving him a confused, hurt, heart breaking look. "I never loved you. I was and always be in love with Beunka. Beunka is the girl for me. You were just a toy that I used to get my Bee back." He then gave Beunka his perfect smile.... "B-But Jai.... what about the songs that you wrote for me..? The flowers that you always sent..? The 'I love you's'... was all of that just an act or something..?" I asked as my heart kept breaking... "Yep. Now... shouldn't you be getting back to your corner? Since you a whore now." I felt more tears go down my face. "Can you like... go now? Jai and I are kinda in the middle of something." Beunka asked giving me a dirty look. Jai then climbed back on top of her and started to kiss her. I couldn't help but runaway. So many tears were falling from my eyes. I ran all the way to cliff. I started down at it. "Do it! You have no reason to live anymore since I'm out of your life now!" I turned to see Jai... holding Beunka in his arms... He then made a 'Go on' or 'Do it' gesture. Beunka waved at me sarcastically. I then turned back to the cliff and................... and jumped. Then I was woken up...

*End of Miranda's dream*

"Miranda! Miranda" I was being shaken lightly by Jai. I pushed him off of me. "Get away from me!" I yelled. He gave me a confused look. "Babe.. what's wrong?" He tried to get closer to me, but I put up my hand for him to stop. "Don't come near me! How could you?!" I yelled. "How could I what?! What did I do?!" He yelled back. "Don't act like you don't know what you did! I found you and Beunka having-" I then stopped talking and looked around the room. I was back in my hotel room. I looked over at the clock. It read '3:52am'. I then layed back and held my head with my hands. It was all just a dream........ a bad dream. "Miranda... I only woke you up because you screamed... I turned on the lights to see that you were crying in your sleep... and screaming at the same time. I needed to wake you up cause I knew that you were having a nightmare." Jai said as he got closer to me. "It was all a dream...." I whispered to myself. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Jai said as he wrapped is arms around me. "I'm not sure if you wanna hear it.." I said not looking at him. "I kinda wanna hear it since you were yelling at me to get away from you earlier... I mean.. I'm assuming it involves me." Jai said. He was trying to get me to look at him. "Okay.. I'll tell you.... I found myself on a bench all by myself.. I then heard soft giggles coming from a near by bush. As I got closer to the bush... a familiar voice moaned out your name.. at first I was thinking it couldn't be my Jai... I then walked behind the bush to see....." I felt some tears go down face. Jai wiped them away. "What did you see baby?" Jai asked concerned. I looked down. "To see you and Beunka having sex...." I looked up at him, he was taken back. "You then tried to explain to me what was going on... then you burst into laughter with Beunka and said that you never loved me.. and it was all an act to get you real dream girl back..." Jai just looked at me.. he was shocked. "Beunka then told me to go away cause you were both trying to continue to have sex. I then ran off to the cliff. I stared down the cliff thinking weather I should jumo or not. Then you yelled for me to jump, there was no point of me living now that you weren't in my life anymore... I then jumped... and that was it...." Fresh tears flowed down my face. Jai pulled me into a tight hug... "That will never happen baby... Beunka... I don't feel a thing when I'm around her... you're the only girl that matters in my life.. well.... besides my mum.. but you're very important to me... and I will never leave you." Jai whispered smoothly in my ear. I just nodded. "It's past 4am.... we just go back to sleep." I mumbled getting out of his grip... I was still upset about my dream.. I know that Jai says that he loves me and he would never leave me but.... dreams can give you clues about what's gonna happen in your future... Was it a sign that Jai will cheat again........ ?

***Jai's P.O.V.***

Miranda decided to go back to sleep. I wrapped my arms around her firmly. She tensed up a bit... Was she still upset with me? It was only a dream, it didn't actually happen, nor will it ever happen! I heard Miranda's light snore. She must've fallen asleep already. I couldn't really fall back asleep.. Miranda's dream kept replaying in my head.. Why would I tell her to jump off a cliff when she knows I'm deeply in love with her? I don't see Beunka like that anymore... I don't understand why she thinks I would cheat on her again... I'm so positive that this is my last chance with Miranda if I do 'cheat' again... I cuddled my head up in Miranda's neck and tried to fall asleep.

A/N: So I wore my glasses to school today... a lot of my guy friends were telling that I looked good with glasses.. then they started to flirt... *___* Boys are stupid. What did Miranda's dream mean?! Will something happen between Jai and Beunka? Will something happen between Cody and Miranda? Keep reading to find out! Thank you all so much for reading! Please comment and star this chapter! Love you guys! You guys are the best! xxxx

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant