Chapter 39: The Promise Ring.

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

A table set for two on the beach!(The picture is what the date looks like!) "Oh my gosh! Jai this is beautiful!" I said as I jumped into his arms. "I would seriously do anything to keep that perfect smile on your flawless face." We both just stared at each other.

***Jai's P.O.V.***

"Lets go eat." Miranda said breaking the stare. As we sat down, the waiter came and took our order. The whole time, me and Miranda talked about all of our times together, the good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, the romantic ones... all of them. Just seeing Miranda smile and laugh... it just makes me all happy inside. Before Miranda came into my life, my world was dull and boring... even when I was with Beunka. Now that Miranda is in my life... my world just shines like the sun. I get all of these tingles when I touch her. I fell sparks every time we kiss. I feel empty when she's not by my side.. I feel like I wouldn't be this happy if she didn't come into my life. Miranda was the one for me. I then blurted out the most embarrassing thing... I blurted,"What if we got married?" She looked at me in complete shock. After those words came out of my mouth, I slapped my hand over my mouth. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean-" "It's okay Jai..." She said looking away. Shit. I just made things awkward. "Why is marriage on your mind?" She asked. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "I.. uhh.. I just feel like... you know..." She then said the words that I was thinking. "You were thinking that we belong together." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah... exactly." Miranda looked down. "I don't know Jai... Marriage? I mean... we're only 16." I nodded. "I'm aware that we're only 16... but.. people say that you meet the person that you will love forever at 15 or 16... I met you when I was 14. I was 14 Miranda... and when I first saw your face... I finally believed in love at first sight." A happy tear fell from her face. "Jai.." She said smiling. I then got down on one knee beside her chair. Her eyes when big. I chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not purposing.. I just wanted to give you this." I then opened a small box to reveal a ring. I engraved 'Jai+Miranda=Forever<3'. More happy tears fell from her face. "I got you this promise ring to show you that I will love you forever." I took the ring out of the box and slid it on her finger. "Jai... it's so beautiful." She said looking down at it. "You're more beautiful." I whispered. She look up at me and kissed me passionately. "Wanna go for a walk on the beach?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed her hand. Tonight went better that I thought it did.

A/N: Woah! Talking about marriage.... at 16?!?!?!?! They must really be in love! Please star and comment this chapter please! I love you guys so much!!!! xxxx

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