Chapter 10: Who Are You?

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***2 months later.***

***Jai's P.O.V.***

It's been exactly 2 months since Miranda has been in the hospital. She's in a coma... She got hit with a car 2 months ago... the police still don't know who hit her. All we know is that it was no accident.. It's been 2 months since I've heard her laugh, her voice.... it's been 2 months since I've felt you touch, her lips... it's been two months since I've actually smiled... A nurse then walked in and checked if Miranda was alright. "Is there any sign that she might wake up yet?" I asked with hope in my voice. She shook her head no and walked out. I took Miranda's hand in mine. "I'm not giving up on you..." I felt tears come down my face. I started to think negative. What if she never wakes up? What if she dies right now?! All the negative thoughts made me cry even more. "Can we come in?" A voice asked. I looked at the door to see the gang walk in with some flowers and some balloons. "Hey guys." I said with sadness in my voice. "How you holding up buddy?" Trent said giving me a man hug. "Not so good... I've been her for 2 months and there's still no sign that she's gonna wake up..." More tears came down my face. "Jai, she'll wake up soon." Ally said walking up to me and giving me a hug. "I'm sorry guys.. I need a minute." I then walked out of Miranda's room and started to cry some more.. I slid my back down against the wall and just... cried.

***Miranda's P.O.V.***

I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black where I was.. "Hello?!?!?!" I yelled. I felt like I've just been walking around forever. I then heard some voices. "It's been 2 months.. what if she never wakes up again?" I recognized that voice. It was Ethan. I've been asleep for 2 months?!?!?! What?!?!?! My head started to pound. It really hurt. "Guys.. Jai's a wreck without Miranda, she has to wake up!" That was Tahlia's voice. "Guys!! Help me I don't know where I am!! Where are ya'll?!?! I can't see anything!!!" I yelled. No answer. "Don't lose hope guys.. she'll wake up.. she just has too.." That was Sophia's voice. Why couldn't they hear me?!?! Oh right.. I'm 'asleep'. Does that mean I'm in a coma or something?!?!?! What if I don't remember anyone when I wake up?!?!?! What if I forget everyone?!?!?!?!

***Jai's P.O.V.***

I was sleeping uncomfortably on a chair in Miranda's room when a nurse woke me up. "Sir, go home. Get a proper rest. We'll call you if there's a sign that she might wake up." I was pretty tired. I haven't got a proper sleep in 2 months. I sighed and nodded. I gathered my things and headed home. When I got home, I flopped on my bed. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I knocked out. Please Miranda... wake up soon...

***Next morning.***

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.  I checked the time. Who is calling me at 8 in the morning?!?! "Hello?" I answered sounding pretty tired. "Mr. Waetford! Miranda is showing signs that she's about to wake up!! Please come to the hospital as soon as you can!!" Said the doctor. "On my way!!" I hung up. I started to get ready. I can't believe it!! Miranda is finally waking up!! After 2 painful months, I finally get to see her beautiful smile! I called the gang and told them the news! They were gonna meet me at the hospital in a couple minutes. I better get going, I wanna be the first one that she sees when she wakes up. When I drove up to the hospital, I saw the gang walking in. They saw my car and waited for me. "Nervous?" Sophia asked as we were heading to Miranda's room. "I don't know. I just have all of these emotions inside me!" I said. Was I nervous? I couldn't tell, I was feeling to many emotions at the moment. When we walked into Miranda's room, the nurse was there watching her. "She hasn't woken up yet, but she's showing signs that she's about to, so don't get your hopes up if she doesn't wake up today. It could be tomorrow or even next week." We all nodded in understatement. She then walked out and went about her business. "I hope she wakes up today!" I said excitedly. "Jai.. Thst's the first time I've seen you smile in 2 months!" Ethan said. It really is. Miranda is the only one that can put a smile on my face. We were all standing up and just talking.. until Miranda's body moved. Is she about to wake up?!?! "Ow." She mumbled. She then fluttered her eyes open.... and there they were.. I finally saw her beautiful brown eyes after 2 very long painful months. She then admired the room. "Where am I?" She asked. "You're in a hospital." Tahila said with tears coming down her face. I guess those were happy tears because she was smiling at the same time. "How long have I been here?" Miranda asked. "2 months." Sophia said. Miranda looked surprised. She then started to smile. "Tahlia! Sophia! Ethan! Luke! Lauren! Cynthia! Ally! Trent! Daphne! Jeff!" She said happy. She then looked at me... giving be a blank stare. I tried to read her eyes.... they showed no emotion towards me. I took a step near her, but she scooted away from me. She then said 3 words that shattered my heart. "Who are you?"

A/N: MIRANDA LOST WHAT SHE FELT FOR JAI!!!! What's gonna happen to them?!?! Find out in the next chapter! Also, can you guys leave comments and/or inbox me about what you think of my story so far!! And also vote for my chapters please!! I would really appreciate it!! Keep reading!!! Love you guys!!! xxxx

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Where stories live. Discover now