Chapter 16: He's Back ...

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***Miranda's P.O.V.***

It was........................ Peyton. "Ho-How did you get here?" I asked scared out of my mind. "I snuck out of jail and snuck on a train to get here. May I come in?" He asked stepping a little bit closer. "I don't think that's such a good idea." I said looking away. "Miranda.. I just came here to make things right with you." He started to get closer to me. I started to back up. He was now inside my hotel room. Shit. "Peyton.. it's late.. and I'm tired, so you should leave." I started to head to the door, but he stopped me. I looked into his eyes... they were really dark. "Miranda... just watch it okay. I will get you back. Just wait." He turned and headed for the door. "Oh and Miranda, if you contact the police... I will hurt you." I was so scared that I couldn't speak... He gave me a creepy smile and walked out. I couldn't sleep at all that night... I was so scared what Peyton would do to me if I went to the police or told anyone.... Why is my life so difficult?...

***The next morning.***

I didn't fall asleep until 4 in the morning... I woke up at 9. I was super tired... I heard my phone go off. I got a message from Jai. 'Good morning beautiful. I can't wait for our date tonight. See you soon. xxxx'. I smiled. I couldn't wait for tonight. I decided to get dress and asked Sophia if she wanted to go shopping with me for an outfit for tonight. "So what kind of date is it?" Sophia asked as we were walking around the mall. "I think fancy." We then walked into some fancy stores and just started to shop. After about 2 hours, we found an outfit for me and headed back to the hotel. Sophia helped me with my hair and makeup. Sophia was really good with hair and makeup! Sophia was done with me by 6:30. "Sophia! You made me look hot!" She smiled. "Please, you were hot before you met me!" We laughed and hugged each other! There was a knock at my door. "That must me him!" I said as a ran to the door. "Have fun Miranda!" Sophia said as she hid in my bedroom. "I opened the door to see Jai. Good god he was looking fine tonight!!! "You look beautiful." Jai said smiling at me. "Thanks, you look great." I said blushing. "Shall we go?" Jai asked as he held out his hand. I nodded and gladly took his hand. "I'm glad we're doing this. You know.. going on a date." Jai said. "Me too. So where we going?" I asked. "I hope you remember where our first date was." I blushed. I remember our first date like it was yesterday. "Jai, I can't believe you remember where our first date was." He chuckled. "How can I forget the best night of my life?" I blushed. We the drove up to the fanciest restaurant again. Jai gave the lady our reservation name and she sat us at a booth. "So I never got the chance to ask you, how was L.A.?" Jai asked as he was looking at the menu. "It was good. It was great cause you were there." I said. He smiled at me. I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked over to my left to see Peyton..... looking right at me... I quickly looked away. I glanced back over to see that he was gone. "Miranda, you alright?" Jai asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I just.... I thought I saw something." After dinner, Jai took me home. He took the long way to get to the hotel so we could spend more time together. We just talked and laughed all the way there. It was a memorable night. We then stopped fooling around and headed for the hotel. "Thank you for the lovely night." I said to Jai. "You're welcome. Will I see your beautiful face tomorrow?" Jai asked. I blushed. "Maybe. Goodnight Jai." I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he turned his face which made me kiss him on the lips. I pulled away blushing. "Goodnight." I said as I got out of his car. "Goodnight Miranda." He then drove off leaving me breathless. He really doesn't know what he does to me. When I got to my hotel room, I turned on my bedroom light. I then kinda jumped. Peyton was sitting on my bed. "Peyton?! How did you get in here?!" I yelled. He chuckled. "A boy can learn a lot from being in jail you know." He then walked over to me. "You look beautiful. I know that you were with Jai." "Okay. So?" He gave me a creepy smile. "Lets give your little boyfriend a call shall we?" I looked at him confused. "Why?" "You're going to tell him that you never want to see him again." I gasped. "You're out of your damn mind if you think I'm gonna do that!" He then pulled out a knife. "You will now won't you?" He grabbed my arm firmly and sat me down while holding the knife up to my neck. I started to cry. "Stop crying. Call Jai. Now!" He yelled. I took out my phone and dialed Jai. He answered immediately. "Hey gorgeous." I cried even harder. "Hey.. what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I looked over at Peyton. He just nodded. "Jai... I never want to see you again." I cried. "What..? But tonight... we had fun... you didn't seem upset like 20 minutes ago." I hate this so much... "I've come to realization that I don't want to be with you anymore.... Its better if we lose contact with each other." I can hear Jai crying on the other side of the phone. "Miranda... why are you doing this to me? You know that I love you." I cried even more. "I'm so sorry Jai..." I whispered where Peyton couldn't hear me. I then hung up. Peyton snatched my phone from his hands. "I'll keep this. You're with me now. But no one knows that I escaped for jail, so you better not tell anyone or you're dead. And you can't go running to Sophia. I just sent her off to Hawaii for 3 weeks. And Dannii is in L.A. for a while, so you're stuck with me." Peyton smiled evilly. I cried. Why is my life such a living hell?!?!?!?!?!

A/N: PEYTON IS BACK!!!!! What will Miranda do?!?!?!?!

My Life Is Nothing Without You Here.❤️ [A Jai Waetford Love Story.]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang