Chapter 37: The Interview.

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***Jai's P.O.V.***

I woke up around 6am. I looked over to see Miranda still sound asleep. I just sat there and thought about Miranda's dream... or nightmare I guess.. Why would she dream about me having sex with Beunka? Did it mean anything? Did it mean that I was gonna cheat again? I had to watch myself.. I can not.. and will not lose Miranda this time.. I then felt movement beside me. I looked over to see Miranda slowly waking up. "Good morning beautiful." I greeted her. She gave me a tired smile. "Good morning." She sat up beside me. "What time is the interview later?" I asked. "We need to be there at 9. Why?" She asked as she cuddled up to me. "Well.. we can get ready now and go have breakfast, then from breakfast, we can head straight to the interview." I suggested. "Yeah. That sounds great!" She said as she got up and went to go get herself ready. I started to do the same.


We were currently driving to Waffle House. "Ima have some waffles with some strawberries on it!" Miranda said like a little kid while looking at the menu. "Ima have chocolate!" I said excitedly. After our waitress took our order, Miranda and I just talked until our food came. "Miranda?" said. "Yeah?" She said while taking a sip of her orange juice. "Why do you think you had that dream last night?" I asked. I could tell Miranda tensed up a little. "I don't know..." she mumbled. "Well.. I just wanted to let you know that that it will never happen.. I love you." I said as I placed my hand on hers. She wouldn't look at me. She just nodded. "Babe.. I'm serious." I said trying to get her to look at me. "Jai.. can we not talk about it?" She asked looking up at me. I sighed and nodded.

***Miranda's P.O.V.***

I don't know why Jai brought up my dream from last night.. I've been trying to forget about it... I was just hoping that my dream.. no.. scratch that.... I'm was just hoping that my nightmare doesn't come true.


As we got on the set of 'Good Morning Australia', we were greeted by one of the hostesses of the show, Maria Ruso.(I do not know if 'Good Morning Australia' is a real show, I just made it up.) "Jai! Miranda! I'm so happy to meet you both! Jerry and I are excited to have you on your show this morning!" She said shaking both of out hands. "Thank you for having us. We're excited as well." Jai said politely. Maria just smiled. I was a bit shy.. This was my first interview in a while.. I had a couple of interviews in L.A. but those felt like ages ago. "Mr. Waetford, Ms. Martinez, we're on in 10 minutes. Can you please both head to the set?" said one of the producers. Miranda and I did what we were told. "Ready babe?" I asked Miranda. "Yeah.." She said nervously. "You'll do fine baby." I said as I rested my hand on her thigh. She nodded. "Good luck kiss?" She asked. I chuckled and pecked her beautiful soft lips. "We're on in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.."

Maria- I'm Maria!

Jerry- And I'm Jerry!

Maria and Jerry- And welcome to 'Good Morning Australia!"

The audience clapped and cheered.

Maria- Our guests today are the one and only Jai Waetford, and Miranda Martinez!

The crowd screamed with excitement. Girls were shouting 'I love you Jai', 'I love you Miranda' or 'Mai!' 'Jairanda'

Jai- Hi Maria. Hi Jerry, Thank you for having us this morning.

Jerry- Thank you for being here! So tell me, how did you two meet?

Jai and I started to laugh.

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