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Many things were racing in my head as we were on the search for number one being

"I messed up bad this time and

the second being CHASE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ! "

I had gone frantically through my phone hoping to find a clue on Chase I even tried to call him which was a fail because it went straight into voice mail.

which made me go back to square one I had gone through our chats new and old till I hit a clue.

"bingo" I quickly texted Anna to tell her where he might be

The text had been staring at me it was almost ironic, it's as if at the time without him knowing he had predicted he would do something like this so he decided to help us out.

" well if I ever decided to just magically disappear lionyyy I think you would know where to find me"

It was funny that text was sent three years ago and funny enough I remember him telling me where to find him.

We had gotten in the car, Anna and one of her friends had been giving me side-eye since I got in the car as well silently cursing me out as well.

I had given her directions before hopping in and had been staring out of the window of the moving vehicle instead of listening to the chatter that was in front.

Anna's music had been playing as well it was funny her music was the exact opposite of what chase likes, you could tell that the music that would play that chase would like was only on her playlist because he liked it not that it was her cup of tea.

Chase and I both shared the love of the same type of music that's what brought us even closer. There was one time we had been hanging out the three of us together and he and I had been vibing out but felt immediately bad when we saw Anna trying to enjoy the kinda music playing.

we both could see right through her fake smile she put on to make us happy, so chase disconnected his phone from the car and let her connect instead, her music wasn't bad at all, no it was just very different from our vibe which I guess was ok, chase always made sure she was happy even when I could tell he was not enjoying the music what so ever.

Where did it all go wrong? .. I had stared at the fresh raindrops that had been racing down the window trying to distract me from my thoughts I didn't even realize the tears that had been slipping through my eyes why they did that I had no idea? I bet it on guilt

After two hours we had reached a bar that had been on a little pier, to give context our families chase and mine would go to this bar/restaurant all the time on weekends till we were ten.

we had made a pact that when we were of age we would come here and drink till we couldn't stand.

What did we know we were young children don't judge us. we all got out of the car and ran towards the entrance the fake beach sand had entered my shoes making it uncomfortable to walk in but who cared Chase could be here or not I was in such a rush to figure out if he was there or not it didn't matter if the sand felt like little glass shards on my soft feet.

It was still the same

same old setup

different waiters but still the same smell of old frying oil and fish

"ayo oh my goodness that's not lioney" I had turned my head facing the voice that I recognized all too well it was the owner David

"Hey David " I hugged him urgently

"Chase has he been here is he here?"

"oh yeah, that's what I was about to mention bogger his been staying at mines for some time his in bad shape he alright?"

With the seriousness on everyone's face, I think he picked up the urgency of the situation and continued

" his outback where you two were when you were younger"

we had all walked up to the back to find a slouched figure right next to the piers wall, the figure looked dishevelled, it's what used to be white shirt was stained and frayed at the sides and torn in some areas it looked like it was laking life.

"chase" and sure enough the head turned we all had no idea to respond we all grew silent not knowing what next to do it didn't look like chase, this looked like Chase's shell he had looked sickly

"chase" Anna had run towards him hugging him while we stood at the background he still just sat there not saying a word

I had come closer " Chase" he looked up but still didn't speak

"ok honey we have to go" Anna tried to pick him up but he simply refused

"Chase we have to go, buddy, you can't just sit here" I tried to reach my hand out, and to everyone's surprise he had reached out his

At this point I could see some tears pooling in Anna's eyes and could see her hand bawling up in a fist, she was angry, fuming rather.

She simply stood back up and went to her friend

Soon enough we had managed to get Chase into the car and he had been with me at the backseat of the car it was early morning now still a bit dark but the light wasn't far from rising up .

Chase had been sleeping on my shoulder, his dirty hair touching my shoulder and soft snores were heard by everyone in the car as it was dead quiet. Until Anna's voice broke it

"you should take him today I'll get him tomorrow" she tried saying acting as if she was not affected by all that was happening but her voice gave away the sadness she was feeling.

I felt horrible

After the excruciatingly awkward ride to my house we had arrived they helped me get him into the extra room we had at my house. Anna kissed Chase on the forehead and was out of the house with her friend.

I had been wiping his face clean and tending to him, my parents had been up since it was early morning they saw chase and never questioned me thank goodness my mom had helped by making some porridge and had brought some extra clothes from my dad's room so when he woke up he could change into them.

Eventually, he did wake up and looked more alive than when we found him which meant a great deal

He sat up slowly taking in everything and looked straight at me blinking slowly

"I am sorry" he uttered softly

I shook my head.

" you don't have to be sorry, Chase I messed everything up I am the one that's sorry."

He didn't look me in the eye for a bit " I might sound crazy ... but I didn't just disappear Leo"

I furrowed my eyebrows confused, he shook his head from the left to the right biting his lip to show the frustration he was feeling " I- I I know I look a mess and you probably think I am insane but Leo.. they, them I don't know they tried to take me, then there was tea then I ended up at the bar they Leo .. what and who are those people and most importantly why is it linked to you"

If anyone were to listen to chase they would think he truly has lost his mind, his sentences were rushed and jumbled up.

I sighed and threw my head back I knew exactly what happened and who chase was talking about .. t

THE AZREED.. it seems we're in a bigger mess than we thought

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