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It was later in the afternoon and my mom finally let me out of the house but only for a few minutes since I was practically still  ill  even though I felt much better I went down to the lake to see if chase was there .

yesterday felt weird everything about yesterday felt weird it felt like there was some unknown territory we were steeping into him and I.

It was windy and cold but beautiful the one thing in this whole world that I loved the most was the sunset my goodness,  you don't understand something about the orangey and pink peachy tints that lit up the sky and we're then reflected into  the water of the lake made it even more special.

I looked up at the sky seeing the birds in there flocks  fly away from the forest. 

They were flying like a straight arrow .
"you can't help but always stare at the sky can't you?"

I turned my head facing the voice and ran straight into chase giving him a huge hug he had a little chuckle and held me whilst spinning me around

we both fell into a laughing fit staring at the sky. "look I am sorry for running away like that yesterday" I faced him on now lying on my side and so did he

"that's ok but why did you leave like tha ?"
One of my braids fell on my face but quickly he tucked it away swiftly and retracted his hand slowly away from my face.

"I don't know I just ...wasn't feeling myself at that moment."

we laid there in silence just watching each other's eyes.

"are you... close with Reed?" that name Reed why did it make feel a certain way.. Why did he even have to mention him.

chase could see me do that little shift I tried doing stealthy but he saw it "I don't know?".

I spoke quietly I mean I wasn't lying I had no idea what was going on between me and Reed for one I didn't know if Reed knew himself.

after a moment of no words being spoken chase stood up and started running towards the dock by the lake "chase?" I spoke up he started running full speed and dived headfirst into the lake ,with a fright I stood up and ran following him .

Chase wasn't a good swimmer and could  only do the doggy paddle at most.  frantically I started screaming
"chase! chase!". I didn't know what to do he wasn't popping up I started taking off my shoes and jacket and dived into the water I went in, nothing no chase it didn't help that the water was dark I popped out of the freezing water went to my jacket to get my phone to  call for help.  

I was  stopped by a voice "Leo" it was chase standing at the shallow edge of the water chuckling a bit  .

to say I was fuming would be an understatement I was so angry he made me act like a complete fool, I started walking towards him giving him a piece of my mind "you prick why would you do that are you actually ok in your mind I hat- yo.."

my last line was stoped  when I felt lips, .. lips that crashed onto  mine.
lips I would have never have thought I would ever  have to feel  mine against mine .

chase had pulled me into a kiss his lips were cold his body flushed against mine it  was icy from the water. I had gone completely blank the emotions of my thoughts everything had gone completely blank .
"what was happening .? "
"was time passing by? ."
"where were  we?  . "

Everything seemed not to exist at all until it did .

I quickly snapped out of it and pushed chase away. he seemed to be shocked by what I did to hell I seemed shocked by what I did before I could reach out to him or even say a word he pushed away my hand.

"chase I-I don't know what's happening here but I am not some game ok."

chase looked at me laughing a bit he got out of the lake and started walking towards his car.

"you know what your so full of yourself oh  my soul .. like not everything is about you and by the way were just friends Leo just friends and only that".

He got into his car slamming the door and drove away. I dropped to my knees crying why the hell was I crying.

"stop-go back why am I crying right know"
I was telling the tears that were escaping through my eye sockets after furiously wiping away the tears I looked up at the sky letting the cool air fan my face cooling it down.

"hey you ok?" a small voice came from behind me I looked up to see Reed how ironic.

Reed had decided to walk me home through the woods he claimed it to wasn't safe at the lake

he could see I was wet and crying but he never questioned me  at all, he put his jacket over me and gave  me a hug after our silent walk we were halfway to my house I stopped dead in my tracks and faced him .

"are you ok"? he gave me a concerned look rubbing my arms

"how did you know I was by the lake?" I questioned no emotion in my tone but directness .

He didn't beat around the bush " I felt your sadness and it was a spot you frequently go to..so I figured you'd be there" he said nonchalantly .

" is sensing emotion a trait ?"
he looked at me and  simply nodded .

" it seems like your starting to believe me and not think of me of me as some creep."

It was true while I was sick I did some thinking why would Reed make up some story and why were there some many coincidences that had happened . 

plus if were really some psycho crazy guy he would have killed me by know or kidnapped me right.?

we saw the light from the other end of the forest it looked like I was close home. 
"Reed ".
"hmm" he responded "
I believe you and I am sorry for stealing your necklace also ... thank you."

he smiled and stopped at where the forest ended and where my house stood.
" no problem Leo and thank you for believing me," we said nothing to each other but stared at each others eyes there was something about him and his grey but lilac eyes he slowly leaned close to my face kissed my cheek and went near my ear and whispered "there now I feel better about not being able to cheer you up ..also keep the necklace it looks way better on you than me anyway."

he winked and disappeared into the woods again I went into the house and leant against the door.

"Leo,I said you can be out for a little bit it's night time and why are you wet you weren't supposed to swim in the lake." I give my mom a hug and she was surprised but gave one back and told me to go shower I went upstairs before going into the shower and laid on the floor while playing with the necklace thinking

"Did I  just lose  someone who's most  dear to me?" and what's happening between me and Reed?"

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