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Things had somewhat gone back to normal, I mean Selmer was still the same boring town.
I still didn't understand most people in this town.

Chase and I seemed to still be in this awkward territory but it was ok after him coming over, we had to say goodbye he went outta town with his family to go visit his grandparents.

there seemed to be new families that moved in but within the time they moved in ,they seemed to have disappeared.

yep alakazam out of there.

on a serious note we have no idea where they went.

see the town would have this welcome party things whenever new people would come into town the whole town would throw a party and welcome them but shortly after the party they were gone, the houses will still be there but they'd be empty no people inside crazy right ?

oh well that was just the norm.

I had gone out to the balcony multiple times to see if that girl that peeped through the woods last time was there but I had no luck, was I just imagining her up that time it couldn't have been right?

So, of course, I woke up really early in the morning, got dressed and made my way to the woods, I was too curious to just sit and not investigate.

it was cold today like really cold, like freezing cold I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm while walking through the damp leaves that were in the way.

I decided not to take the normal route to the lake, I mean if you think it through this girl would have not taken the same route I always take I mean I would have seen her before if she did. it had felt like I had been walking for a while and being the genius I was I had forgotten to charge my phone so the battery was practically dead.
"great now I am lost and no one can reach me."
I quickly halted from my thoughts and hid behind the bush that was near by me .
there were definitely people talking but I couldn't see them.

"everyone knows we have been in selmer way longer than these people that claim to be in peace with us."

"oh come on you know that we have a contract with them not to interfere with us and if they do well they have to face the consequences so stop complaining so early and let's get to training."

the last person seemed to have a females voice could it be the girl? Curious to know I peeked up to see who it was.

To my shook

they were beautiful like ridiculously,beautiful it was insane it had been the girl I saw before and another male she indeed had a long tattoo placed on her arm it was like x's and o's that were so close together they made the image of a butterfly and the guy she was talking to seemed to have his too but his looked incomplete,
there was some image forming but it was too incomplete to see, they both had flawless skin almost silky smooth.

the girl had snowy white skin and icy blond hair super red lips almost scarlet and these blue purplish eyes, the guy had beautifully melanated skin that would almost turn honey-like if the sun would hit him just right, he had strong facial structure and the most beautiful 4c curls almost like mine but for some reason more voluminous. Suddenly it was quiet I decide it was time to go home I didn't like how quiet it got as I was crawling down away from the bush I bumped into legs.

I have been caught great I am dying today .

" you've broken too many rules," the girl says looking down at me she tilts her head to the side looking me up and down.
"hmmm interesting what are we gonna do with you ..Reed won't be too happy.

She ended in a smile I hadn't said a word I mean would you have if you were staring at death right in front of you but why would she mention Reed were they, friends?

I finally I had the courage to speak up or else who knows what would happen "look I am just trying to go back home i am not looking for trouble I swear I am not" she looked at me and chuckled
"your so scared right now I felt it".
Great she could sense that I was scared of her really this is just amazing . "Come with me" she took me by my arm and lead me further into the forest.

it seemed as if we reached a camp like part of the forest there were cabins all around almost in a circle shape there were people training no brainer there it was like military status training but in the other side, people were painting, playing all sorts of the instrument. "right !" the girl sounded of she gave me some sort of blade and she had one too.

The people who I have now made the connection in my brain are the azeerd .
I mean they had the same coloured eyes like reed and some with the tattoos some were still incomplete while others had none, they all started cheering and were shouting " fight"
"wait a minute ,wait a second I don't wanna fight and don't mean too"
but she shoved me really hard that I hit the ground "well its either you fight or you don't live "

To say I was scared would not justify my emotions right now I sat still on the ground and did absolutely nothing I mean if you think about it if this the way I die it would be a pretty epic story to tell if you ask me.

I braced my self for her to strike me but it seemed to never happen.
"Enough!" who was this angel that seemed to have saved me from my demise I looked up to see a familiar face Astrid?

She pulled me up back on my feet seemed to have said something to the girl who not so a few seconds ago wanted to kill me and took me away from the circle I haven't been in any fights at school so imagine now I had to fight these super humans that had weapons on them.

I chuckled a bit " thank you"

She smiled, we finally reached a room it was all white like clinically white there was a teapot seating on the table and a chair but that's it those were the only things in that room . "sit, sit"
I sat down uncertain to  how the hell I got to this point she poured the tea slowly while talking .
" I see you know a lot now, I suppose my son has spoken and introduced you to our world."

I didn't know if shewas being hostile or nice I couldn't tell "
"em.. a little but I don't mean any trouble, actually, I should get going."

"look I am not here to harm you but I can't let you just go about your day when you have seen all you have seen, drink up"

if drinking some tea was gonna get me out of there instead of getting killed why not as I was about when someone slapped the cup out of my hands

"really this again with this " it was Reed thank goodness he took my hand and hid me behind himself .

after a moment of him speaking to his mom and some other language he took me and lead me out from the room and out of the woods.

We stood right in front of the entrance of the wood "why would you put yourself in danger like that now that they know you know you'll be under so much danger .. you broke the contract, Leo"

"what contract I am sorry ok I was curious there was this girl that peaked out so I followed her and I ended up there," I said in a rush.

Reed hugged me and tried calming down

"they're gonna start showing up anywhere and everywhere and try to get you, but I promise I am going to protect you understood? . "

"nothing will ever happen to you" I had just started a whole war without knowing but felt at ease because Reed was there.

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