𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜

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To say I was cooped up in my room for a week was an understatement it had been  vacation so I made myself a promise to not go out at all, of course, my mother was not a fan of me being indoors so much so she forced me out by sending me for more supplies for her painting.

I had asked her about the painting
"what it meant?,
where did she get the inspiration?
was it's from some sort of dream, 
was it symbolism? ."

my mother never really gave a full response, she just shrugged her shoulders and that what is it.

After walking around in the store trying to dodge people I knew i had approached
the car when someones hair sticking out from the side  of my car caught my eye.

my curiosity was growing rapidly so I got closer and closer.

  Once I was close enough I realized it was a guy, he seemed to be out of it he eyes were opening and closing as if he was fighting sleep.

"hey are you ok ?".  there was no response just silence I had crept down now facing the almost unconscious man he was young probably a high schooler I examined him wondering what had happened to him till I saw the red that was spilling from his hand he had a huge slash, I quickly opened the car at the backseat I knew I had a first aid kit, I had bandaged his hand hoping he didn't lose too much blood

"Help me please" he whispered softly he sounded like he was in a lot of pain,
was this kid in trouble?.
what was going on?.
why did he need my help so badly? .
all these questions were racing in my head
  "Ace I am here !" a woman yelled out getting out of her car for some unknown reason I felt the urge to protect this random dude so once she got closer I hid this guy near my chest in a tight hug. it looked like she got the memo and quickly spoke, up
"don't worry I am his mother, thank you for helping him"

with this realization we picked up her son and put him in the car he was now asleep or trying to he still looked like he was in pain even in his sleep.
"my name is Astrid ".
she spoke up getting my attention from staring at her son in the car
"oh em ... it's nice to meet you" I tried to fake smile even though I was confused from this whole situation, I didn't understand it not one bit

"Do please come over to my house for tea, please I just want to thank you for helping my son." she smiled.

now I know you're not supposed to hop into a strangers car and let them take you to their house but there was something about her I trusted her, plus I am a smart girl I had my phone and mother on speed dial if anything goes south I got back up.

After sitting in the car for what felt like hours we had arrived it was odd I was on what felt like the other side of the woods I had never been here before it was all new to me .

The house was huge and made of glass and pine tree wood it was a mix of rustic and modern in one

We lifted Ace once again onto the couch inside the house, it was weird,  the inside looked like the ones displayed in shops where they would advertise furniture it was all white with a splash of colour here and there but mostly white .

after placing Ace down Astrid had insisted that I sat down while she made tea. 

I sat down and let my eyes explore the place there had been an arty piece, it had the moon with children playing and what looked like the woods, in the woods were big letters in it R.F  .
I quickly looked at the necklace that was tucked inside my shirt and looked up again it was the same letters " this must be some sort of joke right?" I whispered to myself

All of a sudden a voice I know all  too well sounded off " I am home I am going out late...r."

He caught my eyes I caught his accept his looked like they were in panic mine were just blank

He quickly stormed into the kitchen towards Astrid
" what is she doing here?". he said out loud so loud I could hear him, then it seemed as if Astrid was speaking but the opposite of Reed she was quiet too quiet

" son she helped Ace but you know the rules" she spoke softly.

he came out and grabbed my wrist I had no time to protest.

" you didn't eat or drink anything she gave you right ?" he dragged me out of the house and into his car with force.

" ow ow you're hurting me" I tried yanking my wrist from his grip he let go of my wrist and looked at me dead in the eye.

"please answer me you did not eat or drink anything right Leo ?".

He looked panicked " why would it matter " I spoke out genuinely confused

"please Leo tell me !" well this was new Reed begging me this must be serious.

"no I didn't eat or drink anything dang greedy much"

He leaned back in the driver's seat and let out the breath he was holding in "yeah greedy just be happy you still have your memory".

he opened his eyes wide as if he just didn't believe what he said to me

"wait what my memory? " .

he looked defeated and sighed he started his car and drove to the park.

The ride was completely silent no one said a word until the park I steeped out

" OK WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON !" Reed took my hand and sat me down on a bench, it was as if he was preparing to say what he was going to tell me.

"Look I know you're confused so I am just going to tell you the truth, ".
he said defiantly defeated

"you broke rules Leo"

''Reed you're not making any sense" I spoke out also defeated

"if you drank that tea you would have lost your memory he said softly

Before I could say anything, he shushed me

"look I am about to tell you things I shouldn't but I have confused  you too much not to tell you the truth

I am not ... normal my family is not normal we have rules four to be exact and I have broken some because of you and right now I..."

he stopped almost terrified of saying more

"you know I sense your fear are you scared of me Leo."   he looked hurt

"I am not scared I just don't know what's happening

I am an Azreed

And we have rules and I broke them

1.Never have any connection with humans

2.No romance with humans

3.Training in the wood at night

4.Visit loved ones at the crack of dawn and speak of protection over them

And I happen to break some of them cause of you he looked at me concerned our attention was pulled away from each other when we heard someone.

the scarlet paintingWhere stories live. Discover now