𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢

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The sky was angry once again,

who am I kidding when did we ever see the sun,.

without me knowing my parents had arrived from their trip.

I woke up only to realize it was Saturday, meaning no school .

I had been woken up by sixty calls and texts from Chase yes...exactly sixty!
another one seemed to be incoming.
"what chase?
It's Seven A.M for goodness sake why are you calling me up so early."

"firstly good morning to you too, grumpy much are we?.
and I want us to have breakfast at the café."

he ends his sentence way too cheerful for me in the morning to take.

" Ugg fine let me get dressed."
"great hurry up I am outside"

After quickly getting dressed we were off we sat at the back of the café to be exact it was the perfect spot it's wasn't too cold nor hot .

"listen I have a confession."

I stopped sipping my coffee ready for whatever he was going to tell me.
"the reason I took you here was ....... There's a party tonight and I know it's not your thing but please please go"

his words came out rushing after one another . "Chase... you know I don't."

"I know but please"
"Fine whatever"
He grinned like an idot whilst I flipped him off

"oh, by the way, when did you get that ?" he pointed at the necklace placed around my neck I had forgotten to take it off I had quickly tucked it into my shirt as if I just committed a crime.

" em I found it" I had gone home to get ready for this heinous party, I had nothing against parties but what's the point seeing people make fools of themselves saying "I love you' s that are probably drunken lies" .

"secrets being spilled from the so-called liquid gold, yeah no thanks but if I ditched Chase I would have to hear about it for the rest of what's left of the so-called hellfire that is high school.

I sighed looking at myself in the mirror

"what the hell am I doing ..." I whispered I felt exhausted from the idea now that I had my outfit on it was all too draining, I stared at the necklace laying on my bed.

it was weird like some sort of magnetic pull , I needed to wear it, it was all too weird but thrilling   I took the necklace placing it on my neck, it slipped and hit the base , it fit so well as if it belonged there.

I went downstairs, it was exactly ten pm how my parents let me go to a party at ten pm is just insane but it made sense ,they were sick of me just  siting around not enjoy the last bit of my "teenage years" or whatever.

Entering the party was definitely different from what I thought it was going to be ,as soon as we entered chase had disappeared off to his friends which I understood he couldn't be tied to me the rest of the night.

the party was definitely different from what I thought it was going to be, there was no trashy music no childish games like beer pong or chugging contests it was chilled.

there was this low hypnotic music playing and there were these lights purple and blue all across the room.

everyone was drinking from solo cups, and having conversations there was dancing but not the traditional idiocy of grinding on top of each other I had been observing the party for a few hours .

"hey, what are you doing it's a party and your being anti-social ,come on please break out of the cocoon already and be a butterfly".

With the hours that passed by the music defiantly got louder the alcohol was flowing left, right and center and ah yes the idiocy had escalated.

Chase was defiantly drunk I had seen him drunk quiet several times,this wasn't new.

"Chase you brought me to this party in the first place and I will break out of the cocoon..just not now "

as much as Chase, was my best friend he would also frustrated me to the ultimate core when Chase was drunk he was too honest and affectionate.

deep down I knew Chase wanted me to be more outgoing and more adventuress but I didn't get it

why people hated their comfort zone so much I loved  mine .

After nagging me he kissed my cheek and went off somewhere.

I decided on looking around, searching for something to do or someone to talk to ,to prove that I can be a social butterfly

I seemed to have noticed someone's eyes someone's purple? .. green? it was blue eyes could it have been that person.?

He seemed to catch me staring as well , our eyes just for a few seconds met before he went upstairs.

I decided to follow him I was almost up until Robby stopped me . 
" hey babe you look good, Leo dang how come you don't dress like this at school I mean Woah"

Robby was getting way too close for comfort.

"get off me Robby"

"ah come on it's a party".

I was leaning close to the railing

I closed my eyes waiting for disaster to strike

Whilst they were shut  I unexpectedly heard Robby shout

" hey man what the hell !"

followed by glass shattering Robby had been off me and flung on to the coffee table downstairs.

"are you ok ?" it was the guy with the eyes.

too shocked to even answer I decided on noddeding

He quickly took me downstairs and out of the party the cops arrived shortly after the mess .

the party was not even the party holders home so they broke in and hosted the party.

after everyone fled from the party running to their cars we stood outside I turned to thank him but he was gone

" hey Leooooo you need to drive I can't I am too messed up" Chase got into the passenger's seat

"Ugg I am gonna have a serious hangover I should have not drunk so much."

I didn't really say much to him I was mad, but I didn't know why.

"earth to Leo are you giving me silent treatment?"

We didn't talk the rest of the car ride Chase had fallen asleep anyway once we got by his house I woke him up, I always dropped him at the back of the house so his parents didn't question him.

he opened the car door and  stared at me .

" I am sorry for being a prick ,I am so sorry" he looked at me his eyes pleading for me to forgive him.

"I am not mad"!I said softly

"now go get the sleep I'll see you tomorrow and drink lots of water."

He kissed my cheek once again,he went out and waved before entering his window.

Today I was welcomed by darkness at home it seemed everyone was asleep I don't blame them it's freaking midnight, after all, I quickly showered and laid in bed

"What Is happening in my life right now"

I pulled away from my thoughts when a notification popped up

"I know that necklace isn't yours I didn't know you were a thief?."

The number was unknown

Another came through but from chase

"oh, I forgot did you see the new kid Reed he really threw Robby like that lol anyway good night"

I put the phone down

"Reed so that's  his name"

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