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It had finally been the big day it been a few days till I leave the grim thing we called school it was exactly three days to go .

some of us didn't even show up while most us came to say our goodbyes to teachers you know the ones we actually liked, cleared out our lockers and returned books you know those little chores.

I was on my way to school this morning the air was invasively cold as always there had been frozen dew on each of the tiny blade of grass around the house before going into the car I gazed  towards the entrance of the forest not only was I abducted by these superhumans and close to getting killed by one of them , oh but no I  have broken some code of conduct with them and now I am basically caught up in a whole hunt and it looks like I am the prey great time to be alive am I right.

I drove up to Chase's house he wanted me to pick me up since it would be his last day going to school, he didn't plan on going to the two days that were left.

"leoooooooooo" he came shouting and running towards the car, he sat in  the seat alongside mine letting little puffs of hot air.

"look I am smoking ."

the cold air and the combination of the hot air coming out of his mouth made it seem as if he was smoking.

"you're such a little kid ."

I smiled
"oh here"

he reached into his bag and took out a box

"look it's a little something I figured were ending high school might as well get ya something for all those years of friendship he smiled"

I took the little box and opened it
inside laid a crescent moon necklace it was sliver with little gems and diamonds decorating it.

" I figured since you have this obsession with the moon might as well get you your own"

there weren't any words that could express my gratitude for the thoughtful gift so I hugged him instead he held me as well .

after our little sentimental moment we drove to school together  .

getting off at the school parking lot was funny everywhere you turned everyone had a different expression the seniors smiling and cheering some crying,  some people  were hugging and  taking photos together as well .

"Ayy it's Chase ! "

the football boys all shouted whilst Chase  and I were walking toward the school entrance

"if it's not the cutest couple on earth" a bunch of people I've never even seen in our grade squealed while cheering us on.

Chase and I never really mentioned the whole situation happening between us.

And Just when I thought we weren't going to be weird this has to happen I was about to deny it when.

"thanks guys" Chase spoke up pulling me towards the entrance.

"chase .. you can..t".

" oh snap look I have to go to the locker room and go clear out my locker , Ok see ya later yeah? ".

I wasn't able to finish my sentence without Chase  running away .

when it came to Chase and I .

I never really knew how to approach the issue we had been friends for so long that somewhere in the line my absolute best friend had picked up feelings for me but I didn't feel the same way ..

our relationship seemed to be a mess that I didn't even know how to solve I had been by my locker clearing it up trying to get out of here as soon as possible when another turn of events happened

( I swear earth is just out to get me ,the hell when am I gonna catch a break)

"hmm" I heard someone

out of curiosity I peered out of my locker to see who it was.

"so., whats your deal honey are you with Chase or Reed cause we, ve been seeing some things."

she ended her statement there had been three girls to be exact the stood before me .

Ways, Abby and Emma they were in the theater committee and were know for throwing the biggest "ragers of the century or whatever I don't even know and have no reason to care".

"I don't know what you're talking about I continued putting books in my bag"

"come on Leo darling ,cupcake , sweet angel"
Ways  whispered in my ear while messaging my shoulders

"I mean it's the end of senior year none of us will ever see each other and I mean you have never really talked to anyone accept Chase  and maybe a few others but you always leave classes or just don't show up like a ghost so don't you just want to tell us."

Abby seemed to have been holding all of that in with how hurried her sentence was .

Emma smiled while trying to do what seemed like give me puppy eyes.

I closed my locker clearing my throat.

"look you all look  like really nice girls but
I don't think you should be prying into my personal life, also I don't think I owe any of you an explanation".

" I wish you all the best though " I smiled leaving.

I had gone to my individual teachers who truly had an impact on my life .

none of that " I love all my teachers" fake  nonsense  .

I first went to my all-time favorite Ms Natilia "knock-knock" I sang letting her know it's me

( and yes technically she's not a teacher but she is one of my favorites so...)

"ah if it isn't my sweet and sour little gumdrop"

"yep, it's me" .

Ms Natalia was truly more than that of a counselor she was like a friend someone who truly made highschool not so hellish and truly just wanted me to thrive unlike the others we had our little sentimental moment that both lift us in tears I mean she's had me since I was a freshman so it made since .

" not only do I want you to thrive just know that I'll be cheering you on all the way understood you've had a few tuff years here but I know your strong and can conquer anything ok"

she ended by giving me a tight hug .

" oh he-..re" I tried to calm the hiccups I had from the crying I had bought these gold earrings that were hearts with little crosses dangling on the bottom.

I had said my last goodbyes to Miss  Natalia and now made it upstairs to MR Satō he was also a teacher I truly looked up too and someone who knew how to brighten up my days I knocked on the door it seemed like the bio students in the same class as I  were all there  .

probably  already there to throw him the party that he well deserved.

I went through all the people and gave him his gift .

he had a long speech about how I am strong and bound to change the world I decided to stay a bit for the party after about thirty minutes I decide I had enough and my social battery was definitely on low.

I was about to leave when I heard people whistle and cheer in the hallway

" dang she's hot" I heard them shout out

"Leo ?" someone's looking for you I walked out to the front of the school doors and  there stood the girl from the woods she looked towards me smiled and approached me she had a bouquet of pastel pink and lilac flowers.

she took off her glasses she was wearing to reveal her eyes and gave the flowers to me.

"congratulations dearest Leo"

When Reed said they would be everywhere I didn't think they would show up just anywhere ... what have I truly done?.

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