𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔 𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒔 (𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆)

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I had gone home and went straight to my room with great speed, I had this great urge to figure out if what Blair had told me was true or just some trap, he would set up for me to be her next marking on her arm.

I had taken the old tin box that I had hidden behind my desk, there had been a hole in the wall behind my desk where I had hidden the box, I would simply push the desk to hide it after opening it I had gone through everything and to my surprise, everything was related to reed.

I was more than shocked I was weirded out where have I been for the last few years of my life how had I no regulation of reed when the evidence that has his been in my life was right in front of my face

"Reed needs to see this ... he needs to" I had gotten up from the floor and picked up all the scattered letters, poems and trinkets his necklace the old dried-up grass ring all of it.

"lioney, honey it's going to rain soon I don't want you out too late we are also having a special dinner this evening"

I had been huffing and puffing too tired to give a response I nodded my head

"Wait a minute why are you so tired and what are you doing rushing"

"Nothing mom it's ok I am just going to meet up with El ok" I had hugged my mom so tightly I hated lying to her, but I had to make sure she doesn't worry

I had then rushed towards Reed's house.

I anxiously knocked on the door waiting for him to open


I had stopped him in his sentence kissing him feverishly it's as if I haven't seen him in years and this was my way of showing how I've missed him

"Well, that was the best way to be greeted"

He let me in and lead me to the couch . " I have something I need to show you ."

I looked at him trying to give an expression that it was quite serious

He looked at me as well, we looked at each other it was as almost I was seeing Reed again but from a different lens, it felt like I saw him it felt as if after a very long time I had finally found a piece of me that I had lost .
I had fallen in love with Reed over and over just in that moment of time ,

felt like it had frozen nothing existed except for Reed and I and in a way it felt like all the words I couldn't ever communicate to him were said in this one moment.

"Leo... are you ok?".
Reed asked he must have felt everything

"I am ok" I tried hiding the hot tears threatening to spill out

"Anyway look" I quickly diverted the conversation I showed him everything Reed had been stunned which was something to him he had been shaking his head I could tell his mind was in pure chaos

"How is this even possible ?"

he looked through each poem, letter, drawing before reaching the dried-up grass ring he held it up just to get a better look

I finally told him all that Blair had told me . "

this can't be possible, how the hell can they be so quiet over this"

"Before you do anything Reed, I think you need time to cool down"

"it's not about that it's the fact that they would drug me up so I can forget you over some stupid decree they made which I have no business being a part of then being lied to all my life"

I didn't know what I do had never seen Reed in this state before, I guess he could sense my discomfort

Reed had gone toward me hugging me tightly " I am sorry"

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