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I am not one to wake up early in the morning but that's just what I did. For some reason having Reed wake up when I did freaked me out a bit like how do you navigate through that situation without making things awkward, which making things awkward was a skill for me.

So, I ultimately decided it would be best for me to wake up before him I had been outside staring at the stream. the cold air had been making my nose run just a bit but it was so beautiful outside I couldn't resist not being out even if it was freezing

"I was wondering where you went?"

Reed had come out a jacket in hand, he put it over my shoulders and gave me a back hug, he held me tightly  and rested his chin on the top of my head.

" I just wanted to watch the stream."

"mmh" he hummed.

"And well to be completely honest I didn't want to face you when waking up, cause I would make everything awkward"

Reed chuckled a bit.

Then kissed my forehead "it's ok I understand."

We went back into the cabin,we slowly started packing up again.

"Do you wanna have breakfast before we head home."

"I could eat."

"Good I know this place" he smiled.

After packing up Reed locked up the place and we started our journey

After  a few minutes, we had reached a busy little part of the area.

It looked similar to Selmer but busier.

We both entered a little diner.

"hi I am CJ I will be your waiter"

"Ah, Reed is that you omg man where have you been?"

Reed smiled "CJ this is Leo, Leo CJ.'

"it's nice to meet you, I am guessing the usual and what about the lady ."

"i'll have what he's having"

"cool cool"

That solidified the assumption that  Reed has been here before

I was about to ask Reed what this place is and why he was here before.

When my phone rang

"I have to take this"

I walked out of the diner to take the call.

"Sue are you ok?"

"of course I am ok, are you girl where are you?"

"oh long story, I am with Reed "

"I am sorry ... but you were with Reed yesterday wait don't tell me YOU SPENT THE NIGHT WITH REED DIDN'T YOU !!!!"

"Sue quit screaming and yes I did"

I admitted shyly

"but before you lose yourself we didn't do anything we just slept"


"ok I am going to hang up"

"no wait I was just teasing" she giggled wait so where are you?

"I  have no clue we are still in Selmer though"

"ok ok I have taken enough of your time go back to your mannn"

"sue !"

"what oh I forgot things are a bit crazy here so head home soon ok I love you"

"wait what do you mean sue hello "

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