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The wind had been very strong that day the trees had been dancing furiously trying to keep themselves upright from competing with the wind,

the sky had been miserable its tears had been shedding this day nonstop ,it was cold and the sky was grey there would be thunder here and there and lightning would illuminate the sky at the distance. people had been scattering around, running  like headless chickens.

"quickly everyone she is in labour" a woman had been shouting at the top her lungs trying to get assistance whilst the chaos was surrounding everyone, it was the perfect weather just a few minutes ago which had been a shocker to everyone .

why had there been such a terrible storm happening now .

the birds that had been chirping earlier ,were long gone the feast that was sat out for everyone at the camp to eat and celebrate had now been dampened and food thrown away by the wind.

The cheers had turned into instructions of safety the children that had been playing had now been rushed into the cabins and their little giggles were now being drowned out by the storm.

"ahhhhhhh" a woman's voice tore out from one of the cabins countless woman had been in this small cabin crowded up together trying to aid her pain it had been like this for three hours now she had been laying on countless silk towels and petals .

women around her had been giving out countless praises ,on how well she's doing they had been chanting affermations on how strong she was as well .

There had been huge beads of sweat that had been decorating the woman's forehead , her hair had been drenched and her face had been painted with so much pain as she let out little pants she scrunched up her nose and let out a huge grunt and shout .

" your almost there one more push" one of the women that had been holding her legs up had said with a huge smile plastered on her face the shouting had soon turned into screams of a little infant instantly the cries had filled the room .

the women  all jumped into action making sure the infant and mother were ok ,once the infant was cleaned and so was the mother they both laid in a bed surrounded by big luscious leaves and all kinds of wild flowers ,  on the mothers head she was adorned with a flower crown .

the baby had been laying in her arms peacefully she couldn't look away from the precious life that was now lying in her arms his hands had been in tight little fists , she had smiled widely and never took her eyes away from him she had taken in every single detail he had on him from his tiny toes to his little nose.

Once the baby had been able to crawl he had been sat in a room with all the people of his camp around him .

The mother had placed him in the centre where he was surrounded by various wooden objects an axe, a wooden bowl with sand at the bottom and water on top, a wooden falcon figure and a reed plant the mother then had to go to the other side of the child. the baby had crawled near the objects and picked up the reed plant at once there were cheers that roared in the room .

people had been cheering and went silent when the mother picked up her child with a huge smile she spoke "everyone please welcome baby Reed" she had shouted in praise the baby had been giggling and seemed to be in awe of everyone's cheering.

The night had carried on with celebration, it was much later the baby and the mother had once again been surrounded by women but this time the baby and mother were in a tub of honey and oat milk water with reeds and petals in it the women had been singing songs and wishing and blessing the mother and child.

years had gone by and the child had grown .

he had been put onto several tests already.

The child was now of the age of four and this was the day his mother had feared but it had to be done for all the children .

so he had to take part as well, all the children of the area had now been put by a line by all their mothers there was a girl who had very pale skin next to Reed she had icy blond hair that sat on her head and had a fierce expression painted onto her face Reed had looked at his mother.

she had a smile and reassured Reed that he would be ok and would do just fine .

they all had to go out of the camp, the place they only knew and had to swim across the big lake and make it back from the journey.

the children that would make it and come back safely were then selected to be the next generation of Azreed and with the blow of a horn they were off .

Reed and the little girl with pale skin who's name was Blair seemed to be leading the others in the front they had no idea where they were going.

tons and tons of children had scattered in the forest and the number of children that had reached the lake seemed to be less than when they started.

Reed had now jumped into the water it was cold and foreign he had never been in such deep waters before, in fact, none of the children had been in any deep waters he had been sinking but started to thrash in the water until he developed a motion that had propelled him forward he began kicking his legs and hitting the water and with  his hands.

soon he was swimming across the lake his little body had  become tired but he knew if he stopped he would sink again likein the beginning .

he tiredly swam until he reached the point from where he started he had now had to drag his little body ,it was also getting dark he had looked to the back of him there was the little girl from early but now she was soaked like he was and now dragging herself as well he had tried remembering the path from where he started but some the objects from the path he wasn't able  to see anymore as it had been darker now .

Soon his little legs where trapped in something he had cried out confused and scared there had been no one near him the little girl had disappeared a while back so he was alone he had tried freeing himself with all his strength but it was no use he had now been lying there hoping for someone to come and help him .

Then there were other children who had been screaming and running towards him he had looked up and behind them had been a woman she was defiantly not like the other women from the camp she had reached down to where he was, Reed seemed to be in shock put also had been pleading silently for help from this ,mysterious woman once she had helped him they looked at each other almost like they were communicating before he jumped up and ran away from her as he looked back there had been a fire that had started mysteriously .

he quickened his speed and soon could see the line where he had started and once he reached the line his mother had rushed and hugged him crying out
" Reed my precious boy your safe" she had tightly hugged him.

Reed had noticed there were far fewer children from when he started women were crying and some rejoicing for their children.

The next day the children who had made it from the test were crowned the next generation of Azreed they had a feast whilst the others had to go and mourn their children but one things for sure Reed couldn't stop thinking of the mysterious woman who had saved him

who was she?

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