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Ugg we gotta leave and once again we were on the move this time I was being dragged to the car again we sat there in silence for a bit

"Look .." he tried to speak up scratching the back of his head not looking at me in the eyes

"Listen if you like smoking weed its not my place to judge but I mean I think it's getting to you"

he looked really puzzled "I don't smoke are you serious ?" .

"let's say you are telling the truth.... wow then your imagination must be a fun place to be in"  I tried laughing it off

But he looked straight in my direction, he sighed
"all those stories about this town,....  look Just In your head believe me even for a sec ok " he pleaded

"Ok ... so you know those stories that old couple would tell ? .. I can explain the disappearance, the weirdness around this place".

"The Azreed are like humans ok were not some alien species we just have certain unique traits,we've been around this town for some time now."

"There are more of you ?"

"yes .. there are" I sat in the car for a moment for some reason I believed him

"why are you telling me all of this right now?".

I turned toward him

"Because you need to start being careful about who you trust."

"what makes you think I should trust you ?"

"Because I would never want you hurt."

He started the car once more and ended up dropping me off by my house.

"thanks" I tried to sound as if everything was normal as I was about to get out of the car he pulled at my arm

And smiled "I would never hurt you."

It had been exactly a week since I finally got a real conversation out of the new kid even if it was questionable.

My family decide to change the scenery and go somewhere else's for a few weeks mainly because my mom needed inspiration for her new art pieces she was working on.

We were finally back from our weeks in paradise as back home .

"can you please unload the stuff from the car my mom shouted from the inside of the house"


While I was taking the stuff from the trunk I immediately went stiff , someone had their arms around my waist with the umberalla in my hand I quickly turned around ready to beat the living hell out of whoever thought they could touch me like that.

"whoa I just came to welcome you home and I didn't plan on getting almost attacked what the heck ".

"well maybe try greeting me nicely next time instead".

Chase smiled engulfing me in a hug "I missed you so much" I broke up the hug smiling

"I gotta pack these things in the house ok I'll call you later to hangout"

I got in my room and not to my surprise everything was still there.

except my window latch had been broken again at this point I was starting to

" think what would be so valuable that whatever or whoever that keeps breaking in would want it ?".

As I was looking around to see what was stolen I saw a note placed in between my cupboard and mirror

"we really need to talk .. I don't like when your gone it makes me think I am the problem .. I promise I won't hurt you."

I quickly put the note in my pocket.

Well, at least I know who broke in last time this was getting all too creepy so I called off plans with Chase  I was too tired to do anything anyway and went to bed.

"I am not trying to hurt you I promise I love you.. I am so in love with you please trust me"

I woke up in a cold sweat, the dreams I ve been having they have been so audible as if it were happening right at the moment .

there were tears rolling down my cheeks for some reason I brushed them away put on my jacket and snuck out of the house.

I need a walk that would clear my head I got to my spot and sat there near the lake and stared at the water It was so dark and stagnant and quiet.
my eyes started to shut the cool air wrapped itself around me,I was lulled by the air I curled myself up into a ball and fell asleep

Before I fully fell asleep

Warm air fanned my face "honey you shouldn't be sleeping out like this why are you so carless"

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