47. All for Nothing

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          The last few days, Glenn and I had traveled a good amount. Found tons of stuff. Canned goods, seeds, a few mattresses. Hell, even found some more ammo. 

            Following the tailgate lights in front of me, the darkness surrounding this side of the world at the moment. 

          "Hey, June." I hear Glenn say over the walkie. I grab the walkie from the passenger seat.

          "What's up?" I ask. Glenn was in front of me with the SUV while I had the truck with the trailer.

           "Let's find somewhere to hold up the rest of the night. Start back up in the morning." Glenn says. 

           Not too long after that, we ended up finding an abandoned store. It wasn't big, but it was enough to lay our heads down.

          We park the car and the truck as close to the building as we possibly could. Not wanting strangers to come across them and try and take them. 

           I stepped out of the truck and locked the doors. I went to the back of the trailer and made sure the padlock was still on the trailer. I turn and see Glenn coming towards me. "Let's just take a bag in. Not too much." Glenn says. I nod my head at him and we both make our way to the door. I get my gun out and Glenn does the same. 

          Glenn looks back at me and I nod my head. We bust open the door and he takes the left while I take the right. The building was small. So it doesn't take very long to cover it all. Glenn and I meet back up in the center of the building.

          "Clear on my side. Wanna get the door with me?" I ask Glenn. Glenn chuckles at me as we both head back up front and lock the door and make sure it is secure. 

           Glenn and I settle down in our spot for the night. 

           Sitting down on the cold floor with a can of peaches. All I can think about is Daryl. I ruined such a beautiful thing with him. Something I'm sure I'll never get back.

            I hear a whistle and look over at Glenn. "You gonna eat those peaches?" Glenn asks me. Knowing I'm focusing on my mind instead of my food. I smile at him and hand him the can of peaches.

           "You gotta stop." I hear Glenn say as he stuffs his face with a peaches. I look at him and chuckle. "What do I gotta stop?" I ask him. "Daryl. Listen... Daryl's an ass. The way he has been treating you. It isn't right and trust me... a lot of people at the prison agree. Don't apologize to him. Don't suck up to him. He needs to apologize to you. You hear me?" Glenn says to me.

           I smile at him, but don't agree with him. "I got his brother killed. I did that. The Governor pulled the trigger, but I'm responsible. That's just the truth. No amount of times I apologize is going to change that." I say with such regret in my voice.

            I hear Glenn put the can down and grab his backpack. I watch as he pulls out a Polaroid.

           He turns it around and I see a photo of Maggie laying there. Peaceful and beautiful.

            "That's a beautiful photo." I say. Glenn turns the photo back around and smiles and nods his head in agreement. 

          "I love Maggie with everything." Glenn says. He looks over at me and drops his smile. "You are my family. Daryl is my family and I want you both to work this out... but if not then you still deserve to be happy. Maybe we'll find someone out here. Be the love of your life." Glenn says. I bust out laughing.

           "What are the odds of that happening?" I say.

           Glenn chuckles and puts the photo back in the bag.

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