48. Oh, God.

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      I would read the last two chapters again if you haven't in a while. That way you can understand this chapter fully without questions.   

           One of the prison residents that I hadn't really care to know about opened the fences up for me and Glenn to zoom into the prison yard. 

          "I can't believe you live in a goddamn prison. So genius." Logan says next to me in amazement. I chuckle at him as I pull into the courtyard and park the car. I don't have any time to open my door before the door is flung open and Carl squeals with happiness.

           He wraps around me and I hug him back. "Aunt, June! You're okay!" Carl says with relief in his voice. I grab the back of his head and push his head towards my lips as I plant a kiss on his forehead.

          "Let me out, Goober." I say against his head. Carl pulls away from me and looks me up and down to make sure I'm not hurt. He stops in his tracks when he looks down towards my stomach. I look down and notice what it is that he notices. 

          I shake my head at him. "It's not mine. It's his." I say as I point behind me. "I need Hershel to look at him. Stitch him up." I say. Carl looks behind me and I can tell his guard is now up with an unknown presence around. 

          "June! You okay?" I hear Rick holler as he walks out of the prison with concern. I close the car door and walk towards him. Happy to see my brother for the first time in almost a week. 

        "I'm okay. I just need Hershel to look over Logan." I say. Rick looks at the car and I see the same look as Carl had. "I vouch for him. He could have hurt me. He didn't. He lost his brother when he found us. He's alone." I say to Rick with confidence. Rick looks at me and I see him searching my eyes. Not sure what he is looking. for entirely, but he was looking. 

           He slowly starts to nod his head. "Let's get him inside." Rick says. I nod my head and go to the car and grab Logan. That's when I notice Daryl coming up to the prison gate. With Gabby. I sighed deeply before grabbing Logan on his good arm. 

             Logan with his arm still holding onto his shoulder with the wound, looks around. "I never thought that a prison would be the a sanctuary." Logan says. He stops in his tracks and looks over at me. "Your family... they aren't going to harm me are they?" Logan asks me.

           I look at him and shake my head. "You're good. As long as you don't hurt anyone. Rick is possibly going to throw you in a cell for a day or two though. He's gonna wanna make sure you aren't a threat." I say being honest with him. Logan nods is head in understanding. 

            I get him into the prison and people start to look and have confused looks. Rick looks back at me and I know what he is wanting to do. I nod my head and move away from Logan. I watch as Rick gets close to Logan and walks him to Hershel. Nothing there is now nothing I can do, I walk back outside to grab my gear.

          As I walk outside I see Glenn and Maggie together. Both of them holding on to each other. Maggie checking over Glenn, while Glenn is smiling at her. When Maggie notices Glenn is okay, she leans up and places a kiss on his lips. I smile at them. Feeling sort of like a pervert just watching them. 

           But my smile fades when I see Daryl walk into the courtyard with Gabby. I wanted to run to him and hug him and tell him how much I miss him, but I know that I can't. Not anymore. 

           I decide to just walk to the car and grab my gear. Gabby walks past me, but Daryl doesn't. He stops right next to me, holding the door open even though the door doesn't need him to hold it open.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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