2. Group

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          I look at Rick so confused. No way a voice just came through. I watch as Rick starts crawling towards the walkie and starts to talk to the voice that came through. I started hearing the dead beat on the outside of the tank, and I stopped hearing both Rick and the strangers voice.
"June. We need to go. You good?" I looked at Rick not sure if I should lie or tell the truth. I decide to lie so I nodded my head towards him. Rick starts to go over the plan with me and he looks me in the eyes and reaches over and hugs me.
"Just so you know, if I die out here because of this plan, I'll haunt your ass." I tell Rick. Trying to lighten the mood. A small smile forms on his face. We both take a deep breath and we open the top. I watch from below as Rick hits one of the walkers. I take another deep breath and follow him out. We both start running and shooting walkers that came wandering onto our path.

          As we rounded a corner, we came face to face with a young Korean man.
"Whoa! Not dead! Not dead!" He screams. We start to follow him into an alley and up a ladder. Once we get half way, we had to stop for a minute and catch our breath. I look over at the young man. Holding my hand out.
"June. My name is June Grimes." I tell him. He looks down at my hand and grabs it.
"I'm Glenn." He says, still trying to catch his breath. I watch as Rick starts to hand his out to Glenn.
"I'm Rick Grimes." Rick tells the man. They both shake hands.
"You two are a bunch of dumb asses. You know that?" Glenn tells Rick and I. I let out a little chuckle. I look up the ladder and back down to the walkers. I bring my eyes up and they catch Glenn staring at me.
"The good news, it will be the fall that kills us." He says to Rick and I. I raise an eyebrow up at him.
"I'm a glass half full type of guy." I chuckle at him and we start heading further up the ladder.

          Once we've reached the top, I let out a breath I had been holding. I watch as Glenn starts to open up another door that leads into a building. I walk towards Glenn and ask the question I've been dying to ask.
"Why the hell did you stick your neck out like that for us?" I ask Glenn, curious. He looks back up at me with a smile.
"Because if I'm ever that far up shit creek, hopefully someone will help me out." He tells me. I nod my head. We start to head down into the building and through another alley. I let out a sigh when I notice a few walkers. Just as I was about to say something, two people in some protective gear came out and started bashing the walkers heads in. Glenn, Rick and I start to head into the building and just as we enter, a blonde woman grabs Rick and holds him at gun point. I grab my gun point it at her head.
"Get your goddamn hands off of him now!" I yell at the woman. Not caring if every walker in the city heard me.
"Andrea let the man go." I hear someone say behind me.
"We're all dead. We're all dead because of you two." She says through her tears. I make sure my gun touches her head.
"You're all gonna be dead if you don't let my brother go. That's a promise." I say, gritting my teeth.

          I watch as she drops the gun and I slowly put my gun down and away.
"We're sorry. We really are." I hear Rick speak. I roll my eyes. He's always apologizing. I scoff and just as Rick looks at me, we hear a gun shot go off. I look at everyone and hear someone say the name Merle. Everyone starts running up stairs and Rick and I look at each other and I shrug my shoulders. We start to run up with everyone. We finally reach the door and open it to see a man standing near the edge, firing off shots. I sigh as I watch this group try to control this man who obviously has a bad attitude.

          Rick and I stand back as we both watch this group fail miserably to control this man. I started to notice this was getting nowhere and was getting too heated so I looked to Rick and we both knew this needed to end. We had other things to worry about at the moment. Rick starts to walk up to this group just as the agitated man punches a man trying to calm him down. I watch as Rick handcuffs this man to a pipe and get in his face. I blocked out all the voices, trying my best to think of a way to get out of here. I walk over to the edge of the building and look at all the walkers below us. I didn't even notice Rick and another member from the group walk up to me.
"Where did you two come from?" I hear the man ask. I don't bother to answer as I have zero desire to interact with this group. I look back below to the dead ones and just hear Rick talking to this man, Morales, and talk about how we got here.
"This is my sister, June." He tells Morales. I look over at the two and then back to the dead ones.

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