16. Distraction Letter

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          Everyone but Daryl was in Hershel's dining room waiting on news about the man they brought in. It was weird having others around. I haven't even met the man, but didn't matter. It still felt weird having others around. I was sitting between Rick and Glenn while Rick talked.

          "We couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long." Rick stated to everyone. "It's gotten bad in town." Glenn said. I rolled my eyes. Walkers ruin everything. "What do we do with him?" Andrea asked. Rick was about to answer, before Hershel came into the dining room wiping blood off his hands. "I repaired his calf muscle as best I can, but he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week." Hershel said

          Rick turned from the table towards Hershel. "when he is, we give him a canteen take him out to the main road, send him on his way." Rick stated. I squinted my eyes about to speak, but Andrea spoke for me. "It's that the same as leaving him for the walkers?" Andrea asked the same question I was about to ask. I saw the front door open and Daryl walked in.

          I gave him a small smile that he returned. "He'll have a fighting chance." Rick said that took my eyes away from Daryl. "Just gonna let him go?" Shane asked Rick. I rolled my eyes. Shane's voice just makes me want to kill him a thousand times over. "He knows where we are." Shane said. Rick was quick to speak back. "He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat." Rick said to Shane. I looked at Lori and she was looking at Rick the same way I was. I hated Shane... but people are a threat these days. But I also understand that we can't just kill everyone. I think Lori and I are both conflicted about it.

          "Not a threat. How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking?" Shane said getting upset with Rick. "They left him for dead. No one is looking." Rick said to Shane. "We should still post a guard." I said to Rick. I don't agree fully with Shane or Rick, but I would feel better if someone was on guard. Even if it has to be me.

          "He's out cold right now, will be for hours." Hershel stated to everyone. "You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy." Shane scoffs. I roll my eyes. "Look at this, folks- we back in fantasy land." Shane retorted. I stood up from my chair and spoke my mind. "You know, we haven't even dealt with what you did at Hershel's barn yet. Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all - This is Hershel's farm. Now he wanted you gone, but Rick talked him out of it. Though I really wish I could punch Rick for even talking Hershel out of it. So do me and everyone else a favor Shane... Keep your disgusting mouth shut." I say to him. He looks at me and I can see the rage roaring in his eyes. She shakes his head and walks outside, slamming the door behind him.

          I watched as Rick walked up to Hershel. "We're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off." Rick said. I watched as Andrea rolled her eyes and walked out, following Shane. I looked at Daryl and he had a small smirk on his face. I knew why he was smirking. I got up from the table and started walking outside. I nodded my head towards the door telling Daryl to go before I did.

          Once we were both outside, I followed him to his camp. "You gonna go hunting today?" I ask him. He turned around and look at me and then back to his tent. "Yep. Gonna try and find something. Can't let people starve." Daryl said to me. I looked up at the sky and smiled. Daryl Dixon actually does care for these people. "Can I come with?" I ask him. He grabs his crossbow and turns around and looks at me. "Nah. Just me today. Need some piece and quiet. Gotta have it every once in a while." Daryl said to me. I looked at him and nodded. I understood. Daryl needed his space and quiet. I wasn't going to disrespect that.

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