9. The RV Talk

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          I had woken up to the sun trying to squeeze into my eyes. I put my hands in front of my eyes to stop the light from entering. I sat up and groaned. "Oh god... my back is so sore." I said touching my back. I looked around me and noticed Dale and T-Dog next to the RV. Wondering where everyone else was. I got out of the car and started to walk towards Dale and T. "Hey guys... where is everyone?" I asked them both. They both looked at me and then back to each other.

          I didn't need them to tell me. "They fucking left without me? Didn't they?" I said loudly. I didn't need them to answer me. I walked away and went into the RV and sat down in the passenger seat. I started thinking back to the CDC. I was ready to leave. I was ready to start over. Maybe I could still do that. Hell, none of them are here to stop me and Dale and T-Dog definitely can't stop me. I looked at the passenger side mirror and saw both Dale and T just sitting there talking.

          Then I realize I can't leave without knowing about Sophia. I have to know if she's alive or dead. "Okay... I've made my decision. After Sophia is found, I'll take off." I said to myself quietly. Making sure T and Dale couldn't hear me. I take a deep breath and walk back outside. "Listen, how long have they been out?" I asked them. They both looked at me. "They've been gone since morning. So around five, six hours." Dale said. I nodded my head. I sat down beside them both and just looked into the woods.

         "I gotta go lay down for a bit." I heard T say. Dale and I watched as T went inside the RV. "How's the arm?" I asked Dale. He just shook his head. "It's bad. He's got a serious blood infection there." Dale said. We didn't have any antibiotics, so we couldn't help T and it made me feel helpless. "How are you sweetheart?" I heard Dale say to me. I turned and looked at him. I shook my head, confused. "Sweetheart, you wanted to blow yourself up. Sane people don't do that." Dale said. I closed my eyes. "I was going to leave, but then Jenner said that the building was going to blow up and I was just okay with dying. I got no one left in this world." I said to Dale.

          "That... That is the furthest from the truth. You have me, T, Rick, Carl, Lori, you have the whole group. Don't forget that." Dale said. I scoffed. "I don't have anyone, Dale. I want to be with people who know me or my past. I want a fresh start." I said to Dale. I felt Dale put his hand on my hand, that was on my thigh. "Sweetheart we all have a past." Dale said to me. I scoffed at him. "Does your past have you killing a man who raped you? Does your past have your brother and his wife basically ban you from seeing their son? Does you past have everyone you ever loved blame you and make you out to be the bad guy?" I asked Dale.

          Dale just looked at me. Not able to form words. I nodded at him. "That's what I thought." I said to Dale. I went to get up, but Dale stopped me. He pulled me back down on the stool. "I don't have that past. You're right, but sweetheart... This is your family and even if Rick and Lori and Carl don't consider you family, just know that I'm here." Daryl said to me. I just looked at him and felt tears start threaten to spill. I smiled at him and hugged him. "Thank you, Dale. I'm serious." I said to Dale. He patted my thigh. "I'm not the only one you know. Daryl also cares for you." Dale said to me. My smile quickly fell from my face. "No... He doesn't." I said to Dale.

          I turned away from Dale and looked back out into the woods. "Yes he does, sweetheart. He took up for you this morning. Lori said about you draggin' the group down and Daryl stepped up immediately. Wouldn't let anyone talk any crap about you." Dale said to me. I looked down at the ground. "So... Daryl will stop people from talking shit about me, but then he can say horrible shit to me? What a fucking asshole." I said.
"Sweetheart... I know Daryl is rough around the edges, but he means well." Dale said to me. I turned back around and looked at him. "I killed Daryl's father. His father is the one who raped me. I told Daryl my story and I thought... I thought he understood, but then he fucked me. Literally, we fucked back at the CDC and Lori walked in. Embarrassed us both, once she left he asked me if his dad actually raped me or if I was just being a whore." I said to Dale.

          "Maybe it was my fault. His dad raping me." I said quietly. I felt Dale grab my arm. "I don't ever want to hear you say anything like that again. You understand? No person deserves that. No one." Dale said. I looked at him and nodded. "Daryl was more than likely embarrassed and scared and vulnerable. I saw him last night. I actually saw him minutes prier to getting in that car with you. He was nervous. Now I know why. Trust me, he know what he said was wrong. He just isn't good with being normal." Dale said to me. I looked back into the woods.

          "You think you can forgive him?" I heard Dale ask. I turned back towards and that's when we heard someone scream. Dale and I both stood up and frantically looked into the woods.
Dale and I had been standing next to the RV when we saw Glenn, Daryl, Carol and Andrea exit the woods. "Oh thank God." Dale said. "We heard screaming. Was that you?" Dale asked Andrea. She just looked at him with an angry look. "She had a close call with a walker." Glenn told Dale. "Where's everyone else?" I asked all of them. Glenn looked at me. "Carl was shot." Glenn said.

          I felt the air leave my body. "What do you mean shot?" I asked Glenn, my voice breaking up. "I don't know much, June. Rick, Shane and Carl went separately and then we heard a shot. We couldn't do much about it, so me, Daryl, Carol, Andrea and Lori all were coming back here when this girl on a horse come out and told us about Carl. Lori took off with her." Glenn said to me. I just stared at him. Glenn told Dale about the woman mentioning a they had a farm house. 

          "Glenn you need to get T-Dog there." Dale said to Glenn. Glenn threw his hands in the air. "Why is it always me?" Glenn asked Dale. "T-Dog has a serious blood infection. T-Dog may die, no joke." Dale said. I watched as Daryl went over to this bike. I looked down and noticed a rag on his bike. He picked it up and threw it at Dale. "Keep your oily rags off my brothers bike." Daryl said to Dale. He pulled out a bag from the back of his bike and I could see it was tons of peoples. He started listing off some he had and then he threw the antibiotics at Dale. "That's first class. Merle got the clap on occasion." Daryl said. My face made a disgusting look.

           The group had decided to stay one more night, in hopes of Sophia showing up. Glenn and T had taken off the the farm. I was going to go, but then I remembered what Lori had said about me staying away from her family.
I was sitting down outside the RV, while everyone was inside and Dale was on top. I could hear Carol crying from inside and I could hear Andrea loading the guns. I heard Daryl asks Andrea for his clip. A few seconds later, I saw Daryl open the door to exit the RV. He stepped out and Andrea followed.

          "We're going to walk the road. Look for the girl." Daryl said to Dale. "You think that's a good idea?" Dale asked. Andrea quickly shut him down. I watched as Andrea started to walk away. Daryl looked down at me. "Ya wanna come? Stretch yer legs?" Daryl asked me. I looked at him and thought for a minute. I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Yeah... Sure... Need to stretch a bit." I said to Daryl. I got up and started to walk. Making sure my knife was at my side.


          Here is chapter 9! YAY! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'll be back Saturday. Please don't forget to leave feedback. xx

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