7. Done

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           "We gotta talk." Not the words I would have expected to hear from Daryl. As I started walking closer to the bed, I could smell the alcohol on him. I sat on the bed, facing the couch. Daryl sat on the edge of the couch. I grabbed the whiskey from his hands and took a sip of it. I put it on the table next to the bed.

          "What Daryl?" I asked him in a low voice. He was fidgeting with his fingers. I could tell he was nervous. Hell, even I was nervous. "What happened with you and my pop? I heard the stories and everything, but I want to hear it from you." Daryl said to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. That's when I told Daryl everything.

          After I was finished, Daryl just stared down at the floor. Occasionally, grabbing the whiskey from the table and taking a drink from it. My heart broke for Daryl. His father may have been a monster, but it was still his father. "Daryl... I'm sorry." I said to him. Trying not to let the tears fall. He looked up at me with wide eyes. "He may have hurt me... may have ruined my life... but he was still your father." I said to Daryl.

          It was silence in the room for a good minute after I said that. I looked down at my hands and then that is when Daryl spoke. "Don't be sorry. He deserved what he got." I heard Daryl say. I looked up at him and I could see in his face that he meant it. That he was being honest with me. Daryl was a hard person to read, so to be able to read him in this moment, felt sort of nice.

          I put my face into my hands and started to cry. As I was letting the tears fall, I could hear Daryl nervously moving around on the couch. Then I felt a pair of hands grab the bottom of my elbows. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry." I could hear Daryl say. I looked up at him and could see he was even more nervous. "It wasn't you... well sort of, but not all of it, I guess." I said to Daryl. He looked confused at my answer. "After it happened, my parents shamed me. Told me I had no right to take a mans life. Made me feel like I was a horrible person... then Lori forced Rick and Carl to exile me from their life... it ruined my life, but you're the first person to tell me he got what he deserved." I said to Daryl with tears running down my face.

          I leaned over and brought Daryl in for a hug. He was hesitant at first. Then he slowly brought his arms around my torso. I cried into Daryl shoulder. We stayed in that position for a minute or two and it felt nice. Daryl and I pulled away at the same time. I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Thank you, Daryl." I leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he moved at the last second and our lips connected. He didn't mean for this to happen and neither did I, but it felt nice.

          Daryl was drunk and I knew I should stop this, but I felt him wrap his arms around my torso again and throw me onto the bed. I was a little surprised, so I yelped. Daryl grabbed my hips and turned me over so I was on my stomach. I felt him pull my shorts and panties off in one swift motion. I heard him unbuckle his belt and heard his zipper come down.

          "Daryl... we don't have protection." I said to Daryl. Not even a second later I felt him enter me. I gasped. He didn't really let me get used to him or go gentle on me, but this felt nothing like Shane or his father. Daryl was rough, yes, but I didn't feel threatened by him. I tried to keep quiet and I was failing. Daryl took his hand and put it over my mouth to silence me. As Daryl was roughly pounding into me, I could hear him grunting above me. I was too into the moment to hear the door to the bedroom open up.

          "OH MY GOD! Are you fucking kidding me?" I looked up, just as Daryl exited my body. It was Lori with a disgusted look on her face. I quickly stood up and pulled my panties and shorts back up. I looked behind me to see Daryl and he was fixing his pants. His face had an expression I had never seen before. "June... I really thought you had gotten over those whorish ways... Rick sent me down here to talk to you. About letting you into Carl's life... I guess I have my answer now. Don't you dare come near me, my son or Rick again and for you Daryl... you can do better. Even for a guy like you." Lori said.

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