43. Where Do We Go From Here?

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           I can't tell you how long I've been holding Andrea in my arms. I've tried opening up the door that was holding Andrea and I hostage, but it wouldn't budge. I could only think that it was locked from the outside and would need a key or something heavy to break it open.

           I could feel the heat coming from Andrea. Every second it felt like her body temperature would rise.

           Andrea's blood was all over my almost naked body as she lay against me.

          "Andrea?" I say in almost a whisper like tone.

           I feel her head move and I hear her chuckle. "Not dead, yet." Andrea says to me. I let out a chuckle and look down at her and my heart breaks knowing that she was going to be gone soon.

           I put my head against the back of her head and close my eyes. Totally forgetting that she could die and turn at any point.

          When I open my eyes, I was no longer in that rusty room. Andrea was no longer in my arms.

         I was now laying on a couch in a cute little house. "Andrea?" I holler out. When I don't see or hear her I stand up from the couch and sit up. That's when I notice I was now in clothes. I was in a cute, yellow sundress.

          I walk around the room which I'm assuming is the living room and I notice a crossbow hanging on the wall above a table with a picture of Daryl and I. I pick the picture frame up and stare at this beautiful photo of us. We both are smiling and happy.

          "Momma! Come outside and see this!" I hear a little boy holler from somewhere in the house. I put the picture down and look around the house, but I stop dead in my tracks when I see a little boy sitting out in the yard. I panic, not noticing anyone else with him.

         I forcefully open the front door and I feel my heart pounding in my chest. "What are you doing outside by yourself?" I holler at the little boy. I run out into the yard and pick him up and run back into the house with him.

           I put him down on his feet and slam the door shut and lock the doors. "What are you doing outside alone?" I ask him. He looks up at me with some beautiful blue eyes. Blue eyes that almost remind me of someone else's bright blue eyes.

          "I saw pretty rad deer outside and I just wanted to look at it with my eyes instead of through a window. Did you even see the deer when you came outside? " the little boy asks me. I shake my head at him and sit down on the chair at the table in the kitchen.

           I take a few deep breaths and that's when it hits me. He called me 'Momma'. I look up from the table at this little boy and I search his eyes and try to find out as much as I can from just his face. "You're my son?" I ask him. He smiles at me and nods his head.

          He grabs a chair and sits down on it. The little boy has to be around eight or nine.

          "What's your name?" I ask him. He smiles at me and chuckles. "That's up to you isn't it." the little boy says to me. I chuckle at him and shake my head. "You definitely have Daryl's smart-ass remarks." I say as I chuckle. The little boy looks up at me and I can see confusion on his face. "What?" I ask him. He grabs my hand and for some reason the atmosphere changes. "Daryl isn't my dad, mom. I mean, you always tell me you wish he was, but you don't even talk to him anymore. You two haven't seen each other since I was little little." the little boy says to me.

         I put my eyebrows together in confusion. I was about to say something else, but the little boy speaks before I do. "Go mom. You gotta wake up." the little boy says to me.

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