37. New Time

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          Today is the day that Rick is taking Carl out on a run for the first time. I'm super excited and also super scared. Seeing my nephew grow into a young man is beautiful, but this world takes a lot of the excitement away.

          "Promise me two things, okay?" I say to Carl. Carl throws in his last bag before looking over at me and nodding his head. The sheriff hat moving a little since his head is a little small for it. "Promise me that you'll be careful." Carl gives me a smile and nods his head. "You know I will. I'm still a better shot than you." I playfully push Carl's shoulder as I let out a scoff. "Yeah, right. but the second thing I need you to promise me is that you'll give Michonne a chance. She's new... but she isn't bad. Keep your mind open, alright?" I ask Carl.

           Carl hesitates before giving me a simple nod before walking away and getting into the car. I turn around and see Michonne and Rick walking towards me. I nod my head at Michonne as she passes me and gets into the driver seat. I turn my head and see Rick standing there and throwing a bag into the back.

          I move out of the way as Rick closes the hatch. I take a deep breath and squint my eyes at Rick due to the sun. "You be careful, yeah?" I say as I put my hand up to block the sun. Rick chuckles at me and he pulls me in for a hug. "I'll be careful and you take care of my little girl." Rick says to me. I pull away from the hug and smile at him. "You know I will." I say. Rick nods his head and grabs my shoulder for a few seconds before walking into the car and jumping into the passenger seat.

            I watch as Merle open the gate for Michonne to drive the car out and close it. I turn around and see Daryl standing there. "Judith okay?" I ask him. Daryl nods his head. "Yeah... Carol's putting her down for a nap." Daryl says to me. I nod my head at him and decide that small talk isn't really what I want at the moment. I walk back into the prison and here Judith being fussy.

           I walk into the cell block and peek into Carol's cell. "Need a hand?" I ask her. Carol looks at me and I can see relief wash over her. "Will you please take her just for a few minutes? I'm gonna go make her another bottle." Carol asks me. I nod my head at her as she gently puts Judith into my arms. With my back to the cell door, I hear Carol's footsteps leave the cell block. I look down at Judith and give her a smile as she continues to whines. "Your tummy not feeling good? Or are you just doing what Carl used to do when he was a baby? He would just fuss until he got the attention of everyone in the room. Well, kiddo... here I am and you got my full attention." I say to Judith in a gentle voice.

           I put her up against my chest and started humming a lullaby. I guess the vibration in my chest was enough for her, because when I looked back down she was sound asleep. I raised my eyebrows at her and smiled. Feeling a little proud of myself. I turn around and see Carol and Daryl behind me. I give them a huge smile. "I'm not sure why I'm so proud that I got a fuss baby to sleep, but I so am." I say in a quiet voice. Carol and Daryl both chuckle at me.

          I look down at her and smile. I can only hope I look this peaceful when I sleep. I look around and can't seem to find Judith's little box that she sleeps in. I look at Carol. "Where's her bed?" I ask her. Carol shrugs her shoulder. "I'm not sure. I got her out this morning and I went to go grab it a little while ago and it wasn't there. I looked everywhere for it." Carol says to me. I let out a sigh and walk up to Carol. "I'm gonna find it or find another one. Take her." I say to Carol in a quiet voice. Carol hands Daryl the bottle that she made and stretches her arms out. I very slowly and gently lay Judith in her arms.

            I start looking around the cells and don't see it anywhere. I get to Maggie and Glenn's cell. "Mags? Glenn? It's June, can I come in?" I ask. "Yeah." I hear Maggie say behind the cover. I pull the cover back and see Maggie sitting on the bed as Glenn is sharping his knife. "You two seen Judith's bed?" I ask them. They both look at me and shake their head. I let out a sigh. "Well... if you see it, let us know." I say as I walk out of their cell. I go back downstairs and see Daryl waiting for me at the bottom.

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