46. Good Teach

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          It's been almost a week since Glenn and June went on their run. Everyone here was starting to get worried. I was because The Governor was still out there and though Michonne and I have traveled in hopes of finding him, we've had zero luck. I don't know what I would do if The Governor got a hold of June again.

          "Hey, stranger. How you holding up?" I hear Carol ask me. I turn towards her and give her a little half smile. "Just thinkin' is all." I say. Carol sits down next to me outside on the lookout bridge.

           "I bet a million dollars I know who you're thinking about." Carol says. I look at her and sigh deeply. I hated that everyone knew everyone's business.

            Carol pulls out a cigarette and offers me one. I take it and bring the cancer stick to my lips and light it up.

           "You know, Daryl... she loves you and she's sorry for everything. I'm sure if she could go back she'd rather she be dead while Merle lived." Carol says to me. I look ahead of me and feel my body physically shake when Carol mentions June being dead. I miss my brother, and it hurts everyday that he isn't here, but I don't want June dead. Never have and never will.

            "I don't want her gone. I don't want her dead. I just... want her safe. I want her to stop being hero and just be here. Be safe and help take care of our people." I say to Carol. Glad I finally got it off my chest.

          Carol gently touches my arm. "You think she doesn't want the same thing, Daryl? June loves you. She loves you so much that even though she hates Gabby and wishes you were with her over Gabby, I can see that she's actually happy you have someone to talk to besides me and her." Carol says to me. I look away from her and look down at my hands.

          "Gabby is nothing to me. Just someone who wants to learn how to hunt and shit." I say. I knew what I just said to Carol was a lie. Gabby obviously has a thing for me. Which is weird. I mean I'm Daryl, not Rick or Tyreese.

           Carol stands up from her sitting position. She throws the cigarette on the ground and stomps it out. "I love June. With my whole heart... I never want anything bad to happen to her... but... Daryl... I also want you happy. And I'm not trying to be a bad person here, but maybe you need to try this thing out with Gabby. If you can't feel what you feel with June, then maybe June is the one." Carol says before walking away.

          I turned and watched carol walk away. I know she's my friend, but I can already promise that I feel nothing for Gabby. Yes, she's a beautiful woman, but she isn't June. No one will ever be June.

           I turn out towards the prison yard and just pray that Glenn and June pull up any second now. I need her home. I need her safe.

           Hours go by

           I still haven't moved. I haven't eaten. All I keep thinking about is June.

           "You know, you can keep thinking about my sister, but she'd be pissed if she knew we didn't feed your ass." Rick says to me. I turn and see him with a plate in his hand.

          I stand up and hear my joints pop from lack of movement today.

           "Thanks, man." I say as I grab a handful of venison and shove it into my mouth.

            It didn't take very long before the plate was empty. "Gotta go out tomorrow. Gotta get some more food. So many people now." I say quietly to Rick. Rick and I look at each other and he nods his head. "Want me to come with? Keep you company?" Rick asks me. I raise my eyebrows at him and scoff with a chuckle.

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