6. The Story

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         I need to put this here and say this story will have a trigger warning! It is sexual assault, so if you get triggered by this stuff, please do NOT read this chapter.

After all the men had went and got all of our stuff, we had to go into a room and let Jenner take some blood from all of us. After that we all ended up in a little kitchen, eating dinner together. Except for Daryl. He was eating, but he was mostly drinking. I was sitting next to Glenn, looking at Daryl. What he said in the tent is still going through my head. Why the hell hasn't he tried to kill me yet? I looked down at my food and the memory of his father entered my mine. 


          "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" I said, hitting my steering wheel. My car had just broken down and my phone didn't have any reception. It was dark and raining outside. "This is just fucking great." I said to myself. I got out of my car and started walking down the street. I had walked about a mile before I saw a house. It wasn't up at the street, it was in the woods a bit. The only reason I saw it was because I saw lights on in the house. It was creepy and I felt uncomfortable being in front of it, but I needed to get home before mom and dad sent the whole state looking for me.

          I started walking towards the house and stopped midway. I had a feeling in my gut that something wasn't right. "Maybe I shouldn't knock on the door."  But, I needed to get home, so I started going towards the house. I got to the door and knocked on it. I heard someone moving around in the house and then I watched the door open. Once the door opened, I was almost drunk from the smell of alcohol in the house and on him. "Well hello there pretty lady. What can I do for you?" He said to me with a smirk. I started to fidget with my hands, becoming even more uncomfortable then I was in front of the house at the road. "Hi, my car broke down about a mile down the road and I don't have any reception and I just need to get home before my parents start to freak out. Do you think maybe you could help me?" I ask him.

         That smirk never left his face. "Well I can't say no to a pretty lady like yourself. Especially can't have one this pretty out here all alone. Come on in. I need to get my tools and get a jacket on. Name is Will by the way." Will said to me. I walked into his house and the smell of alcohol got even stronger in here. I stood near the door and watched him go into his room. "My name is June. June Grimes." I tell him. I hear him moving things around in a room in the back. I look around and notice there was a kids toy. "You have kids?" I ask Will. "Yep. Two dumb ass boys." Will says loudly. What kind of parent calls his kids "dumb asses"? I asked myself. He walked out of the room and looked at me. "They aren't kids. They are grown men who have the brain of a goddam dumb ass. The toy belongs to my brothers kid." He said to me.

           "You want kids?" He asks me. I look at him with wide eyes. "Um... one day... maybe. Gotta wait for the right person, you know?" I say to him. My gut is telling me to run the hell out of that house, but by this point, I was too afraid to even move. "My boys don't live with me, but they will be here in about an hour or so." He said to me. "Oh, well, then you don't have to help me. Spend time with your sons. I can find someone else." I said to him. He started laughing. "Don't be silly. I was never gonna help you. I just wanna make sure I have my fun with you before they get here. They are greedy little fucks and you are something I will not share with them." He says to me.

         I should have listened to my gut. I turned around and grabbed the door knob and opened it. I started running, but before I could even get off the porch, I felt hands wrap around my torso. I screamed as loud as I could and I felt him throw me back into the house. He ran inside, shut the door and locked it. I went to crawl away, but I felt him kick me in my ribs. I felt him grab my hair and he started dragging me into the room he was just in. I was screaming, but I knew it was useless. I didn't see a house for a mile when I was walking, which means there probably isn't another one for another mile.

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