10. Out Alone

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          I'm not sure how long Daryl, Andrea and I had been out here. Or even why Daryl wanted me to come. He wasn't even talking to me. Daryl and Andrea were in front of me and I could hear them chuckling. It was nice to hear Daryl chuckle, but I was pissed that he had brought me out here for no reason. I guess I had a little hope he brought me out here to talk, but I suppose I'm wrong on that.

          We all three had heard the tree branches above us move, so we all looked up and we a man who had hung himself. There was a note nailed into tree.
"Got bit. Fever hit. World gone to shit. Might as well quit." Daryl repeated what was on the note.
My heart hurt for this man. I think it was stupid to deny we have all had moments where we thought about ending it, but to see people actually go through with it... just pains me.

          "Dumbass didn't know enough to shoot himself in the head. Turned himself into a big swinging piece of bait. And a mess." Andrea and I both groaned at the same time. The thought of all of this really making our stomachs turn. I put my head on my mouth and tried not to throw up.
"Y'all all right?" I heard Daryl ask us. I just nodded my head. "Trying not to puke." Andrea said to Daryl. I watched as Daryl looked from me to Andrea.

          "Go ahead if you gotta." Daryl said to Andrea. Andrea just shook her head. "No, I'm fine. Let's just talk about something else for a minute. How'd you learn to shoot?" Andrea asked Daryl. Trying to change the subject. I was thankful because I so did not want to puke right now. "Gotta eat. That's one thing these walkers and us have in common. I guess it's the closest he's been to food since he turned. Hanging up there like a big pinata. The other geeks came and ate all the flesh off his legs." Daryl said pointing towards the walkers legs. That was it for me.

          I puked all over my hand. I guess it was the effect of seeing me puke, because Andrea puked right after I did. Daryl turned and looked at us both. I wiped my hands on my pants and looked up at Daryl. "The hell, Dixon? Thought you were changing the subject." I said. Daryl just smirked at me. I hadn't eaten much these last few days, so much didn't come up. After throwing up, my stomach was now hurting. "Hey, I'm gonna head back. I haven't eaten much and throwing up the last I had isn't easing my stomach at all." I said to Daryl and Andrea.

          I knew how to find my way back or at least hoped I did, so I turned to start walking. "Hey, hell no. Ya ain't goin' alone." Daryl said to me. I turned around and looked at him. "Let her go, Daryl. Let's actually look for the little girl." I heard Andrea say to Daryl. It was unexpected to hear Andrea say that. I didn't know we had problems. I want to find Sophia. More than anything, but I can't do it right now. I have to get some energy and hopefully some food in my stomach.

          I scoffed at them both and started walking back towards the RV. The RV wasn't in sight, but all I have to do is find the highway. I was no longer in sight of Andrea and Daryl and was alone. I heard some branches break off in the distance. The hair on my arms stood up and I looked around the woods, but I couldn't see anything. "Daryl is that you?" I asked. I didn't get an answer back. "Daryl come on. This isn't funny." I say quietly.

          I no longer heard any branches snapping or anything for that matter. Not even the sounds of the creatures. I rolled my eyes and started walking away. I didn't even get ten feet away before I felt someone hit me on the back of my head. I fell to the ground and groaned. I took my right hand and touched the back of my head. When I brought my hand back to my face, I saw blood on it. A lot of blood. I went to turn and see who had hit me, but I was met with another blow to the back of my head.

          I went limp on the ground. My head was hurting so bad that I felt that if I moved, it would be worse for me. I went to open my eyes, but my vision was blurry and I couldn't see well. I felt someone grab my ankles and pull me deeper into the woods. The sticks and dirk digging into my skin. "Can't wait to get her back to camp. It's been a while since we've had a nice piece of ass." I heard someone say. So there was at least two people with me at this moment.

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