3. Grimes and Dixon

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           My eyes were still closed, but I could see the sun shining through my eyelids. I could feel the Atlanta heat from outside. I could hear people walking and talking all around camp. I decide I need to get up and start helping with what I can. I open my eyes and stand up and stretch. Feeling every muscle in my body telling me stop. I grab my bag from the floor board and change my clothes. Once I finish changing, I leave the RV and start to head towards the camp. Once I get closer I see Rick and Lori talking and hanging up some clothes to dry. I start to feel really awkward standing here. I have no idea what to do. I start to look around and notice Shane pulling up with some fresh water.
"Fresh water is here. Just don't forget to boil before use." Shane yells out to the group. I watch as Andrea and T-Dog grab the water and walk off. Shane catches me looking at him. He smiles and walk over.
"So, feeling a bit out of place, huh?" Shane tells me with a smirk. I look at him and laugh.
"You have no idea." I tell him. Looking over at Carl. Shane notices who I am looking at. He grab my shoulder and shakes me a bit.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. Alright? You're here now. Try to make things right." Shane whispers to me. I look back at him and smile.

          Shane and I went back to his jeep to get the rest of the water, when we both heard children screaming. I look back at where Sophia and Carl just were, and they were no longer there. I started running toward the sound. Getting my knife ready. Rick, Lori, Andrea, Amy, Morales and few others start to run with us. We get half way there when Carl and Sophia run into Rick and Lori. I look past them and notice the walker. I grab Shane's arm and we both start to walk towards it. I keep making sure I don't step on anything that will make a sound.
"Oh man. That deer could have been a nice dinner." I say to the group. I hear a few chuckles behind me. The men start to circle the walker and that when it noticed us. I took a few steps back. Not really wanting to be in its path. Me and the other ladies stand back and watch as the men start to beat on this walker. I roll my eyes. Of course the men would rather beat the walker than just to kill it. Dale steps in and cuts the walkers head clean off his shoulders.

          "That's the first one we've had up here. They never came this far up here." Dale exclaims.
"Yeah, well, they are running out of the city. That's why." I hear Jim tell Dale. A few moments of silence surrounds up before we hear branches snapping. I look up and towards the woods looking to see if anymore walkers are about to surprise us, when a man with a crossbow steps out behind a huge rock. I let out a breath. Just as the man stepped out, I could feel tension around me. This must be Daryl I thought to myself.
"Sum bitch that's my deer!" Daryl shouted. I didn't want to be around when they told him about his brother. If he gets that upset about a walker eating his deer. Then I can just imagine what he'll be like when he hear about his brother. I start to walk away and head towards the RV. I pass Lori and Carl and smile towards Carl.
"Hi. I'm Carl." I hear Carl say to me. My heart fluttered at the fact he even talked to me, but it broke at the same time when I realized he didn't know my name. He didn't remember me. Maybe it isn't such a bad thing. After what happened, I wouldn't want to know me either. I turn around and face him and Lori. Lori gives me the stink eye. Giving me that warning look. I don't bother saying anything to him. I just start to walk away.

          Once I'm in the RV I sit down in the passenger seat. Trying to control my breathing. I start to think maybe I shouldn't have left Morgan. At least with Morgan, my heart wasn't breaking like it is at the moment. All of the sudden I hear shouting. I look out the window and see Daryl throw squirrels at my brother. I laugh for a split second then see Shane rush at him and knock him over. "What the knife." I hear T tell Rick and Shane. I run outside the RV to see Shane put Daryl in a choke hold. I run over to them and push Rick away and get eye level with Daryl.
"What the fuck are you doing, June? Get out of here! Now!" I hear Shane yell at me. I look into Daryl eyes and notice how blue they are. It sorta reminded me of the ocean waters you dream to see once day. I snap out of my daze.
"Daryl, I understand you are pissed. Okay? I get it. I'd be pissed too, but you need to calm down. Alright? Let us explain. Can you do that?" I ask Daryl. Either he is staring into my eyes because he is listening or because he wants to rip my head off. "Can you do that?" I ask him again, leaning closer. He finally nods. I step away and let Rick take his place back in front of Daryl.

          I stood there for a few minutes just watching Daryl. Not bothering to hear anything coming out of Rick's mouth. Until I hear Lori speak.
"He'll show you. Isn't that right?" Lori says. I look over at Rick and almost gasp. Atlanta is swarmed. If he is going, he isn't going alone. After about another minute, everyone goes their separate ways and I follow Rick.
"Hey! Were you even gonna bother telling me?" I ask Rick. He sighs and turns around. "Of course I was." He tells me. He starts to walk away and I almost let him before I decided to let him know I'll be joining him. "I'm coming with you." I yell at him. He slowly turns around and starts to walk back towards me. He grabs my arm and takes me around the jeep.
"No you aren't. You are going to stay here." Rick tells me. I feel my blood boil.
"I'm going with you and that is final." I tell Rick with my hands on my hips. He lets out another sigh. "I need you here to watch the group. Please?" Rick tells me. I look into his eyes and notice how serious he is being. Now it's my turn to let out a sigh. "Fine, but you better come back." I tell him walking away.

          I start to explore in the woods. Needing to get some fresh air, when I notice Daryl. He is skinning some squirrels. I know it probably isn't in my best interest to sneak around him. So I decide I need to make myself known. I clear my throat and Daryl looks up real quick.
"What do ya want?" He asks me. I fumble with my hands, not sure on what I should say.
"I'm sorry about your brother. He's an asshole, but he shouldn't have been left up there. I'm sorry." I tell Daryl. I hear him snort. I look back up at him and see a little smile. Just as I was about to speak to him again, I hear Rick holler for him.
"Good luck." I tell Daryl before walking off. I realize that I'm starting to get a little headache and I need to lie down somewhere. "Hey Shane." I holler. He turns around, with worry on his face.
"Do you mind if I lay in your cot for a few hours? I just need to lie down for a bit." I say to Shane. He chuckles. "I have no problem. It's over there." He says, pointing to his tent. I wave at him and mouth thank you and start to walk towards his tent. Little did I know that in a few hours, this camp would be covered in blood.

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a few weeks. I know Daryl isn't in the chapter a bunch, but I promise you. Daryl and June are going to start interacting a lot more, soon. Depending on what next week brings, I may upload chapter 4. Anyways, I love you all and please send me some feedback.

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